* governance-node is the-managing-system of a-socialitationOgm.
· a-system-of-organisms to exist must have a-governance-system from a-(very)-simple to a-(very)-complex one.
* McsEngl.McsStn000004.last.html//dirStn//dirMcs!⇒admnSctn,
* McsEngl.dirMcs/dirStn/McsStn000004.last.html!⇒admnSctn,
* McsEngl.governance-of-socialitationOgm!⇒admnSctn,
* McsEngl.governance-node--of-socialitationOgm!⇒admnSctn, {2020-10-22}
* McsEngl.governance-system--of-socialitationOgm!⇒admnSctn,
* McsEngl.admnOgnms!⇒admnSctn,
* McsEngl.admnSctn!=McsStn000004,
* McsEngl.admnSctn!=administration-system--of-socialitationOgm,
* McsEngl.gvcOgm!⇒admnSctn,
* McsEngl.gvcStn!⇒admnSctn,
* McsEngl.managing-system--of-socialitationOgm!⇒admnSctn,
* McsEngl.socialitationOgm'governance-system!⇒admnSctn,
* McsEngl.stnOgm'governance-system!⇒admnSctn,
* McsEngl.stnOgm'managing-system!⇒admnSctn,
* McsEngl.stnOgm'admnSctn!⇒admnSctn,
* McsEngl.stnOgm'sysGvc!⇒admnSctn,
* McsEngl.sysGvcStn!⇒admnSctn,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.διακυβέρνηση-οργανισμών-σύστημα!=admnSctn,
* McsElln.διοίκηση-οργανισμών-σύστημα!=admnSctn,
* McsElln.σύστημα-διακυβέρνησης-κοινώνωσης!=admnSctn,
· the-degree of access to information about the-socialitationOgm.
* McsEngl.admnSctn'att001-transparency,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'transparency,
* McsEngl.transparency-of-admnSctn,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.διαφάνεια-διοίκησης!=admnSctn'transparency,
"Accountability is when an individual or department experiences consequences for their performance or actions. Accountability is essential for an organization and for a society. Without it, it is difficult to get people to assume ownership of their own actions because they believe they will not face any consequences."
* McsEngl.admnSctn'att002-accountability,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'accountability,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.λογοδοσία-διοίκησης!=admnSctn'accountability,
· the-participation of members in governance.
* McsEngl.admnSctn'att005-inclusivity,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'inclusivity,
· the-degree to which it is successful in producing the desired result.
* McsEngl.admnSctn'att006-effectiveness,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'effectiveness,
· the-ability to react quickly and positively.
* McsEngl.admnSctn'att007-responsiveness,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'responsiveness,
"There are many - oftentimes competing - definitions of the term GovTech. Despite their differences, most definitions share the following three common elements:
• the public sector engages with start-ups and SMEs to procure innovative technology solutions,
• for the provision of tech-based products and services,
• in order to innovate and improve public services."
[{2022-03-09 retrieved}]
* McsEngl.GovTech!⇒techGvc,
* McsEngl.govOgm'att017-tech!⇒techGvc,
* McsEngl.govOgm'tech!⇒techGvc,
* McsEngl.techGvc,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'Infrsc,
"Sociocracy, also called dynamic governance, is a system of governance which seeks to create harmonious social environments and productive organizations. It is distinguished by the use of consent, rather than majority voting, in decision-making, and of discussion by people who know each other.
The Sociocratic Circle-Organization Method (SCM) was developed in the Netherlands by electrical engineer and entrepreneur Gerard Endenburg and is based on the work of peace activists and educators Betty Cadbury and Kees Boeke and is a recent instantiation of the approach."
* McsEngl.admnSctn'att003-sociocracy,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'sociocracy,
* McsEngl.sociocracy,
· governing is the-doing of the-admnSctn (the-managing-system of a-system-of-organisms).
* McsEngl.admgSctn!=administering-organisms,
* McsEngl.administeringOgnm!⇒admgSctn,
* McsEngl.governingOgnm!⇒admgSctn,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'doing!⇒admgSctn,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.διακυβέρνηση-οργανισμών-διαδικασία!η!=admgSctn,
"In psychology, decision-making (also spelled decision making and decisionmaking) is regarded as the cognitive process resulting in the selection of a belief or a course of action among several possible alternative options. Decision-making is the process of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values, preferences and beliefs of the decision-maker. Every decision-making process produces a final choice, which may or may not prompt action.
Research about decision-making is also published under the label problem solving, particularly in European psychological research.[1]"
* McsEngl.control-of-socialitationOgm!⇒decisioningOgnm,
* McsEngl.decision-making-of-admnSctn!⇒decisioningOgnm,
* McsEngl.decisioningOgnm,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'att009-decision-making!⇒decisioningOgnm,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'decision-making!⇒decisioningOgnm,
* McsEngl.stnOgm'decision-making!⇒decisioningOgnm,
* McsEngl.stnOgm'power!⇒decisioningOgnm,
* McsEngl.power-of-stn!⇒decisioningOgnm,
· controlling is the important decisioning that is the-cause of the-direction of the-socialitationOgm.
* McsEngl.controlling-socialitationOgm,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'att011-decisioningOgnm.controlling,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'controlling,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'decisioningOgnm.controlling,
* McsEngl.power-of-socialitationOgm!⇒admnSctn'controlling,
* McsEngl.stnOgm'power!⇒admnSctn'controlling,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.εξουσία-κοινώνωσης!=admnSctn'controlling,
"Consensus decision-making tries to avoid "winners" and "losers". Consensus requires that a majority approve a given course of action, but that the minority agree to go along with the course of action. In other words, if the minority opposes the course of action, consensus requires that the course of action be modified to remove objectionable features."
* McsEngl.consensus-decisioningSnt,
* McsEngl.decisioningOgnm.consensus,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'att010-decisioningOgnm.consensus,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'decisioningOgnm.consensus,
"Voting-based methods:
* Majority requires support from more than 50% of the members of the group. Thus, the bar for action is lower than with consensus.
* Plurality, where the largest block in a group decides, even if it falls short of a majority.
* Quadratic voting allows participants to cast their preference and intensity of preference for each decision (as opposed to a simple for or against decision). It addresses issues of voting paradox and majority-rule.
* Range voting lets each member score one or more of the available options. The option with the highest average is chosen. This method has experimentally been shown to produce the lowest Bayesian regret among common voting methods, even when voters are strategic.[citation needed][38]"
* McsEngl.admnSctn'att012-voting!⇒voting,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'voting!⇒voting,
· dictating the-decision to other members.
* McsEngl.admnSctn'att013-decisioning.dictatorial,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'decisioning.dictatorial,
* McsEngl.stnOgm'decisioning.dictatorial,
"Coordination, the ability for large groups of actors to work together for their common interest, is one of the most powerful forces in the universe."
* McsEngl.coordinating-of-stn,
* McsEngl.coordination-of-stn,
* McsEngl.stnOgm'coordination,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'att008-coordination,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'coordination,
· the-modification of a-process by its results.
* McsEngl.admnSctn'att014-feedback,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'feedback,
* McsEngl.stnOgm'admgSctn'feedback,
* decision-making,
** directing|controling,
* decision-implementing,
* financing,
** accounting,
** funding,
* coordinating,
* organizing,
* problem-solving,
* goal-setting,
* planing,
* influencing,
* balancing-interests,
* dispute-managing,
· centralized-governing is the-governing of a-centralized-governance-system.
* McsEngl.centralized-admgSctn,
* McsEngl.admgSctn.centralized,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'att015-admgSctn.centralized,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'admgSctn.centralized,
· decentralized-governing is the-governing of a-decentralized-governance-system.
* McsEngl.decentralized-admgSctn,
* McsEngl.admgSctn.centralizedNo,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'att016-admgSctn.centralizedNo,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'admgSctn.centralizedNo,
* Dservice.governing,
* McsEngl.evoluting-of-admnSctn,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'evoluting,
=== McsHitp-creation:
· creation of current concept.
* McsEngl.admnSctn'whole-part-tree,
* McsEngl.admnSctn//socialitationOgm,
* socialitationOgm,
* ... Sympan.
* McsEngl.admnSctn'generic-specific-tree,
* McsEngl.admnSctn'generic,
* managing-system-of-bio,
* ... entity.
* McsEngl.admnSctn.specific,
* centralized-admnSctn,
* centralizedNo-admnSctn,
* groupOgm-admnSctn,
* organizationOgm-admnSctn,
* societyOgm-admnSctn,
* ozn-admnSctn,
* oznHousehold-admnSctn,
* oznSatisfier-admnSctn,
* society-admnSctn,
· on inclusivity:
* centralized-admnSctn,
** controlling-by-many--admnSctn,
** controlling-by-few--admnSctn,
** controlling-by-one--admnSctn,
* centralizedNo-admnSctn,
· centralized-governance-system is a-govc-sys in which SOME members-of-the-socialitationOgm control it.
* McsEngl.admnCntr!=centralized-governance-system,
* McsEngl.centralized-governance-system!⇒admnCntr,
* McsEngl.hierarchical-governance-system!⇒admnCntr,
* McsEngl.admnSctn.001-centralized!⇒admnCntr,
* McsEngl.admnSctn.centralized!⇒admnCntr,
· polyocracy is the-governance-sys in which the-controlling is-done by many members.
* McsEngl.admnCntr.many!⇒admnPolyocracy,
* McsEngl.admnPolyocracy!=controlling-by-many,
* McsEngl.gvcPolyocracy!⇒admnPolyocracy,
* McsEngl.admnSctn.004-controlling-by-many!⇒admnPolyocracy,
* McsEngl.admnSctn.controlling-by-many!⇒admnPolyocracy,
* McsEngl.polyocracy!⇒admnPolyocracy,
· oligocracy is the-governance-sys in which the-controlling is-done by few members.
* McsEngl.admnCntr.few!⇒admnOligocracy,
* McsEngl.gvcOligocracy!⇒admnOligocracy,
* McsEngl.admnOligocracy!=admnSctn.controlling-by-few,
* McsEngl.admnSctn.005-controlling-by-few!⇒admnOligocracy,
* McsEngl.admnSctn.controlling-by-few!⇒admnOligocracy,
* McsEngl.oligocracy!⇒admnOligocracy,
· monoocracy is the-governance-sys in which the-controlling is-done by one member.
* McsEngl.gvcMonocracy!⇒admnMonocracy,
* McsEngl.admnMonocracy!=admnSctn.controlling-by-one,
* McsEngl.admnSctn.006-controlling-by-one!⇒admnMonocracy,
* McsEngl.admnSctn.controlling-by-one!⇒admnMonocracy,
* McsEngl.monocracy!⇒admnMonocracy,
· decentralized-governance-system is a-govc-sys in which ALL the-members-of-the-socialitationOgm control it.
* McsEngl.Dgvcsys!⇒admnCntrN,
* McsEngl.admnCntrN!=centralizedNo-governance-system,
* McsEngl.centralizedNo-governance-system!⇒admnCntrN,
* McsEngl.decentralized-governance-system!⇒admnCntrN,
* McsEngl.admnSctn.002-centralizedNo!⇒admnCntrN,
* McsEngl.admnSctn.centralizedNo!⇒admnCntrN,
· democracy is the-governance-sys in which the-controlling is-done by all members VOTING.
"Democracy can be viewed as an attempt to govern society according to a consensus of the majority.
* McsEngl.admnCntrN.democracy!⇒admnDemocracy,
* McsEngl.democracy!⇒admnDemocracy,
* McsEngl.gvcDemocracy!⇒admnDemocracy,
* McsEngl.admnDemocracy!,
* McsEngl.admnSctn.003-voting-by-all!⇒admnDemocracy,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.mínzhǔ-民主!=admnDemocracy,
* McsZhon.民主-mínzhǔ!=admnDemocracy,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.δημοκρατία!η!=admnDemocracy,
· hybrid-centralized-admnSctn is a-governance-node with both centralized and decentralized attributes.
* McsEngl.centralized-and-decentralized-admnSctn!⇒gvcCentralizedBoth,
* McsEngl.admnSctn.007-centralizedBoth!⇒gvcCentralizedBoth,
* McsEngl.admnSctn.centralizedBoth!⇒gvcCentralizedBoth,
* McsEngl.gvcCentralizedBoth,
* McsEngl.hybrid-centralized-admnSctn!⇒gvcCentralizedBoth,
· governance-node of a-human-socialitation[a].
· the-subsystem responsible for its[a] direction|evoluting.
* McsEngl.admin!⇒admn,
* McsEngl.admin-sys--of-sltnHmn!⇒admn,
* McsEngl.administration!⇒admn,
* McsEngl.admn!=admin-sys--of--human-socialitation,
* McsEngl.admnSctn.008-socialitationHmn!⇒admn,
* McsEngl.admnSctn.socialitationHmn!⇒admn,
* McsEngl.gvc!⇒admn,
* McsEngl.gvcHmn!⇒admn,
* McsEngl.gvcStnHmn!⇒admn,
* McsEngl.human-governance-system!⇒admn,
* McsEngl.governance!⇒admn,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.διοίκησης-σύστημα!το!=admn,
* McsElln.σύστημα-διοίκησης!το!=admn,
">overview of administration in general:
Administration, in its most general sense, refers to the **act of managing the affairs of an organization or group**. It involves a wide range of activities, from **planning and organizing** to **coordinating and controlling**. The goal of administration is to **achieve the objectives of the organization** in an efficient and effective manner.
Here are some of the key functions of administration:
* **Planning:** This involves setting goals and objectives, and developing strategies to achieve them.
* **Organizing:** This involves structuring the organization and allocating resources to achieve the goals.
* **Leading:** This involves motivating and inspiring employees to work towards the common goals.
* **Coordinating:** This involves ensuring that different parts of the organization work together effectively.
* **Controlling:** This involves monitoring progress and taking corrective action as needed.
Administration is essential for the success of any organization, regardless of its size or purpose. It provides the framework for achieving goals and ensures that resources are used effectively.
There are many different types of administration, each with its own specific focus. Some common types of administration include:
* **Public administration:** This is the administration of government agencies and institutions.
* **Business administration:** This is the administration of businesses and other for-profit organizations.
* **Non-profit administration:** This is the administration of non-profit organizations, such as charities and educational institutions.
* **Healthcare administration:** This is the administration of hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare organizations.
* **Educational administration:** This is the administration of schools, colleges, and universities.
The field of administration is constantly evolving, as new technologies and challenges emerge. However, the core principles of administration remain the same: to **plan, organize, lead, coordinate, and control** in order to achieve the goals of the organization."
[{2024-02-14 retrieved}]
"An administration, in a general sense, refers to the group of individuals who manage and oversee the operations of an organization, institution, or government. The nature and structure of an administration can vary widely depending on the context, but there are several key elements and principles that are commonly found across different types of administrations. Here's an overview of these elements:
### Leadership
- **Top Executive(s):** In governments, this would be the president, prime minister, or monarch. In organizations, this would be the CEO or managing director. These individuals set the overall direction and priorities.
- **Cabinet or Executive Team:** A group of senior officials or executives who head various departments or divisions, providing leadership, strategy, and decision-making on specific areas of responsibility.
### Functions
- **Policy Making:** Developing, implementing, and revising policies that guide the organization or government's actions and decisions.
- **Operations Management:** Overseeing the day-to-day operations to ensure that the entity functions smoothly and efficiently.
- **Financial Management:** Managing the budget, funding, and financial resources to ensure fiscal health and accountability.
- **Human Resources:** Managing employment-related matters, including hiring, training, evaluating, and addressing workforce needs.
- **Regulation and Compliance:** Ensuring that the organization or government complies with relevant laws, regulations, and standards.
### Objectives
- **Service Delivery:** Providing services to constituents or customers effectively and efficiently.
- **Goal Achievement:** Working towards achieving the strategic goals and objectives that have been set by the leadership.
- **Stakeholder Engagement:** Communicating and engaging with stakeholders, including the public, customers, or other relevant parties, to understand their needs and address their concerns.
### Challenges
- **Resource Constraints:** Managing limited resources, including financial, human, and physical resources, to meet organizational goals.
- **Change Management:** Navigating and leading through changes, whether due to internal strategic shifts or external factors like economic conditions, technological advancements, or political landscapes.
- **Accountability and Transparency:** Ensuring actions and decisions are made in an accountable and transparent manner to maintain trust and legitimacy.
### Evaluation
- **Performance Measurement:** Assessing the performance of the administration against set benchmarks and goals to ensure effectiveness and efficiency.
- **Public or Stakeholder Feedback:** Gathering feedback from those served or affected by the administration to inform improvements and adjustments.
### Types of Administrations
- **Governmental:** National, state, or local governments administering public policies, services, and regulations.
- **Corporate:** Companies and businesses managing commercial operations and strategies.
- **Non-Profit:** Organizations serving specific social, educational, charitable, or cultural missions.
- **Educational:** Schools, colleges, and universities managing educational services and academic research.
Each administration's specific structure, priorities, and challenges will vary based on its size, scope, and the context within which it operates. Understanding these elements can provide a solid foundation for analyzing or engaging with any particular administration."
[{2024-02-14 retrieved}]
· the-degree of access to information about the-admn by the-members of the-socialitationHmn.
* McsEngl.admn'01-transparency,
* McsEngl.admn'att001-transparency,
* McsEngl.admn'transparency,
* McsEngl.transparency-of-admn,
· the-consequences it faces for its doings.
* McsEngl.accountability-of-admn,
* McsEngl.admn'02-accountability,
* McsEngl.admn'att002-accountability,
* McsEngl.admn'accountability,
· the-participation of members in governance.
* McsEngl.admn'03-inclusivity,
* McsEngl.admn'att003-inclusivity,
* McsEngl.admn'inclusivity,
* McsEngl.inclusivity-of-admn,
· the-degree to which it is successful in producing the desired result.
* McsEngl.admn'04-effectiveness,
* McsEngl.admn'att004-effectiveness,
* McsEngl.admn'effectiveness,
* McsEngl.effectiveness-of-admn,
· the-ability to react quickly and positively.
* McsEngl.admn'05-responsiveness,
* McsEngl.admn'att005-responsiveness,
* McsEngl.admn'responsiveness,
* McsEngl.responsiveness-of-admn,
× generic: lawPublic,
· the-law on a-socialitationOgm.
· the-law is a-prerequisite to governance.
"Administrative law is the body of law that governs the relationship between the government and its citizens. It deals with issues such as the rulemaking process, judicial review of government actions, and the rights of individuals in government proceedings."
[{2023-11-25 retrieved}]
* McsEngl.administrative-law!⇒lawAdmn,
* McsEngl.admn'att004-law!⇒lawAdmn,
* McsEngl.admn'law!⇒lawAdmn,
* McsEngl.governance-law!⇒lawAdmn,
* McsEngl.lawGvnc!⇒lawAdmn,
* McsEngl.lawAdmn!=administrative-law,
* McsEngl.lawAdministrative!⇒lawAdmn,
">types of administrative-law:
Administrative law is a branch of law that deals with the legal principles and rules governing the administration and regulation of government agencies. It encompasses a wide range of legal issues related to the activities of administrative agencies and their interactions with individuals and businesses. Here are some types of administrative law:
1. **Rulemaking and Regulations:**
- **Legislative Rulemaking:** This involves the process by which administrative agencies create rules and regulations that have the force of law. These rules are often developed to implement and interpret statutes enacted by the legislature.
- **Procedural Rulemaking:** Administrative agencies may also create rules that govern their own procedures, ensuring fairness and transparency in their decision-making processes.
2. **Adjudication:**
- **Administrative Adjudication:** This involves the resolution of disputes between individuals or businesses and government agencies. Administrative law judges within the agencies hear cases, take evidence, and make decisions.
3. **Licensing and Permits:**
- **Licensing:** Administrative agencies often have the authority to issue licenses or permits for various activities, such as professional licenses, business permits, environmental permits, etc.
- **Permitting:** Agencies may regulate and issue permits for activities that impact public interests, such as land use, environmental conservation, and construction.
4. **Government Contracts:**
- **Public Procurement:** Administrative law governs the process by which government agencies enter into contracts for goods and services. This includes bidding processes, contract awards, and dispute resolution.
5. **Administrative Investigations:**
- **Investigatory Powers:** Administrative agencies often have the authority to conduct investigations to ensure compliance with laws and regulations. This may involve gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and taking enforcement actions.
6. **Judicial Review:**
- **Review of Agency Actions:** Courts play a crucial role in administrative law by providing a mechanism for individuals and entities to challenge the legality of agency actions. This includes determining whether agencies have acted within their statutory authority and complied with due process.
7. **Environmental Law:**
- **Environmental Regulation:** Administrative agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), play a significant role in creating and enforcing regulations related to environmental protection, pollution control, and natural resource management.
8. **Labor and Employment Law:**
- **Employment Regulations:** Administrative agencies like the Department of Labor may establish and enforce rules related to workplace safety, wage and hour laws, and other aspects of labor and employment.
9. **Social Security and Welfare:**
- **Social Programs:** Administrative agencies administer various social welfare programs, and administrative law governs the rules and procedures related to benefits such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
These are just a few examples, and administrative law covers a broad spectrum of legal issues arising from the activities of government agencies. The specifics can vary between jurisdictions, as each country may have its own administrative law framework."
[{2023-11-25 retrieved}]
">budget overview:
To provide you with a comprehensive budget overview, we need to clarify the context or specific area you're interested in. Budgets can be categorized broadly into several types, including personal or household budgets, business budgets, and government budgets. Each type serves different purposes and includes various components:
1. **Personal or Household Budgets:**
- **Income:** This includes all sources of income such as salaries, bonuses, and any other earnings.
- **Expenses:** These are categorized into fixed expenses (rent, mortgage, insurance) and variable expenses (food, entertainment, utilities).
- **Savings and Investments:** Portions of the income set aside for future use, emergencies, or investment opportunities.
- **Debt Repayment:** Money allocated to pay off debts, including loans and credit card balances.
2. **Business Budgets:**
- **Revenue:** The total expected income from business operations, including sales and other income sources.
- **Cost of Goods Sold (COGS):** Direct costs attributable to the production of the goods sold by the company.
- **Operating Expenses:** Expenses required for the day-to-day functioning of the business (rent, salaries, marketing).
- **Capital Expenditures:** Investments in assets that will provide benefit over a long term, such as equipment or real estate.
- **Profit/Loss:** The revenue left over after all expenses and taxes have been paid.
3. **Government Budgets:**
- **Revenue:** Sources of income, including taxes, fees, and earnings from government-owned entities.
- **Expenditures:** Planned spending on public services (healthcare, education, defense), social security, and infrastructure projects.
- **Deficit/Surplus:** The difference between the government's revenues and expenditures. A deficit occurs when expenditures exceed revenue, while a surplus occurs when revenues exceed expenditures.
For each type of budget, the goal is to balance income and expenditures, ideally resulting in a surplus that can be saved or reinvested. Effective budgeting also involves monitoring and adjusting to ensure financial goals are met and to respond to changes in income or expenses.
Please specify which type of budget overview you're interested in, or if you have a specific question or area of focus within these categories."
[{2024-02-16 retrieved}]
* McsEngl.budget,
* McsEngl.admn'07-budget!⇒budget,
* McsEngl.admn'att007-budget!⇒budget,
* McsEngl.admn'budget!⇒budget,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.προϋπολογισμός!ο!=budget,
* McsEngl.budget'01-input,
* McsEngl.budget'att001-input,
* McsEngl.budget'input,
* McsEngl.budget'revenue,
* McsEngl.budget'02-output,
* McsEngl.budget'att002-output,
* McsEngl.budget'output,
* McsEngl.budget'03-balance,
* McsEngl.budget'att003-balance,
* McsEngl.budget'balance,
* McsEngl.budget'doing,
* McsEngl.budgeting,
* McsEngl.budget'att004-auditing,
* McsEngl.budget'audit,
* McsEngl.budget'auditing,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.έλεγχος-προϋπολογισμού!=budge'auditing,
* oznHmn-budget,
* oznConsumption-budget,
* oznProduction-budget,
* society-budget,
">administrative tech:
"Administrative tech" broadly refers to the technologies, software, and systems used to support and improve administrative tasks and processes within organizations. This includes a wide range of tools designed to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and productivity in various administrative functions. Here are some key categories and examples:
1. **Document Management Systems (DMS):** Software that stores, manages, and tracks electronic documents and electronic images of paper-based information. Examples include Microsoft SharePoint, Google Drive, and Adobe Document Cloud.
2. **Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems:** Tools that help manage a company's interactions with current and potential customers. They are used to organize, automate, and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support. Popular CRMs include Salesforce, HubSpot, and Zoho CRM.
3. **Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems:** Integrated management of core business processes, often in real-time, mediated by software and technology. Examples are SAP ERP, Oracle ERP Cloud, and Microsoft Dynamics 365.
4. **Project Management Tools:** Software designed to assist in project planning, resource allocation, time management, and change management. Common tools include Trello, Asana, and Microsoft Project.
5. **Human Resources Management Systems (HRMS):** Solutions for managing an organization's employees, including recruitment, onboarding, performance management, payroll, and benefits administration. Examples include Workday, BambooHR, and Gusto.
6. **Financial Management Software:** Tools used for managing the financial aspects of a business, including accounting, budgeting, and financial reporting. QuickBooks, Xero, and FreshBooks are notable examples.
7. **Communication and Collaboration Platforms:** These tools facilitate communication and collaboration among team members, regardless of their physical location. Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom are widely used in this category.
8. **Scheduling and Booking Systems:** Software that assists with scheduling appointments, meetings, and events, often used in settings like healthcare, education, and service industries. Calendly and Acuity Scheduling are examples.
9. **E-Government Systems:** Technologies used by government agencies for administrative purposes, to improve public access to government information and services, and to enhance the transparency of government operations.
10. **Cloud Computing Services:** Services that offer computing power, storage, and enterprise applications over the internet, enabling organizations to reduce the need for on-premise hardware and software. Providers include Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.
Administrative tech plays a crucial role in the digital transformation of organizations, streamlining operations, and providing critical insights for decision-making. Its adoption continues to grow as businesses seek to improve their operational efficiencies and adapt to the evolving digital landscape."
[{2024-02-16 retrieved}]
">administrative tech:
Administrative tech is a broad term that encompasses a variety of tools and technologies used to streamline administrative tasks and processes. It can include everything from basic office software like word processors and spreadsheets to more specialized tools like project management software, customer relationship management (CRM) software, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.
The specific types of administrative tech that are most useful will vary depending on the size and needs of the organization. However, some common features of administrative tech include:
* **Automation:** Administrative tech can automate many repetitive tasks, such as data entry, scheduling, and reporting. This can free up employees to focus on more strategic work.
* **Centralization:** Administrative tech can centralize data and information, making it easier for employees to access the information they need. This can improve communication and collaboration.
* **Mobility:** Administrative tech can be accessed from anywhere, at any time. This allows employees to be more productive and efficient.
Here are some specific examples of administrative tech:
* **Word processors:** Word processors like Microsoft Word and Google Docs are used to create and edit documents.
* **Spreadsheets:** Spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets are used to store and manipulate data.
* **Project management software:** Project management software like Asana and Trello is used to plan, track, and manage projects.
* **CRM software:** CRM software like Salesforce and HubSpot is used to manage relationships with customers.
* **ERP software:** ERP software like SAP and Oracle is used to manage all of an organization's resources, including finances, inventory, and human resources.
Administrative tech can be a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes. By automating tasks, centralizing data, and enabling mobility, administrative tech can help businesses improve efficiency, productivity, and communication."
[{2024-02-16 retrieved}]
* McsEngl.admn'08-tech,
* McsEngl.admn'att008-tech,
* McsEngl.admn'tech,
· the-doing of admin-system.
">administering functions:
The term "administering functions" can have a broad meaning, depending on the context. Here are some possible interpretations:
* **In an organizational setting:** Administering functions could refer to the tasks and responsibilities involved in managing a team or department. This could include tasks such as:
* Setting goals and objectives
* Planning and delegating work
* Monitoring performance
* Providing feedback and coaching
* Addressing performance issues
* Hiring and firing employees
* Maintaining a positive work environment
* **In a technical setting:** Administering functions could refer to the tasks involved in managing a computer system or network. This could include tasks such as:
* Creating and managing user accounts
* Setting up and managing security permissions
* Installing and configuring software
* Monitoring system performance
* Troubleshooting problems
* Backing up data
* **In a legal setting:** Administering functions could refer to the tasks involved in managing a trust or estate. This could include tasks such as:
* Collecting and managing assets
* Paying bills and taxes
* Distributing assets to beneficiaries
* Filing tax returns
If you could provide more context about what you mean by "administering functions," I can give you a more specific answer."
[{2024-02-16 retrieved}]
* McsEngl.administering,
* McsEngl.admn'doing!⇒administering,
* McsEngl.governing!⇒administering,
* group-admin,
* organization-admin,
* society-admin,
* autonomous-admin,
* elected-admin,
* dictatoric-admin,
* inherited-admin,
* collective-admin,
">algorithmic administration:
Algorithmic administration refers to the use of algorithms, artificial intelligence (AI), and automated decision-making processes in the administration and governance tasks of various organizations, including public sector agencies, private corporations, and other entities. This approach can significantly improve efficiency, transparency, and effectiveness in administrative processes by automating routine tasks, optimizing resource allocation, and providing data-driven insights for decision-making. However, it also raises important considerations regarding fairness, accountability, privacy, and the potential for bias in automated systems. Here are some key aspects of algorithmic administration:
1. **Efficiency and Automation**: Algorithmic administration can automate routine and repetitive tasks, such as processing paperwork, managing databases, and handling straightforward queries from citizens or customers. This can free up human resources for more complex and nuanced tasks.
2. **Data-Driven Decision Making**: By analyzing large datasets, algorithms can identify patterns, trends, and insights that human administrators might miss. This can lead to more informed decision-making, better policy outcomes, and more targeted services.
3. **Personalization of Services**: Algorithms can tailor services and communications to individual preferences and needs, based on data collected about their interactions and behaviors. This can enhance user satisfaction and engagement.
4. **Predictive Analytics**: Algorithmic administration can use predictive analytics to forecast future trends and needs, enabling proactive planning and intervention. This is particularly valuable in fields like public health, urban planning, and environmental management.
5. **Challenges and Ethical Considerations**: The use of algorithms in administration raises questions about transparency (how decisions are made), accountability (who is responsible for decisions), privacy (how data is collected and used), and fairness (avoiding bias in decision-making processes). Ensuring that algorithmic systems are ethical, equitable, and accountable is a major concern.
6. **Regulation and Oversight**: To address these challenges, there is growing interest in developing regulatory frameworks and oversight mechanisms for the use of algorithmic systems in administration. This includes establishing standards for transparency, data protection, and ethical considerations.
7. **Innovation and Future Trends**: As technology advances, the potential applications of algorithmic administration continue to expand, including the use of more sophisticated AI and machine learning models. This opens up new possibilities for improving public services and administrative efficiency but also necessitates continuous vigilance to mitigate risks and ensure ethical use.
Algorithmic administration represents a significant shift in how administrative tasks are approached, offering the potential for substantial improvements in efficiency and service delivery. However, it also requires careful consideration of the ethical, social, and technical challenges involved."
[{2024-02-29 retrieved}]
* McsEngl.admin-by-algorithm!⇒admnAlgo,
* McsEngl.admn.001-by-algorithm!⇒admnAlgo,
* McsEngl.admnAlgo!=algorithmic-administration,
* McsEngl.algorithmic-administration!⇒admnAlgo,
* McsEngl.rule-by-algo!⇒admnAlgo,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.αλγοριθμική-διοίκηση!η!=admnAlgo,
* {2024-03-09} Πάνω από 100.000 έχασαν την ιατροφαρμακευτική περίθαλψη για χρέη από λίγα… λεπτά έως 100 ευρώ,,
* society-admnAlgo,
* economy-admnAlgo,
* organization-admnAlgo,
* company-admnAlgo,
* household-admnAlgo,
· admin with rules = written-law.
* McsEngl.admn.006-rule-by-law!⇒admnLaw,
* McsEngl.admn.rule-by-law!⇒admnLaw,
* McsEngl.admnLaw!=rule-by-law,
* McsEngl.rule-by-law!⇒admnLaw,
· big fish eat little fish.
* McsEngl.admn.007-rule-by-power!⇒admnPower,
* McsEngl.admn.rule-by-power!⇒admnPower,
* McsEngl.admnPower!=rule-by-power,
* McsEngl.rule-by-jungle!⇒admnPower,
* McsEngl.rule-by-power!⇒admnPower,
· elected-governance ("demo-cratic") is better from the-previous ones.
· but today it is obvious that it is-not demo-cratic (= allmember-cratic).
· but also today are-being-born the-prerequisites for an-automated-governance-system.
* McsEngl.admn.002-elected,
* McsEngl.admn.elected,
* McsEngl.elected-governance,
* McsEngl.elected-admn,
· when inherited-governance was too brutal, dictators were-accepted by the-members of socialitations.
* McsEngl.admn.003-dictatoric,
* McsEngl.admn.dictatoric,
* McsEngl.dictatoric-governance,
* McsEngl.dictatoric-admn,
· when governance became independent from its members, deified and became inherited.
* McsEngl.admn.004-inherited,
* McsEngl.admn.inherited,
* McsEngl.inherited-governance,
* McsEngl.inherited-admn,
· the-first type of human-governance.
· presupposes small communities.
* McsEngl.admn.005-collective,
* McsEngl.admn.collective,
* McsEngl.collective-governance,
* McsEngl.collective-admn,
* McsEngl.cooperative-governance,
* McsEngl.participative-governance,
* McsEngl.synergetic-governance,
this webpage was-visited times since {2020-10-20}
page-wholepath: / worldviewSngo / dirStn / admnSctn
· this page uses 'locator-names', names that when you find them, you find the-LOCATION of the-concept they denote.
· clicking on the-green-BAR of a-page you have access to the-global--locator-names of my-site.
· use the-prefix 'admnSctn' for sensorial-concepts related to current concept 'socialitation'governance-system'.
· TYPE CTRL+F "McsLag4.words-of-concept's-name", to go to the-LOCATION of the-concept.
· a-preview of the-description of a-global-name makes reading fast.
• version.last.dynamic: McsStn000004.last.html,
• version.1-0-0.2021-04-12: (0-9) ../../dirMiwMcs/dirStn/filMcsStnOgm-gvc.1-0-0.2021-04-12.html,
• filMcsStnOgm-gvc.0-1-0.2020-10-20.last.html: draft creation,