
McsHitp-creation:: {2019-12-14}

overview of satisfier

· satisfier is the-stimulus of a-wanting.

* McsEngl.McsStn000010.last.html//dirStn//dirMcs!⇒satisfier,
* McsEngl.dirMcs/dirStn/McsStn000010.last.html!⇒satisfier,
* McsEngl.Econsatisfier!⇒satisfier,
* McsEngl.Econstfr!⇒satisfier,
* McsEngl.Socecon'02_satisfier!⇒satisfier,
* McsEngl.Socecon'att001-satisfier!⇒satisfier,
* McsEngl.Socecon/satisfier!⇒satisfier,
* McsEngl.entity.satisfier!⇒satisfier,
* McsEngl.good-or-service!⇒satisfier,
* McsEngl.satisfier!=McsStn000010,
* McsEngl.satisfier!=human-satisfier,
* McsEngl.satisfier//Socecon!⇒satisfier,
* McsEngl.satisfierHmn!⇒satisfier,
* McsEngl.satisfying'satisfier!⇒satisfier,
* McsEngl.service-oor-good!⇒satisfier,
* McsEngl.sfrHmn!⇒satisfier,
* McsEngl.sfrOgm.001-human!⇒satisfier,
* McsEngl.sfrOgm.human!⇒satisfier,
* McsEngl.stfr!⇒satisfier,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.mǎnzú-滿足!=satisfier,
* McsZhon.滿足-mǎnzú!=satisfier,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.ικανοποιητής!=satisfier,

01-human of satisfier

· any human related to satisfier.

* McsEngl.satisfier'01-human,
* McsEngl.satisfier'att008-human,
* McsEngl.satisfier'human,

human.owner of satisfier

· hmnOwner is the-human with ownership-relation-(rights and control) with the-satisfier.

* McsEngl.hmnOwner-of-satisfier,
* McsEngl.hmnOwner-of-satisfier,
* McsEngl.ownerHmn-of-satisfier,
* McsEngl.satisfier'att005-hmnOwner,
* McsEngl.satisfier'human.owner,
* McsEngl.satisfier'ownerHmn,

human.consumer of satisfier

× whole: consuming-system,

· consumer is the-human who wants the-satisfier.
· no-consumer, no-satisfier.
· actual or potential consumer.

* McsEngl.hmnConsumer-of-satisfier,
* McsEngl.consumer-of-satisfier,
* McsEngl.satisfier'att006-consumer,
* McsEngl.satisfier'consumer,
* McsEngl.satisfier'human.consumer,

human.worker of satisfier

· any hmnWorker for this satisfier.

* McsEngl.hmnWorker-of-satisfier,
* McsEngl.satisfier'att007-worker,
* McsEngl.satisfier'human.worker,
* McsEngl.satisfier'worker,
* McsEngl.worker-of-satisfier,

02-socialitation of satisfier

· any socialitation.

* McsEngl.Sfrsocialitation,
* McsEngl.satisfier'02-socialitation!⇒Sfrsocialitation,
* McsEngl.satisfier'att015-socialitation!⇒Sfrsocialitation,
* McsEngl.satisfier'socialitation!⇒Sfrsocialitation,


* production-Sfrsocialitation,
* consumption-Sfrsocialitation,
* owner-Sfrsocialitation,

* McsEngl.Sfrsocialitation.specific,

Sfrsocialitation.production (link) of satisfier

03-owner of satisfier

· an-entity with ownership-relation with a-satisfier.

* McsEngl.Sfrowner,
* McsEngl.owning-entity-of-satisfier!⇒Sfrowner,
* McsEngl.satisfier'03-owner!⇒Sfrowner,
* McsEngl.satisfier'att010-owner!⇒Sfrowner,
* McsEngl.satisfier'owner!⇒Sfrowner,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.ιδιοκτήτης!ο!=Sfrowner,
* McsElln.ιδιοκτήτρια!η!=Sfrowner,
* McsElln.κάτοχος-ο|η!=Sfrowner,

ownership of satisfier (link)

property (link) of Sfrowner


* legal-Sfrowner,
* legalNo-Sfrowner,

* McsEngl.Sfrowner.specific,

"3.21 Two types of ownership can be distinguished, legal ownership and economic ownership. The legal owner of entities such as goods and services, natural resources, financial assets and liabilities is the institutional unit entitled in law and sustainable under the law to claim the benefits associated with the entities.
3.22 Sometimes government may claim legal ownership of an entity on behalf of the community at large. No entity that does not have a legal owner, either on an individual or collective basis, is recognized in the SNA.
[{2008} SNA, 3.21]

* McsEngl.SfrownerLegal,

* plain-SfrownerLegal,
* usage-SfrownerLegal,
* human-SfrownerLegal,
* socialitation-SfrownerLegal,
* government-SfrownerLegal,


· NOT a-legal-Sfrowner.

* McsEngl.Sfrowner.legalNo,
* McsEngl.illegal-Sfrowner,
* McsEngl.legalNo-Sfrowner,


· a-legal-Sfrowner with benefits without the-usage-Sfrowner-benefits.

* McsEngl.Sfrowner.plain,
* McsEngl.SfrownerLegal.plain,
* McsEngl.plain-Sfrowner,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.ιδιοκτήτης-ψιλής-κυριότητας!=plain-Sfrowner,


"3.26 The economic owner of entities such as goods and services, natural resources, financial assets and liabilities is the institutional unit entitled to claim the benefits associated with the use of the entity in question in the course of an economic activity by virtue of accepting the associated risks."
[{2008} SNA, 3.26]

* McsEngl.Sfrowner.usage,
* McsEngl.SfrownerLegal.usage,
* McsEngl.usage-Sfrowner,
* McsEngl.use-Sfrowner,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.ιδιοκτήτης-επικαρπίας!=usage-Sfrowner,

* legal-Sfrowner,


"3.22 Sometimes government may claim legal ownership of an entity on behalf of the community at large.
No entity that does not have a legal owner, either on an individual or collective basis, is recognized in the SNA."
[{2008} SNA, 3.22]

* McsEngl.Sfrowner.government,
* McsEngl.SfrownerLegal.government,
* McsEngl.government-Sfrowner,
* McsEngl.state-Sfrowner,

04-use-value of satisfier

· positive use-value is a-good.
· negative use-value is a-bad.
· no use-value is not a-satisfier.

">use value definition:
"Use value" is a concept commonly found in economics and related disciplines, referring to the practical and functional benefits derived from using a good or service. It's distinct from "exchange value," which is the perceived worth of a good or service in a marketplace or its price when traded.
Here's a breakdown of the concept:
1. **Intrinsic Utility**: Use value is fundamentally about the intrinsic utility of an item – what it can do for an individual or how it satisfies a specific need or want. This utility is not necessarily tied to a monetary value. For example, the use value of a car is its ability to provide transportation, regardless of its price or market value.
2. **Subjectivity**: The use value of a good or service can be highly subjective and vary greatly from person to person. What is highly valuable in use to one person might be less so to another. This is because individual needs, preferences, and circumstances differ.
3. **Non-Market Transactions**: Use value is particularly important in contexts where goods and services are not exchanged in markets or have no market price. For instance, the use value of a homemade meal might be high due to its nutritional content and the enjoyment it brings, even though it might not have a direct market equivalent.
4. **Distinction from Exchange Value**: Use value should not be confused with exchange value. The latter refers to the value of a good or service in trade, often represented by its price. While use value is about practical utility, exchange value is about what the market is willing to pay for that utility.
5. **Economic Theories**: The concept of use value is central to various economic theories, particularly in classical and Marxist economics. In these contexts, it's often discussed in contrast to exchange value, highlighting different aspects of value creation and distribution in an economy.
Understanding use value is crucial for comprehending how individuals and societies allocate resources and value different goods and services beyond just their market prices."
[{2024-01-29 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.use-value-of-satisfier,
* McsEngl.satisfier'04-use-value,
* McsEngl.satisfier'att002-use-value,
* McsEngl.satisfier'use-value,

05-exchange-value of satisfier

· exchange-value is INFORMATION assigned to satisfiers in order to exchange them.
· digital-exchange-value is NOT double-spending information stored on computers.
· until {2009} (Bitcoin creation), digital-exchange-value is-stored on centrally controlled computers.
· đ-asset is digital-exchange-value stored on decentralized-chain-networks.
· work, scarcity|supply, demand, desire are some variables of satisfier'exchange-value.
· with exchange-value, a-satisfier is a-commodity.
· without exchange-value, a-satisfier is a-commodityNo.

* McsEngl.Sfrev,
* McsEngl.satisfier'05-exchange-value!⇒Sfrev,
* McsEngl.satisfier'att001-exchange-value!⇒Sfrev,
* McsEngl.satisfier'exchange-value!⇒Sfrev,
* McsEngl.value-of-satisfier!⇒Sfrev,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.ανταλακτική-αξία!=Sfrev,
* McsElln.αξία.ανταλακτική!=Sfrev,

* {2020-07-22},

theory-of-value of satisfier

">theory of value:
Theories of value attempt to explain the basis of the relative worth or importance of different goods and services. These theories have evolved over time, reflecting changes in economic thought and the broader social context.

**Labor Theory of Value**
The labor theory of value, also known as the Marxist theory of value, is a classical economic theory that argues that the value of a good or service is determined by the amount of labor required to produce it. This theory was developed by Adam Smith and David Ricardo in the 18th century and was further elaborated by Karl Marx in the 19th century.

**Subjective Theory of Value**
The subjective theory of value is a neoclassical economic theory that argues that the value of a good or service is determined by the subjective preferences of individuals. This theory was developed by William Stanley Jevons, Carl Menger, and Léon Walras in the 19th century. According to the subjective theory of value, the value of a good or service is determined by the intensity of a person's desire for it, and its scarcity relative to that desire.

**Marginal Utility Theory**
Marginal utility theory is a branch of the subjective theory of value that focuses on the additional value that consumers receive from consuming one more unit of a good or service. According to marginal utility theory, the value of a good or service decreases as more of it is consumed. This is because the marginal utility of each additional unit diminishes as the consumer's desire for it is satisfied.

**Other Theories of Value**
There are a number of other theories of value that have been proposed over time, including:
* **The resource scarcity theory of value** argues that the value of a good or service is determined by the scarcity of the resources used to produce it.
* **The transaction cost theory of value** argues that the value of a good or service is determined by the costs of transactions involved in its production and exchange.
* **The network theory of value** argues that the value of a good or service is determined by the size and strength of the network of users who use it.

The choice of which theory of value to use depends on the context of the analysis. The labor theory of value is useful for analyzing the distribution of wealth and income, while the subjective theory of value is useful for analyzing consumer behavior. Marginal utility theory is useful for analyzing the pricing of goods and services, while the resource scarcity theory of value is useful for analyzing the allocation of resources.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the development of new theories of value that take into account the role of technology and the internet in shaping the value of goods and services. These theories are still in their early stages of development, but they have the potential to provide new insights into the modern economy."
[{2023-12-11 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.Sfrev'theory,
* McsEngl.sciEcon'att004-theory-of-value,
* McsEngl.theory-of-value,

06-law of satisfier

· any law related to satisfier.

">goods and services law:
Goods and services law is a broad area of law that governs the sale and purchase of goods and services. It is designed to protect consumers and businesses from unfair or deceptive practices.

**Key areas of goods and services law include:**
* **Sale of goods:** The Sale of Goods Act 1979 sets out the basic requirements for the sale of goods, including the implied terms of quality, fitness for purpose, and correspondence with description.
* **Supply of services:** The Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 sets out the basic requirements for the supply of services, including the implied term of reasonable care and skill.
* **Consumer protection:** There are a number of consumer protection laws that apply to goods and services, including the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977.

**Key rights for consumers under goods and services law include:**
* **The right to reject goods that are not of satisfactory quality, fit for purpose, or as described.**
* **The right to have goods repaired or replaced if they are not of satisfactory quality, fit for purpose, or as described.**
* **The right to a refund if goods are not of satisfactory quality, fit for purpose, or as described, and cannot be repaired or replaced.**
* **The right to cancel a contract for goods or services within 14 days of purchase, for any reason.**

**Key obligations for businesses under goods and services law include:**
* **Providing goods and services that meet the legal requirements of quality, fitness for purpose, and correspondence with description.**
* **Not misleading consumers about the nature, quality, or price of goods or services.**
* **Not using unfair or deceptive practices in their dealings with consumers.**
**If you believe that you have been treated unfairly under goods and services law, you can contact your local trading standards office or take legal action.**

Here are some additional resources on goods and services law:
* United Kingdom: Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy: [](
* United States: Federal Trade Commission: [](
* European Union: European Commission: []("
[{2023-12-06 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.goods-and-services--law,
* McsEngl.satisfier'06-law,
* McsEngl.satisfier'att011-law,
* McsEngl.satisfier'law,

scarcity-abundance of satisfier

It is the-rate wanted-quantity/existing-quantity.
IF wanted < existing (abundance) the-rate is < 1 and DECREASES the value.
IF wanted = existing (equilibrium) the-rate is = 1 and does NOT CHANGE the value.
IF wanted > existing (scarcity) the-rate is > 1 and INCREASES the value.

* McsEngl.abundance-scarcity--of-satisfier,
* McsEngl.satisfier'abundance-scarcity,
* McsEngl.satisfier'att016-scarcity-abundance,
* McsEngl.satisfier'scarcity-abundance,
* McsEngl.scarcity-abundance--of-satisfier,

excludability of satisfier

"In economics, a good, service or resource are broadly assigned two fundamental characteristics; a degree of excludability and a degree of rivalry. Excludability is defined as the degree to which a good, service or resource can be limited to only paying customers, or conversely, the degree to which a supplier, producer or other managing body (e.g. a government) can prevent "free" consumption of a good."

* McsEngl.satisfier'att013-excludability,
* McsEngl.satisfier'excludability,

rivalry of satisfier

"In economics, a good is said to be rivalrous or a rival if its consumption by one consumer prevents simultaneous consumption by other consumers,[1] or if consumption by one party reduces the ability of another party to consume it. A good is considered non-rivalrous or non-rival if, for any level of production, the cost of providing it to a marginal (additional) individual is zero.[2] A good can be placed along a continuum ranging from rivalrous to non-rivalrous. The same characteristic is sometimes referred to as jointness of supply or subtractable or non-subtractable.[3]Economist Paul Samuelson made the distinction between private and public goods in 1954 by introducing the concept of nonrival consumption. Economist Richard Musgrave followed on and added rivalry and excludability as criteria for defining consumption goods in 1959 and 1969.[4] "

* McsEngl.rivalry-of-satisfier,
* McsEngl.satisfier'att014-rivalry,
* McsEngl.satisfier'rivalry,

info-resource of satisfier

* {2022-06-23},

* McsEngl.satisfier'Infrsc,

DOING of satisfier

· any doing of a-satisfier.

* McsEngl.Sfrdoing!⇒dngSatisfier,
* McsEngl.dngSatisfier,
* McsEngl.dngSfr!⇒dngSatisfier,
* McsEngl.satisfier'doing!⇒dngSatisfier,


* producing,
* consuming,
* transacting,
* exchanging,
* exchanging-for-ever,
* exchanging-for-time-interval,
* transfering,

* McsEngl.dngSatisfier.specific,


">consumption process:
The consumption process can be broken down into several stages:
1. **Need recognition:** This is the first step, where an individual identifies a need or want that they desire to fulfill. This need can be triggered by internal factors like hunger or thirst, or external factors like advertising or social influence.
2. **Information search:** Once a need is recognized, the individual will start to gather information about potential solutions. This can involve researching different products or services, reading reviews, or talking to friends and family.
3. **Evaluation of alternatives:** After gathering information, the individual will compare and contrast different options to see which one best meets their needs and wants. This evaluation may involve factors such as price, quality, brand reputation, and features.
4. **Purchase decision:** Based on their evaluation, the individual will make a decision about which product or service to purchase. This decision may be influenced by a variety of factors, such as their budget, personal preferences, and the availability of the product or service.
5. **Post-purchase evaluation:** After purchasing a product or service, the individual will evaluate their satisfaction with the purchase. This evaluation may involve factors such as whether the product or service met their expectations, how well it performed, and whether they would recommend it to others.
It's important to note that the consumption process is not always linear. Individuals may go back and forth between different stages, and the process may be influenced by a variety of factors, such as cultural norms, personal values, and economic conditions."
[{2024-02-17 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.cnsn!=consumption-process,
* McsEngl.csmg!=consuming-process,
* McsEngl.consumption-process!=cnsn,
* McsEngl.dngCsmg!=consumption-process,
* McsEngl.dngSatisfier.consuming,


">production process:
The production process is the transformation of raw materials and resources into finished goods or services. It's a fundamental concept in business and economics, and it's essential for understanding how products are made and how businesses operate.

There are many different types of production processes, but they all share some common elements. These elements typically include:
* **Inputs:** These are the resources that are used to create the product or service. They can include raw materials, labor, capital, and energy.
* **Transformation process:** This is the series of steps that convert the inputs into the outputs. The transformation process can be very simple or very complex, depending on the product or service being produced.
* **Outputs:** These are the finished goods or services that are created by the production process.

Here's a diagram of a typical production process:
[Image of Production process flow chart]

The specific steps involved in a production process will vary depending on the product or service being produced. However, some common steps include:
* **Design:** This involves creating a blueprint or plan for the product or service.
* **Sourcing:** This involves obtaining the raw materials and other resources that are needed for production.
* **Manufacturing:** This involves transforming the raw materials into the finished product.
* **Packaging and labeling:** This involves preparing the product for sale.
* **Distribution:** This involves getting the product to the customer.

There are many different factors that can affect the production process, such as:
* **The type of product or service being produced:** Different products and services require different production processes.
* **The scale of production:** The production process for a large-scale manufacturer will be different from the production process for a small business.
* **The technology that is used:** The use of technology can automate many parts of the production process, which can make it more efficient.
* **The availability of resources:** The production process can be affected by the availability of raw materials, labor, and other resources.

Understanding the production process is essential for businesses of all sizes. It can help businesses to:
* Improve efficiency and productivity
* Reduce costs
* Improve product quality
* Meet customer demand

Here are some of the different types of production processes:
* **Mass production:** This is a type of production process that is used to produce large quantities of identical products. It is often used for products that are in high demand, such as cars and appliances.
* **Batch production:** This is a type of production process that is used to produce smaller quantities of products. It is often used for products that are made to order or that have a limited demand.
* **Job production:** This is a type of production process that is used to produce one-of-a-kind products or services. It is often used for custom-made products or for products that are repaired or serviced.
* **Continuous production:** This is a type of production process that is used to produce products that are constantly flowing, such as chemicals or oil.
The choice of production process will depend on a number of factors, such as the type of product, the volume of production, and the cost."
[{2024-02-17 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.dngSatisfier.producing,
* McsEngl.prdg!=producing-process,
* McsEngl.prdn!=producing-process,
* McsEngl.producing-process!=prdg,
* McsEngl.production-process!=prdg,


· any change in ownership.
· any exchanging-(satisfier-for-satisfier) or transfering-(satisfier-for-nothing) of satisfier.

* McsEngl.Sfrtransacting!⇒actSfrtransacting,
* McsEngl.actSfrtransacting,
* McsEngl.satisfier'transacting!⇒actSfrtransacting,
* McsEngl.transact!~verbEnglA1:transact--s-ed-ing-ed,
* McsEngl.transacting!⇒actSfrtransacting,
* McsEngl.transacting.satisfier!⇒actSfrtransacting,
* McsEngl.transaction!⇒actSfrtransacting,
* McsEngl.transaction-of-satisfier!⇒actSfrtransacting,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.bànlǐ-办理!=actSfrtransacting,
* McsZhon.办理-bànlǐ!=actSfrtransacting,

argument of actSfrtransacting

* actor|s,
* acton,
* satisfier|s,

* McsEngl.actSfrtransacting'argument,

· "(n) gift (something acquired without compensation)"
[{2023-06-30 retrieved}]

· stxZhon: 我给妈妈寄了礼物。 :: _stxSbj:[Wǒ] _stxObj2:[(gěi) māma] _stxVrb:{jìle} _stxObj:[lǐwù]. != I have mailed the gift to mom.

====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.lǐwù-礼物!=gift,
* McsZhon.礼物-lǐwù!=gift,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.δώρο!το!=gift,

contract of actSfrtransacting

"Contracts are generally combinations of promises “to do” or “to give” something."

* McsEngl.actSfrtransacting'contract!⇒contract,
* McsEngl.contract,
* McsEngl.contract-of-satisfier!⇒contract,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.συμβόλαιο!=contract,

party of contract

· humans or organizations involved in the-contract.

* McsEngl.contract'party,

promise of contract

"If there are no assets to back the promise then the promise has potentially no value.
... The Title Transfer Theory of Contract makes it very clear that any contract that transfers title to assets you don’t own is fraudulent. "

* McsEngl.contract'promise,
* McsEngl.contractual-promise,

breaching of contract

"Failure to perform on a “contractual” promise can cause grave damages to other parties relying on that promise. When these issues are taken to court under traditional contract theories, the judge will rarely compel you to perform the service. Instead, the judge will usually order you to pay damages to the other party. There is a problem with this, though: what are the damages?How is anyone supposed to know the extent to which other parties rely upon their promises?"

* McsEngl.contract'breaching,

law of contract

">contract law:
Contract law is a branch of law that governs the formation, performance, and enforcement of agreements between individuals or organizations. It is based on the principle that agreements should be honored and that parties should be able to rely on the promises of others.

**Elements of a Contract**
There are four essential elements that must be present for a contract to be valid:
1. **Offer:** One party must make a clear and unambiguous offer to the other party. The offer must specify the terms of the agreement, including the parties involved, the subject matter of the contract, and the consideration to be exchanged. [Image of Offer in Contract Law]
2. **Acceptance:** The offer must be accepted by the other party. The acceptance must mirror the terms of the offer, and it must be communicated to the offeror in a timely manner. If the acceptance differs from the offer, it may be considered a counteroffer.
3. **Consideration:** There must be something of value exchanged between the parties. This could be money, goods, services, or other forms of consideration. The consideration must be bargained for and must induce the parties to enter into the contract.
4. **Mutual Assent:** The parties must have a meeting of the minds. This means that they must agree to the same terms and that they understand the agreement in the same way.

**Types of Contracts**
There are many different types of contracts, each with its own set of rules and requirements. Some common types of contracts include:
* **Express contracts:** These are contracts that are explicitly stated in writing or verbally.
* **Implied contracts:** These are contracts that are not explicitly stated but are implied by the conduct of the parties.
* **Bilateral contracts:** These are contracts in which both parties agree to perform obligations.
* **Unilateral contracts:** These are contracts in which only one party agrees to perform an obligation.
* **Executed contracts:** These are contracts that have been fully performed by all parties.
* **Executory contracts:** These are contracts that have not yet been fully performed by all parties.

**Enforcement of Contracts**
If one party breaches a contract, the other party may have a number of remedies available to them, including:
* **Damages:** The non-breaching party may be able to recover damages from the breaching party for the harm caused by the breach.
* **Specific performance:** In some cases, the non-breaching party may be able to force the breaching party to perform their obligations under the contract.
* **Rescission:** The non-breaching party may be able to rescind the contract, which means that the contract will be deemed void ab initio.

**Contract Law and the Courts**
When a dispute arises over a contract, the parties may seek to resolve the dispute through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration. If these methods fail to resolve the dispute, the parties may file a lawsuit in court. The court will then decide whether the contract is valid and enforceable, and whether one party has breached the contract."
[{2023-12-07 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.contract'law,
* McsEngl.lawEconomy.004-contract,
* McsEngl.lawEconomy.contract,


* smart-contract,
* contract-for-service,
* contract-of-service,

* McsEngl.contract.specific,


"We already live in a society where 99% of contracts are unenforceable. Lawyers cost hundreds of dollars per hour. Navigating the system without lawyers is error prone and takes months of study.
... In most cases, it makes more sense to suffer a loss than to pursue enforcement of contracts. Once you realize this, you realize that we are already living in a world where the vast majority of contracts are unenforceable."

* McsEngl.contract.unenforcable,


* exchanging,
** for-ever,
** for-time-interval,
* transfering,
* monetary-actSfrtransacting,
* monetaryNo-actSfrtransacting,

* giving-satisfier--actSfrtransacting,
* receiving-satisfier--actSfrtransacting,

* McsEngl.sfrtransacting.specific,

· actSfrgiving is the-actSfrtransacting in which the-actor transfers a-possessed satisfier to acton.

* actor: giver.
* acton: receiver.
* satisfier.

=== give!~verbEnglC!=actSfrgiving:
· stxEngl: _stxSbj=giver:[He] _stxVrb:{gave} _stxObj=receiver:[me] _stxObj=satisfier:[a-book]. He gave me a-book.

=== δίν-ω-ομαι!=actSfrgiving:
· stxElln: Στο Γιώργο έδωσα ένα βιβλίο. :: έδωσα στο Γιώργο ένα βιβλίο. :: έδωσα ένα βιβλίο στο Γιώργο. :: _stxArg=receiver:[Στο Γιώργο] _stxVrb:{έδωσα} _stxObj=satisfier:[ένα βιβλίο]. :: _stxVrb:{έδωσα} _stxObj=satisfier:[ένα βιβλίο]. != I gave George a book.

=== sònggěi-送给!=actSfrgiving:
· stxZhon: 我 想 送给 你 一 本 书。 :: _stxSbj:[Wǒ] _stxVrb:{xiǎng} _stxObj:[_stxVrb:{sòng gěi} _stxObj:[nǐ] _stxObj2:[yī běn shū]]. != I want to give you a book.

* McsEngl.Sfrgiving!⇒actSfrgiving,
* McsEngl.actSfrgiving,
* McsEngl.dngActSfrgiving,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.gěi-给!=actSfrgiving,
* McsZhon.给-gěi!=actSfrgiving,
* McsZhon.sònggěi-送给!=actSfrgiving,
* McsZhon.送给-sònggěi!=actSfrgiving,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.δίν-ω-ομαι!=actSfrgiving,


· actSfrreceiving is the-actSfrtransacting in which the-actor gets a-satisfier from acton.

* actor: receiver.
* from: giver.
* satisfier.

* verb:
· stxEngl: _stxSbj=receiver:[He] _stxVrb:{received} _stxObj=satisfier:[a-book] _stxArg=actor:[(from) me]

* McsEngl.actSfrtransacting.receiving!⇒actSfrreceiving,
* McsEngl.Sfrreceiving!⇒actSfrreceiving,
* McsEngl.actSfrreceiving,
* McsEngl.receiving-satisfier!⇒actSfrreceiving,
* McsEngl.dngActSfrreceiving,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.shōudào-收到!=actSfrreceiving,
* McsZhon.收到-shōudào!=actSfrreceiving,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.λαμβάνω!-ω-ομαι!~verbElln!=actSfrreceiving,
* McsElln.παίρνω!-ω-ομαι!~verbElln!=actSfrreceiving,


"3.55 A monetary transaction is one in which one institutional unit makes a payment (receives a payment) or incurs a liability (receives an asset) stated in units of currency. In the SNA, all flows are recorded in monetary terms, but the distinguishing characteristic of a monetary transaction is that the parties to the transaction express their agreement in monetary terms. For example, a good is purchased or sold at a given number of units of currency per unit of the good, or labour is hired or provided at a given number of units of currency per hour or day.
3.56 All monetary transactions are interactions between institutional units; that is, all monetary transactions are two-party transactions. The following is a list of common monetary transactions:
a. Expenditure on consumption of goods and services,
b. Acquisition of a security,
c. Wages and salaries,
d. Interest, dividends and rent,
e. Taxes,
f. Social assistance benefits in cash."
[{2008} SNA, 3.55, 3.56]

* McsEngl.actSfrtransacting.monetary,
* McsEngl.monetary-transaction,

* monetary-actSfrexchanging,
* monetary-Sfrtransfering,


"3.75 Non-monetary transactions are transactions that are not initially stated in units of currency. The entries in the SNA therefore represent values that are indirectly measured or otherwise estimated. In some cases, the transaction may be an actual one and a value has to be estimated to record it in the accounts. Barter is an obvious example. In other cases, the entire transaction must be constructed and then a value estimated for it. Consumption of fixed capital is an example. (In the past, the estimation of a value has sometimes been called imputation, but it is preferable to reserve that term for the kind of situation that involves not only estimating a value but also constructing a transaction.)"
[{2008} SNA, 3.75]

* McsEngl.actSfrtransacting.monetaryNo,
* McsEngl.monetaryNo-transaction,
* McsEngl.non-monetary-transaction,

* monetaryNo-actSfrexchanging,
* monetaryNo-Sfrtransfering,


· satisfier.commodity for satisfier.commodity.

* McsEngl.Sfrexchanging!⇒actSfrexchanging,
* McsEngl.actSfrexchanging,
* McsEngl.actSfrtransacting.exchanging!⇒actSfrexchanging,
* McsEngl.TRADING!⇒actSfrexchanging,
* McsEngl.exchanging!⇒actSfrexchanging,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.jiāohuàn-交换!=actSfrexchanging,
* McsZhon.交换-jiāohuàn!=actSfrexchanging,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.ανταλλαγή!η!=actSfrexchanging,
* McsElln.ανταλλάσσω!-ω-ομαι!~verbElln!=actSfrexchanging,

commodity of actSfrexchanging

· the-satisfiers the-exchangers exchange.

* McsEngl.actSfrexchanging'commodity,

exchanger of actSfrexchanging

· a-human or organization that exchanges commodities.

* McsEngl.actSfrexchanging'exchanger,

information-asymmetry of actSfrexchanging

"In economics and contract theory, information asymmetry deals with the study of decisions in transactions where one party has more or better information than the other. This creates an imbalance of power in transactions which can sometimes cause the transactions to go awry. Examples of this problem are adverse selection and moral hazard. Most commonly, information asymmetries are studied in the context of principal-agent problems.
In 2001, the Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded to George Akerlof, Michael Spence, and Joseph E. Stiglitz "for their analyses of markets with asymmetric information."[1]

* McsEngl.actSfrexchanging'information-asymmetry,
* McsEngl.information-asymmetry-in-exchanging,


* for-ever-actSfrexchanging,
* for-time-interval-actSfrexchanging,
* bartering,
* barteringNo,
* buying-satisfier,
* selling-satisfier,

* McsEngl.actSfrexchanging.specific,


· buying-commodity[a] is the-actSfrexchanging in which the-actor RECEIVES the-commodity[a] from seller for another one[b].

* buyer: actor,
* seller: acton,
* commodity[a]: satisfier: acton,
* commodity[b]: satisfier: acton,

* verb:
· stxEngl: _stxSbj=actor:[I] _stxVrb:{will buy} _stxObj=commodity[a]:[a coat and a hat].
· stxEngl: _stxSbj:[The family] _stxVrb:{purchased} _stxObj:[a new car].

* McsEngl.Sfrbuying!⇒actSfrbuying,
* McsEngl.actSfrbuying,
* McsEngl.actSfrexchanging.buying-commodity!⇒actSfrbuying,
* McsEngl.buying-commodity!⇒actSfrbuying,
* McsEngl.purchasing-actSfrbuying,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.mǎi-买-(買)!=actSfrbuying,
* McsZhon.买-(買)-mǎi!=actSfrbuying,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.αγορά!η!=Sfrbuyin,
* McsElln.αγοράζ-ω-ομαι!~VerbEll!=Sfrbuyin,

* barter-buying,
* monetary-buying,

bidding of actSfrbuying

"(v) offer, bid, tender (propose a payment) "The Swiss dealer offered $2 million for the painting""
[{2021-08-20 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.actBidding,
* McsEngl.actSfrbuying'bidding,
* McsEngl.bidding-acting,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.chūjià-出价!=actBidding,
* McsZhon.出价-chūjià!=actBidding,

paying of actSfrbuying

· the-actor|buyer[a] GIVES to seller a-commodity[b] equivalent in value to commodity it[a] received.

* actor|buyer|payer,
* acton|seller|payee,
* commodity[b]|payment,

· stxZhon: _stxSbj:[我] _stxTime:[每月] _stxVrb:{交} _stxObj:[房租]。 Wǒ měi yuè jiāo fángzū. != [I] [every month] {pay} [the rent].

* McsEngl.actSfrbuying'paying!⇒actSfrpaying,
* McsEngl.Sfrpaying!⇒actSfrpaying,
* McsEngl.actSfrpaying,
* McsEngl.making-a-payment!~verbEnglCM:make-makes-made-making-made!=actSfrpaying,
* McsEngl.paying-actSfrpaying,
* McsEngl.payment!⇒actSfrpaying,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.jiāo-交!=actSfrpaying,
* McsZhon.交-jiāo!=actSfrpaying,
* McsZhon.zhīfù-支付!=actSfrpaying,
* McsZhon.支付-zhīfù!=actSfrpaying,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.ρήμα.πληρώνω!=actSfrpaying,
* McsElln.πληρώνω!~verbElln!=actSfrpaying,


· selling-commodity[a] is the-actSfrexchanging in which the-actor gives the-commodity[a] to buyer for another one[b].

* seller: actor,
* buyer: acton,
* commodity[a]: satisfier: acton,
* commodity[b]: satisfier: acton,

* verb:
· stxEngl: _stxSbj=actor:[She] _stxObj:[sells] _stxObj=commodity[a]:[her body] _stxCause:[(to) survive and support her drug habit]. [WordNet]

* McsEngl.actSfrexchanging.selling-satisfier!⇒actSfrselling,
* McsEngl.actSfrselling,
* McsEngl.selling-commodity!⇒actSfrselling,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.mài-卖!=actSfrselling,
* McsZhon.卖-mài!=actSfrselling,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.ρήμα.πουλ-άω-ώ-ιέμαι!=actSfrselling,
* McsElln.πουλ-άω-ώ-ιέμαι!~verbElln!=actSfrselling,
* McsElln.πούλημα!το!=actSfrselling,
* McsElln.ρήμα.πωλ-ώ-ούμαι!=actSfrselling,
* McsElln.πωλ-ώ-ούμαι!~verbElln!=actSfrselling,
* McsElln.πώληση-εμπορεύματος!η!=actSfrselling,

* barter-selling,
* monetary-selling,

receiving-payment of actSfrselling

· the-actor|seller[a] RECEIVES a-commodity[b] from the-buyer equivalent in value to commodity it[a] gaved.

* actor|seller,
* from seller,
* commodity[b]|payment,

* McsEngl.actSfrselling'receiving-payment,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.ρήμα.πληρώνομαι:receiving-payment,
* McsElln.πληρώνομαι!~verbElln:receiving-payment,


· bartering is a-actSfrexchanging without money.

* McsEngl.Sfrbartering!⇒actSfrbartering,
* McsEngl.actSfrexchanging.bartering,
* McsEngl.actSfrbartering,
* McsEngl.bartering!⇒actSfrbartering,


· bartering is a-actSfrexchanging WITH money.

* McsEngl.actSfrexchanging.barteringNo,
* McsEngl.actSfrbarteringNo,
* McsEngl.barteringNo,
* McsEngl.monetary-exchanging,


· exchanging for ever.

* McsEngl.actSfrbuyselling,
* McsEngl.actSfrexchanging.for-ever!⇒actSfrbuyselling,
* McsEngl.buyselling!⇒actSfrbuyselling,
* McsEngl.satisfier-for-satisfier!⇒actSfrbuyselling,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.αγοραπωλησία!η!=actSfrbuyselling,
* McsElln.αγοροπωλησία!η!=actSfrbuyselling,


· exchanging for time-interval.

* McsEngl.actSfrlendoborrowing,
* McsEngl.actSfrexchanging.for-time-interval!⇒actSfrlendoborrowing,
* McsEngl.lendoborrowing!⇒actSfrlendoborrowing,
* McsEngl.sfrtrading.for-time-interval!⇒actSfrlendoborrowing,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.δανεισμός!ο!=actSfrlendoborrowing,


· the-actor sells a-financial-commodity for time-interval.

· stxZhon: _stxObj:[电脑] _stxSbj:[我] _stxVrb:{不能 借} _stxObj:[(给) 他]。 != [the-computer] [I] {can not lend} [(to) him].

* McsEngl.Sfrlendoborrowing.lending!⇒actLending,
* McsEngl.actLending,
* McsEngl.lending-commodity!⇒actLending,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.jiè-借!=actLending,
* McsZhon.借-jiè!=actLending,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.ρήμα.δανείζω!=actLending,
* McsElln.δανείζω!~verbElln!=actLending,
* McsElln.ρήμα.δίνω-δάνειο!=actLending,
* McsElln.δίνω-δάνειο!~verbElln!=actLending,


· the-actor sells a-financialNo-commodity for time-interval.

* McsEngl.Sfrlendoborrowing.renting!⇒actRenting,
* McsEngl.actRenting,
* McsEngl.renting-acting,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.zū-租!=actRenting,
* McsZhon.租-zū!=actRenting,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.ρήμα.ενοικιάζω!=actRenting,
* McsElln.ενοικιάζω!~verbElln!=actRenting,

· stxZhon: 他想租一间房。 :: _stxSbj:[Tā] _stxVrb:{xiǎng} _stxObj:[{zū} [yī jiān fáng]]. != He wants to rent a room.
* McsEngl.dngActRenting,


· the-actor buys a-commodity for time-interval.

· stxZhon: 我 要 借 书。 :: _stxSbj:[Wǒ] _stxVrb:{yào} _stxObj:[{jiè}shū]。 != [I] {want} [to borrow book|s].

* McsEngl.Sfrlendoborrowing.borrowing!⇒actBorrowing,
* McsEngl.actBorrowing,
* McsEngl.borrowing-commodity!⇒actBorrowing,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.jiè-借!=actBorrowing,
* McsZhon.借-jiè!=actBorrowing,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.ρήμα.δανείζομαι!=actBorrowing,
* McsElln.δανείζομαι!~verbElln!=actBorrowing,
* McsElln.ρήμα.παίρνω-δάνειο!=actBorrowing,
* McsElln.παίρνω-δάνειο!~verbElln!=actBorrowing,


· satisfier for nothing.

* McsEngl.actSfrtransacting.transfering!⇒actSfrtransfering,
* McsEngl.actSfrtransfering,
* McsEngl.satisfier-for-nothing!⇒actSfrtransfering,
* McsEngl.something-for-nothing!⇒actSfrtransfering,
* McsEngl.transfering-of-satisfier!⇒actSfrtransfering,

evoluting of satisfier

* McsEngl.evoluting-of-satisfier,
* McsEngl.satisfier'evoluting,

=== McsHitp-creation:
· creation of current concept.

WHOLE-PART-TREE of satisfier

* McsEngl.satisfier'whole-part-tree,

* human-organization,
* Sympan,

* ,


* McsEngl.satisfier'generic-specific-tree,
* McsEngl.satisfier'specific-generic-tree,

GENERIC-TREE of satisfier

* economic-entity,

* ,

· :
* ,

* ,

SPECIFIC-TREE of satisfier

* ,

* McsEngl.satisfier.specific,


"Product classification or product taxonomy is a type of economic taxonomy which organizes products for a variety of purposes. However, not only products can be referred to in a standardized way but also sales practices in form of the “Incoterms” and industries can be classified into categories.[1]
Some standard product classifications include:
* CPA — Classification of Products by Activity, a product nomenclature that was used in the European Economic Community and now in use in the EU, a European version of the CPC
** CPA 1996[2]
** CPA 2002
** CPA 2008[3]
** CPA 2.1[4]
* CPC — Central Product Classification, a United Nations standard classification for products
* ETIM, the ETIM Technical Information Model
* Global Classification and Harmonized Schedule Numbers for customs classification
* HS — Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System
* SITC — Standard International Trade Classification
* Trade in Services
* UNSPSC, the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code
* IEC Common Data Dictionary, product classifications defined by the International Electrotechnical Commission
* eCl@ss, a global and ISO/IEC-conform system for classification and description of products and services, maintained by the non-governmental eCl@ss e.V. association"

* McsEngl.product-classification,
* McsEngl.product-taxonomy,
* McsEngl.satisfier.taxonomy,


"The Central Product Classification (CPC) is a product classification for goods and services promulgated by the United Nations Statistical Commission. It is intended to be an international standard for organizing and analyzing data on industrial production, national accounts, trade, prices and so on.
The European Union's Classification of Products by Activity (CPA) is based on CPC."

"Central Product Classification:
The Central Product Classification (CPC) is an international standard for classifying goods and services. It is developed and maintained by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD). The CPC is used by countries around the world to collect, analyze, and compare data on trade, production, consumption, and prices.

**Purpose of the CPC**
The CPC serves several important purposes:
* **Facilitates international comparability:** The CPC provides a common language for describing goods and services, which makes it easier to compare data across countries. This is important for many reasons, including analyzing global trade patterns, assessing economic performance, and tracking international development goals.
* **Promotes harmonization of statistical classifications:** The CPC is used alongside a number of other international statistical classifications, such as the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) for trade and the Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (COICOP) for household consumption. By being consistent with these other classifications, the CPC helps to ensure that data is collected and analyzed in a way that is compatible across different statistical systems.
* **Supports data integration:** The CPC provides a hierarchical structure for classifying goods and services, which makes it easier to combine data from different sources. This is important for many purposes, including conducting economic analysis and developing policy recommendations.

**Structure of the CPC**
The CPC is a hierarchical classification, which means that each product is assigned a code that reflects its place in the classification structure. The CPC has four levels:
* **Section:** The highest level of the CPC, which is divided into 21 sections. Each section represents a major group of goods or services.
* **Division:** The second level of the CPC, which is divided into 120 divisions. Each division represents a more detailed group of goods or services.
* **Group:** The third level of the CPC, which is divided into 520 groups. Each group represents a very specific type of good or service.
* **Class:** The fourth and most detailed level of the CPC, which is divided into 4,195 classes. Each class represents a unique product or service.

**Uses of the CPC**
The CPC is used by a wide variety of organizations, including:
* **National statistical offices:** National statistical offices use the CPC to collect and analyze data on trade, production, consumption, and prices.
* **International organizations:** International organizations, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), use the CPC to compile and analyze global economic data.
* **Businesses:** Businesses use the CPC to classify their products and services for purposes of accounting, marketing, and trade.
* **Researchers:** Researchers use the CPC to analyze economic data and develop policy recommendations.

The Central Product Classification (CPC) is an important international standard for classifying goods and services. It is used by countries around the world to collect, analyze, and compare data on trade, production, consumption, and prices. The CPC promotes international comparability, harmonization of statistical classifications, and data integration. It is a valuable tool for businesses, researchers, and policymakers alike."
[{2023-12-14 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.CPC!=central-product-classification,
* McsEngl.central-product-classification,
* McsEngl.satisfier.central-product-classification,


"The Statistical classification of products by activity, abbreviated as CPA, is the classification of products (goods as well as services) at the level of the European Union (EU).
Product classifications are designed to categorize products that have common characteristics. They provide the basis for collecting and calculating statistics on the production, distributive trade, consumption, international trade and transport of such products.
CPA product categories are related to activities as defined by the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE). Each CPA product - whether a transportable or non-transportable good or a service - is assigned to one single NACE activity. This linkage to NACE activities gives the CPA a structure parallel to that of NACE at all levels.
The CPA is part of an integrated system of statistical classifications, developed mainly under the auspices of the United Nations Statistical Division. This system makes it possible to compare statistics across countries and in different statistical domains.
CPA has a hierarchical structure with six levels, each identified with a specific code:
* first level: 21 sections (alphabetical code);
* second level: 88 divisions (two-digit numerical code);
* third level: 261 groups (three-digit numerical code);
* fourth level: 575 classes (four-digit numerical code);
* fifth level: 1 342 categories (five-digit numerical code);
* sixth level: 3 142 subcategories (six-digit numerical code).

* McsEngl.CPA!=statistical-classification-of-products-by-activity)
* McsEngl.satisfier.Cpa,
* McsEngl.statistical-classification-of-products-by-activity,



"The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System generally referred to as "Harmonized System" or simply "HS" is a multipurpose international product nomenclature developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO).
It comprises more than 5,000 commodity groups; each identified by a six digit code, arranged in a legal and logical structure and is supported by well-defined rules to achieve uniform classification.
The system is used by more than 200 countries and economies as a basis for their Customs tariffs and for the collection of international trade statistics. Over 98 % of the merchandise in international trade is classified in terms of the HS.
The HS contributes to the harmonization of Customs and trade procedures, and the non-documentary trade data interchange in connection with such procedures, thus reducing the costs related to international trade.
It is also extensively used by governments, international organizations and the private sector for many other purposes such as internal taxes, trade policies, monitoring of controlled goods, rules of origin, freight tariffs, transport statistics, price monitoring, quota controls, compilation of national accounts, and economic research and analysis. The HS is thus a universal economic language and code for goods, and an indispensable tool for international trade.
The Harmonized System is governed by "The International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System". The official interpretation of the HS is given in the Explanatory Notes (5 volumes in English and French) published by the WCO. The Explanatory Notes are also available online and on CD-ROM, as part of the HS Database which groups all the available HS Tools, including the information on the HS Nomenclature, the Compendium of Classification Opinions, the Explanatory Notes, the Alphabetical Index and the Brochure on Classification Decisions taken by the Harmonized System Committee.
The maintenance of the HS is a WCO priority. This activity includes measures to secure uniform interpretation of the HS and its periodic updating in light of developments in technology and changes in trade patterns. The WCO manages this process through the Harmonized System Committee (representing the Contracting Parties to the HS Convention), which examines policy matters, takes decisions on classification questions, settles disputes and prepares amendments to the Explanatory Notes. The HS Committee also prepares amendments updating the HS every 5 – 6 years.
Decisions concerning the interpretation and application of the Harmonized System, such as classification decisions and amendments to the Explanatory Notes or to the Compendium of Classification Opinions, become effective two months after the approval by the HS Committee. These are reflected in the amending supplements of the relevant WCO Publications."

* McsEngl.HS!=harmonized-commodity-description-and-coding-system,
* McsEngl.harmonized-commodity-description-and-coding-system!⇒sfrHs,
* McsEngl.harmonized-system!⇒sfrHs,
* McsEngl.satisfier.Hs!⇒sfrHs,
* McsEngl.sfrHs!=harmonized-system,


"The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) is a taxonomy of products and services for use in eCommerce. It is a four-level hierarchy coded as an eight-digit number, with an optional fifth level adding two more digits.
The latest release of the code set is 22.0601 (as of February 2020)[1] and contains 156,478[2] codes.
The UNSPSC competes with a number of other product and commodity coding schemes, including the European Union's Common Procurement Vocabulary, ECLASS, and GS1's Global Product Classification.[3]"
[{2021-01-20} ]

* McsEngl.UNSPSC!=United-Nations-standard-products-and-services-code,
* McsEngl.United-Nations-standard-products-and-services-code,
* McsEngl.satisfier.Unspsc,


"ETIM is a format to share and exchange product data based on taxonomic identification. This widely used classification standard for technical products was developed to structure the information flow between B2B professionals.
The ETIM classification model was developed to meet the industry’s growing demand for a clear, discerning information structure for available technical products: ETIM allows for technical products to be classified and uniformly described by product groups, classes, synonyms, features, values and units.
With ETIM, the exchange of detailed information needed to find technical products became a reality."

">ETIM classification model:
ETIM (ElektroTechnisches InformationsModell), originally an abbreviation for "Electrotechnical Information Model," is an open international standard for classifying and structuring technical product data. It is widely used in the electrical and electronic industry, as well as other sectors, to ensure consistent and comprehensive product information across various distribution channels.

**Key Features of ETIM Classification Model:**
1. **Hierarchical Structure:** ETIM employs a hierarchical classification system with five levels of product categorization: product group, product class, subgroup, sub-subgroup, and individual product. This structured approach allows for a clear and organized representation of product information.
2. **Uniform Data Format:** ETIM provides a standardized data format for describing product characteristics and attributes. This format ensures consistency and compatibility of product information across different systems and platforms.
3. **Global Standardization:** ETIM is an international standard adopted by many countries worldwide, promoting harmonized product data exchange and comparison. This standardization facilitates global trade and collaboration in the industrial sector.
4. **Data Integration and Automation:** ETIM facilitates data integration between various systems and applications, enabling efficient product information management and automated processes.
5. **Enhanced Search and Discovery:** The structured and standardized nature of ETIM data enables effective search and discovery of products, making it easier for customers to find the right products for their needs.

**Benefits of Using ETIM Classification Model:**
1. **Improved Data Accuracy and Completeness:** ETIM promotes the consistent and comprehensive representation of product information, reducing data errors and ensuring a complete understanding of product specifications.
2. **Enhanced Product Visibility and Searchability:** The structured and standardized data format makes it easier for customers to find relevant products using search engines and classification systems, increasing product visibility and sales opportunities.
3. **Streamlined Supply Chain Management:** ETIM facilitates efficient product data exchange between manufacturers, distributors, and retailers, streamlining supply chain operations and reducing errors.
4. **Improved Customer Experience:** The consistent and accurate product information provided by ETIM enhances customer satisfaction by providing clear and reliable product descriptions.
5. **Reduced IT Costs and Complexity:** ETIM promotes the use of standardized data formats and processes, which can simplify IT infrastructure and reduce overall costs.

**Applications of ETIM Classification Model:**
1. **Product Catalogs and Websites:** ETIM is widely used to structure and organize product information in online catalogs, brochures, and websites, providing customers with a consistent and informative user experience.
2. **E-commerce Platforms:** ETIM is integrated into e-commerce platforms to enable accurate product search, filtering, and comparison, enhancing customer convenience and decision-making.
3. **Supply Chain Management Systems:** ETIM is incorporated into supply chain management systems to streamline product data exchange, automate processes, and improve overall efficiency.
4. **Data Exchange Standards:** ETIM serves as a common data exchange standard between different industry participants, facilitating efficient information sharing and collaboration.
5. **Technical Documentation and Certification:** ETIM is used in technical documentation, product certifications, and regulatory compliance processes to ensure consistent and accurate product information.

In conclusion, the ETIM classification model is an essential tool for the electrical and electronic industry, as well as various other sectors, providing a standardized and structured approach to product data representation, management, and exchange. Its benefits extend to improved data accuracy, enhanced product visibility, streamlined supply chain operations, improved customer experience, and reduced IT costs. As ETIM continues to gain global adoption, its impact on industry efficiency, collaboration, and customer satisfaction is expected to expand."
[{2023-12-14 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.ETIM!=Electrotechnical-Information-Model,
* McsEngl.Electrotechnical-Information-Model,
* McsEngl.satisfier.Etim,


"Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) is a classification of goods used to classify the exports and imports of a country to enable comparing different countries and years. The classification system is maintained by the United Nations. The SITC classification, is currently at revision four, which was promulgated in 2006.
The SITC is recommended only for analytical purposes - trade statistics are recommended to be collected and compiled in the Harmonized System instead.
The following excerpt was taken from the United Nations Statistics Division, international trade statistics branch:
"For compiling international trade statistics on all merchandise entering international trade, and to promote international comparability of international trade statistics. The commodity groupings of SITC reflect (a) the materials used in production, (b) the processing stage, (c) market practices and uses of the products, (d) the importance of the commodities in terms of world trade, and (e) technological changes."[1]"

* McsEngl.SITC!=standard-international-trade-classification,
* McsEngl.satisfier.Sitc,
* McsEngl.standard-international-trade-classification,


"The Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) has been developed by the European Union to facilitate the processing of invitations to tender published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) by means of a single classification system to describe the subject matter of public contracts. It was established by Regulation (EC) No 2195/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) [1] and amended by European Commission Regulation (EU) No. 213/2008 [2] issued on 28 November 2007."

* McsEngl.CPV!=common-procurement-vocabulary,
* McsEngl.common-procurement-vocabulary,
* McsEngl.satisfier.Cpv,


"The Universal Product Code (UPC; redundantly: UPC code) is a barcode symbology that is widely used in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and other countries for tracking trade items in stores.
UPC (technically refers to UPC-A) consists of 12 numeric digits that are uniquely assigned to each trade item. Along with the related EAN barcode, the UPC is the barcode mainly used for scanning of trade items at the point of sale, per GS1 specifications.[1] UPC data structures are a component of GTINs and follow the global GS1 specification, which is based on international standards. But some retailers (clothing, furniture) do not use the GS1 system (rather other barcode symbologies or article number systems). On the other hand, some retailers use the EAN/UPC barcode symbology, but without using a GTIN (for products sold in their own stores only)."

* McsEngl.UPC!=universal-product-code,
* McsEngl.universal-product-code,
* McsEngl.satisfier.Upc,


"The International Article Number (also known as European Article Number or EAN) is a standard describing a barcode symbology and numbering system used in global trade to identify a specific retail product type, in a specific packaging configuration, from a specific manufacturer. The standard has been subsumed in the Global Trade Item Number standard from the GS1 organization; the same numbers can be referred to as GTINs and can be encoded in other barcode symbologies defined by GS1. EAN barcodes are used worldwide for lookup at retail point of sale, but can also be used as numbers for other purposes such as wholesale ordering or accounting. These barcodes only represent the digits 0–9, unlike some other barcode symbologies which can represent additional characters.
The most commonly used EAN standard is the thirteen-digit EAN-13, a superset of the original 12-digit Universal Product Code (UPC-A) standard developed in 1970 by George J. Laurer.[1] An EAN-13 number includes a 3-digit GS1 prefix (indicating country of registration or special type of product). A prefix with a first digit of "0" indicates a 12-digit UPC-A code follows. A prefix with first two digits of "45" or "49" indicates a Japanese Article Number (JAN) follows.
The less commonly used 8-digit EAN-8 barcode was introduced for use on small packages, where EAN-13 would be too large. 2-digit EAN-2 and 5-digit EAN-5 are supplemental barcodes, placed on the right-hand side of EAN-13 or UPC. These are generally used for periodicals like magazines[2] or books,[3] to indicate the current year's issue number; and weighed products like food, to indicate the manufacturer's suggested retail price."

* McsEngl.EAN!=European-article-number,
* McsEngl.EAN!=international-article-number,
* McsEngl.European-article-number,
* McsEngl.satisfier.Ean,


"The Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is an identifier for trade items, developed by GS1.[1] Such identifiers are used to look up product information in a database (often by entering the number through a barcode scanner pointed at an actual product) which may belong to a retailer, manufacturer, collector, researcher, or other entity. The uniqueness and universality of the identifier is useful in establishing which product in one database corresponds to which product in another database, especially across organizational boundaries."

* McsEngl.GTIN!=global-trade-item-number,
* McsEngl.satisfier.Gtin,


"IEC Common Data Dictionary (abbreviated: IEC CDD) is a metadata registry based on the data model defined in IEC 61360-2/ISO 13584-42 with an enhancement of its modelling capability adopted from IEC 62656-1. The description of the data model for dictionary developers in particular for those in electrotechnical domains is given in IEC 61360-1. Currently the scope of the registry is extended to cover all ISO and IEC domains, thus it is no longer "IEC CDD", nevertheless it is hosted by IEC-CO and is maintained by IEC SC 3D with a joint working group formed between IEC SC 3D and ISO TC 184/SC4. The data model of the CDD references ISO/IEC 11179 for the identification of the registered elements . It is used to host product classifications. - This means the IEC CDD is a database providing classifications and metadata definitions for describing products. The IEC CDD is an International Standard in the form of an online database, not in the form of (e-)paper, and is given the standard number IEC 61360-4 DB. Thus the metadata registered into the database has the status of International Standard. The procedure to add a new definition or a set of definitions is based on the IEC database procedure, described in Annex SL of the IEC supplementary of the ISO/IEC directive Part 1. This process for updating the content is called a "Change Request" and when a Change Request is issued and adopted, the proposed item will become part of the International Standard, IEC 61360-4 DB, within approximately 6 months."

* McsEngl.IEC-CDD!=IEC-common-data-dictionary,


"ECLASS (formerly styled as eCl@ss) is a classification system for products and services. It is maintained by the industry consortium ECLASS e.V. association."

">ECLASS classification system:
ECLASS (formerly styled as eCl@ss) is a classification system for products and services. It is maintained by the industry consortium ECLASS e.V. association.

**Structure of ECLASS**
ECLASS is a hierarchical classification system with four levels:
1. **Segment:** The highest level of ECLASS, which is divided into 23 segments. Segments represent the broadest categories of products or services.
2. **Main Group:** The second level of ECLASS, which is divided into 120 main groups. Main groups represent more specific categories of products or services.
3. **Product Group:** The third level of ECLASS, which is divided into 520 product groups. Product groups represent even more specific categories of products or services.
4. **Product Class:** The fourth and most detailed level of ECLASS, which is divided into 4,195 product classes. Product classes represent unique products or services.

Each product class in ECLASS has a unique ECLASS code, which is a combination of numbers and letters. The ECLASS code is used to identify products and services in ECLASS-compliant applications.

**Features of ECLASS**
ECLASS is a feature-based classification system, which means that it classifies products and services based on their technical features. This makes ECLASS a very flexible and scalable classification system, as it can be used to classify a wide variety of products and services.
ECLASS is also a standardized classification system, which means that it is used by a wide variety of organizations around the world. This makes ECLASS a valuable tool for businesses that trade internationally, as it allows them to easily compare and exchange product information with customers and suppliers from other countries.

**Benefits of Using ECLASS**
There are many benefits to using ECLASS, including:
* **Improved data quality and consistency:** ECLASS promotes the consistent and comprehensive representation of product information, reducing data errors and ensuring a complete understanding of product specifications.
* **Enhanced product searchability:** The structured and standardized data format makes it easier for customers and suppliers to find relevant products using search engines and classification systems, increasing product visibility and sales opportunities.
* **Streamlined supply chain management:** ECLASS facilitates efficient product data exchange between manufacturers, distributors, and retailers, streamlining supply chain operations and reducing errors.
* **Improved customer experience:** The consistent and accurate product information provided by ECLASS enhances customer satisfaction by providing clear and reliable product descriptions.
* **Reduced IT costs and complexity:** ECLASS promotes the use of standardized data formats and processes, which can simplify IT infrastructure and reduce overall costs.

**Applications of ECLASS**
ECLASS is used in a wide variety of applications, including:
* **Product catalogs and websites:** ECLASS is widely used to structure and organize product information in online catalogs, brochures, and websites, providing customers with a consistent and informative user experience.
* **E-commerce platforms:** ECLASS is integrated into e-commerce platforms to enable accurate product search, filtering, and comparison, enhancing customer convenience and decision-making.
* **Supply chain management systems:** ECLASS is incorporated into supply chain management systems to streamline product data exchange, automate processes, and improve overall efficiency.
* **Data exchange standards:** ECLASS serves as a common data exchange standard between different industry participants, facilitating efficient information sharing and collaboration.
* **Technical documentation and certification:** ECLASS is used in technical documentation, product certifications, and regulatory compliance processes to ensure consistent and accurate product information.

In conclusion, ECLASS is a powerful and versatile classification system that can be used to improve data quality, enhance product searchability, streamline supply chain operations, and improve customer experience. It is a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes, from small manufacturers to large multinational corporations."
[{2023-12-14 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.ECLASS-classification,
* McsEngl.eCl@ss-classification,
* McsEngl.satisfier.Eclass-classification,


· specifics-division on economic-work.
* economic-satisfier,
* economicNo-satisfier,

* McsEngl.satisfier.specs-div.economic-work,


· economic-satisfier is a-product of economic-work. [{2024-02-10}]

· economic-satisfier is AN-ENTITY (body, doing, relation) which a society SUBJECTIVELY wants to have (goods) or to have not (bads).
· economic-satisfiers fulfill subjective society-needs.
· Satisfier is AN-ENTITY (body, doing, relation) which a society SUBJECTIVELY wants to have (goods) or to have not (bads).
· economic-satisfier is a-satisfier that demands non-voluntarily WORK to be-created.
· the-creation of economic-satisfiers is the-reason of existance of economies.

· satisfier = sfrCost + sfrProfit + sfrTax

* McsEngl.economic-satisfier!⇒sfrEcon,
* McsEngl.satisfier.056-economic!⇒sfrEcon,
* McsEngl.satisfier.economic!⇒sfrEcon,
* McsEngl.sfrEcon!=economic-satisfier,


* household--economic-satisfier,
* householdNo--economic-satisfier,
* commodity--economic-satisfier,
* commodityNo--economic-satisfier,
* natural--economic-satisfier,
* naturalNo--economic-satisfier,
* own-use,
* gift,

* McsEngl.sfrEcon.specific,


"The **standard of living** is a measure of the quality and comfort of life of people in a particular place or group. It's often used to compare different countries, regions, or social groups. Here are key components that typically define the standard of living:
1. **Income and Wealth**: The amount of money people earn affects their ability to purchase goods and services, thereby influencing their standard of living. This includes wages, investments, and any form of economic security.
2. **Employment Opportunities**: Availability of jobs, job security, and the nature of employment (e.g., manual labor vs. high-tech jobs) play significant roles.
3. **Cost of Living**: This includes the price of goods and services, housing costs, taxes, and inflation rates. A lower cost of living can mean a higher standard of living if incomes remain constant.
4. **Healthcare**: Access to quality healthcare, healthcare affordability, and life expectancy are crucial. Countries with universal healthcare might provide a higher standard in this aspect.
5. **Education**: The quality, accessibility, and cost of education affect both current and future living standards, as education often correlates with earning potential.
6. **Infrastructure**: This includes public transport, roads, internet access, electricity, water supply, and sanitation. Good infrastructure supports a higher quality of life.
7. **Housing**: Quality, size, availability, and affordability of housing are fundamental.
8. **Environmental Quality**: Clean air, water, low pollution levels, and access to natural spaces can greatly enhance living standards.
9. **Safety and Security**: Low crime rates, political stability, and the rule of law contribute to a higher standard of living.
10. **Social Factors**: This includes work-life balance, social mobility, community life, and cultural opportunities.
11. **Human Rights and Freedom**: Freedom of speech, religion, movement, and political freedom also play into the perceived and actual standard of living.
12. **Technology Access**: Availability of modern technology can improve efficiency in daily life, from communication to home appliances.
When discussing or comparing standards of living, economists and sociologists might use:
- **Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita**: While this is a common measure, it doesn't account for income distribution or quality of life factors beyond economic output.
- **Human Development Index (HDI)**: A more comprehensive measure that includes life expectancy, education, and per capita income indicators.
- **Quality of Life Index**: This might include subjective measures like happiness or life satisfaction along with objective criteria.
- **Gini Coefficient**: Measures income inequality within a nation, where a higher Gini index indicates greater inequality, potentially lowering the standard of living for the majority.
Remember, while these metrics provide a quantifiable way to compare, they might not capture the full essence of what makes life valuable or comfortable for individuals, which can be highly subjective and cultural."
[{2024-08-28 retrieved}]

"Standard of living refers to the material well-being of a person or group, typically measured by economic factors such as income, access to goods and services, and housing conditions. It reflects the ability to meet basic needs and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle."
[{2023-12-15 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.satisfier.062-standard-of-living,
* McsEngl.sfrEcon.standard-of-living,
* McsEngl.standard-of-living,


· non-economic-satisfier is a-product of non-economic-work. [{2024-02-10}]

* economicNo = quality-of-life - economic-satisfiers
* abundant-satisfiers (sunlight, air),
* voluntarily created satisfiers, for own use.
* Personal care: eating, washing,
* Social activities: spending time with friends and family, attending parties, or joining clubs and groups.
* Personal development: reading, exercising,
* Hobbies and interests, entertainment:

* McsEngl.non-economic-satisfier!⇒sfrEconNo,
* McsEngl.economicNo-satisfier!⇒sfrEconNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.057-economicNo!⇒sfrEconNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.economicNo!⇒sfrEconNo,
* McsEngl.sfrEconNo!=economicNo-satisfier,


· on ownership:
* property,
* propertyNo,

* McsEngl.satisfier.specs-div.ownership,

· property is a-satisfier with an-ownership-relation.

* McsEngl.satisfier.005-property!⇒sfrProperty,
* McsEngl.sfrProperty,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.ιδιοκτησία!η!=sfrProperty,

"In a dispute over how to divide a cookie, the easiest way to resolve it is to clone the cookie. Property only becomes an issue when cloning is not possible."

owner (link) of sfrProperty

ownership-relation of sfrProperty

· ownership is the-relation of control|rights between a-human or oznHmn and a-satisfier.
· the-possessor has all the-rights on possession.
"3.21 Two types of ownership can be distinguished, legal ownership and economic ownership. The legal owner of entities such as goods and services, natural resources, financial assets and liabilities is the institutional unit entitled in law and sustainable under the law to claim the benefits associated with the entities.
3.22 Sometimes government may claim legal ownership of an entity on behalf of the community at large. No entity that does not have a legal owner, either on an individual or collective basis, is recognized in the SNA."
"One of the most important aspects of a peace treaty is to define who owns what, how ownership changes, and how disputes are resolved. Any confusion over ownership creates conflict and conflict is supposed to be resolved by a peace treaty."

* McsEngl.Sfrownership,
* McsEngl.ownership!⇒Sfrownership,
* McsEngl.possession-relation.ownership!⇒Sfrownership,
* McsEngl.relation.ownership!⇒Sfrownership,
* McsEngl.rlnOwnership!⇒Sfrownership,
* McsEngl.rlnPossession.ownership!⇒Sfrownership,
* McsEngl.satisfier'att009-ownership!⇒Sfrownership,
* McsEngl.satisfier'ownership!⇒Sfrownership,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.ιδιοκτησία-ικανοποιητού!η!=Sfrownership,

right of Sfrownership

* right to use,
* right to buy,
* right to sell,
* right to inherit,

* McsEngl.Sfrownership'right,

evaluation of Sfrownership

* importance:
"Almost all revolutions have been driven by the desire to change property ownership in some way."
[{2024-02-28 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.Sfrownership'evaluation,


* legal-Sfrownership,
* economic-Sfrownership,
* private-Sfrownership,
* privateNo-Sfrownership,
* admin-Sfrownership,
* adminNo-Sfrownership,
* social-Sfrownership,
* socialNo-Sfrownership,
* society-Sfrownership,
* global-Sfrownership,

* McsEngl.Sfrownership.specific,


"SNA-2008 economic vs legal ownership:
In the System of National Accounts 2008 (SNA-2008), the distinction between economic and legal ownership is an important concept, particularly when it comes to the recording of transactions and the allocation of assets and liabilities.
1. **Economic Ownership**: This refers to the assumption of the risks and rewards associated with an asset. Economic ownership is assigned to the unit that has the rights to gain the benefits associated with the use of an asset in the form of income generation, its use in production, or the holding of it over time. This includes the right to any profits that may accrue from its use and the responsibility to bear the risks of losses. Economic ownership is a key concept in SNA because it determines how economic activities are attributed to different institutional units and sectors.
2. **Legal Ownership**: This refers to the formal, legal holding of title to an asset. Legal ownership is defined by laws and regulations and it implies the recognition by legal authorities. It's important for contractual and litigation purposes.
The distinction between the two types of ownership becomes particularly relevant in certain economic activities, like leasing or rent-to-own schemes. For example, in the case of a financial lease, the lessee is considered the economic owner of the leased asset for the duration of the lease, even though the legal title may remain with the lessor. This is because the lessee assumes the risks and rewards associated with the asset during the lease period. Therefore, in national accounts, the asset is recorded on the balance sheet of the lessee, not the legal owner.
In SNA-2008, economic ownership is more relevant for accounting purposes because it aligns with the principle of recording economic activities based on economic reality rather than strictly legal formulations. This approach provides a more accurate and meaningful picture of the economic activities and resource allocation in an economy."
[{2024-01-29 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.economic-ownership,
* McsEngl.Sfrownership.economic,

"10.6 Every entity has both a legal owner and an economic owner, though in many cases the economic owner and the legal owner of an entity are the same.
Where they are not, the legal owner has handed responsibility for the risk involved in using the entity in an economic activity to the economic owner along with associated benefits.
In return the legal owner accepts another package of risks and benefits from the economic owner."
[{2024-01-29 retrieved}]



· private-ownership is ownership to one or more members of a-society.

* McsEngl.Sfrownership.private,
* McsEngl.private-ownership,


· privateNo-ownership is ownership to admin or social.

* McsEngl.Sfrownership.privateNo,
* McsEngl.privateNo-ownership,


· admin-ownership is ownership to an-administration.

* McsEngl.Sfrownership.admin,
* McsEngl.admin-ownership,
* McsEngl.government-ownership,
* McsEngl.public-ownership,
* McsEngl.state-ownership,


· private, social.

* McsEngl.Sfrownership.adminNo,
* McsEngl.adminNo-ownership,
* McsEngl.non-admin-ownership,

· society and global ownership (not-private, not-state).



· private or state ownership.

* McsEngl.Sfrownership.socialNo,
* McsEngl.non-social-ownership,
* McsEngl.socialNo-ownership,


· society-ownership is ownership to one society.

* McsEngl.Sfrownership.society,
* McsEngl.society-ownership,

· global-ownership is ownership to all societies.


title of sfrProperty


* McsEngl.sfrProperty'title,


* admin-property,
* adminNo-property,
* private-property,
* privateNo-property,
* one-owner-property,
* oneNo-owner-property,
* few-owner-property,
* many-owner-property,
* all-owner-property,
* allSociety-owner-property,
* allGlobal-owner-property,

* McsEngl.sfrProperty.specific,

sfrProperty.admin (link)


· a-satisfier NOT owned by governance.

* McsEngl.satisfier.008-governmentNo!⇒sfrGvcNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.governmentNo!⇒sfrGvcNo,
* McsEngl.sfrGvcNo,
* McsEngl.sfrProperty.governmentNo!⇒sfrGvcNo,

* private-satisfier,
* society|public-satisfier,


· private-property is property which is-NOT admin-property, society-property, or global-property.

* McsEngl.private-property,
* McsEngl.satisfier.066-private,
* McsEngl.sfrProperty.private,


">collective vs cooperative property:
Collective and cooperative property are terms often used in discussions about ownership and management of resources, especially within the context of economic, social, and political systems. Here's an overview of each term and how they differ:
### Collective Property
Collective property refers to ownership and control of assets or resources by a group as a whole, rather than by individuals or a single entity. This concept is closely associated with collective decision-making processes and the distribution of benefits among all members of the group. The management and use of collective property are determined by the collective group according to agreed-upon rules or principles. Examples of collective property might include communal lands, resources managed by indigenous communities, or assets owned and operated by a state on behalf of its citizens.
### Cooperative Property
Cooperative property refers to assets or resources owned and managed by a cooperative, which is an organization formed by individuals who collaborate to meet common economic, social, or cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise. Cooperative property is characterized by voluntary and open membership, democratic member control, member economic participation, autonomy and independence, education, training and information, cooperation among cooperatives, and concern for community. Examples include housing cooperatives, consumer cooperatives, and worker cooperatives.
### Key Differences
- **Ownership Structure**: Collective property is owned by the group without specific individual shares, whereas cooperative property is typically owned by members with defined shares or stakes in the cooperative.
- **Decision-making**: In a collective system, decisions about property use and management are made by the group as a whole, possibly through consensus or democratic voting. In a cooperative, decisions are also made democratically, but the structure may allow for more formalized roles and responsibilities.
- **Purpose and Goals**: Collective property is often aimed at serving the needs of a community or group without the primary goal of profit, focusing more on equitable access and use. Cooperatives also aim to meet members' needs but can operate more like businesses, generating profits that are distributed among members or reinvested in the cooperative.
- **Legal and Organizational Framework**: Cooperatives are typically organized under specific legal frameworks that define their operation, governance, and profit distribution. Collective property might not always have a formal legal framework and could be based on traditional, communal, or agreed-upon practices.
In practice, the lines between collective and cooperative property can sometimes blur, as both prioritize shared ownership and democratic management principles. However, the specific organizational structure, legal framework, and objectives can vary significantly between the two."
[{2024-02-04 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.collective-property,
* McsEngl.cooperative-property,
* McsEngl.satisfier.068-cooperative,
* McsEngl.sfrProperty.cooperative,


* admin-property,
* society-property,
* global-property,
* Sympan-property,

· privateNo property is admin, society and global-property.

* McsEngl.non-private-property,
* McsEngl.privateNo-property,
* McsEngl.satisfier.065-privateNo,
* McsEngl.sfrProperty.privateNo,

sfrProperty.society (link) (link)


* McsEngl.satisfier.009-one-owner!⇒sfrOne,
* McsEngl.sfrOne,



* McsEngl.collective-property,
* McsEngl.satisfier.064-property.owner.oneNo,
* McsEngl.sfrProperty.owner.oneNo,


* McsEngl.satisfier.028-group,


· any satisfier related to organization.

* McsEngl.ozn'att006-satisfier,
* McsEngl.ozn'satisfier,
* McsEngl.satisfier.029-organization,
* McsEngl.satisfier.organization,
* McsEngl.satisfierOgzn,


* consumption-ogzn--satisfier,
* production-ogzn--satisfier,
* consumed-satisfier,
* produced-satisfier,
* income,
* wealth,

* McsEngl.satisfierOgzn.specific,


">income definition:
Income refers to the money or financial gain received by an individual, household, or business during a specific period, usually measured on a monthly or annual basis. It includes earnings from various sources, such as wages, salaries, investments, rental properties, business profits, and other forms of revenue.

There are two main types of income:
1. **Earned Income:** This type of income is derived from active participation in a job, business, or profession. Wages, salaries, and bonuses are common examples of earned income.
2. **Unearned Income:** This category includes passive income generated from investments, rental properties, dividends, interest, and other sources where the individual does not actively participate.

Income is a crucial component in assessing an individual's or household's financial well-being and is often used to determine eligibility for various financial services, such as loans, credit, or government assistance programs. Additionally, income is a key factor in calculating taxes, as individuals and businesses are typically taxed on their total income."
[{2023-12-03 retrieved}]

=== shǒurù-收入!=income:
· stxZhon: 他要计算一下他的收入。 :: Tā yào jìsuàn yíxià tā de shǒurù. != He wants to calculate his income.

* McsEngl.income-of-organization,
* McsEngl.satisfierOgzn.income,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.shǒurù-收入!=income,
* McsZhon.收入-shǒurù!=income,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.εισόδημα!το!=income,



* McsEngl.satisfier.010-few-owners!⇒sfrFew,
* McsEngl.satisfier.few-owners!⇒sfrFew,
* McsEngl.sfrFew,
* McsEngl.sfrProperty.owner.few!⇒sfrFew,


· satisfier property of many-humans.

* McsEngl.sfrMany,
* McsEngl.satisfier.011-many!⇒sfrMany,
* McsEngl.satisfier.many!⇒sfrMany,
* McsEngl.sfrProperty.owner.many!⇒sfrMany,


· commons is sfrSociety or sfrWorld.

* McsEngl.commons-property!⇒sfrCommons,
* McsEngl.privateNo-property!⇒sfrCommons,
* McsEngl.satisfier.018-commons!⇒sfrCommons,
* McsEngl.satisfier.commons!⇒sfrCommons,
* McsEngl.sfrCommons,
* McsEngl.sfrProperty.commons!⇒sfrCommons,
* McsEngl.sfrProperty.owner.all!⇒sfrCommons,
* McsEngl.sfrProperty.owner.commons!⇒sfrCommons,

"In this modern economic context, "commons" is taken to mean any shared and unregulated resource such as atmosphere, oceans, rivers, ocean fish stocks, or even an office refrigerator."

commoner of sfrCommons

· commoner is the-owner of sfrCommons.

* McsEngl.commoner,
* McsEngl.sfrCommons'commoner,
* McsEngl.sfrCommons'owner,

info-resource of sfrCommons


* McsEngl.sfrCommons'Infrsc,


* natural-resource,
* atmosphere,
* energy-resources,
* fish-stocks,
* forests,
* oceans,
* rivers,
* water-crisis,

* McsEngl.sfrCommons.specific,


· society-property is property to all members of a-society, with society-ownership.
· satisfier property of a-society.

* McsEngl.satisfier.012-society!⇒sfrSociety,
* McsEngl.satisfier.society!⇒sfrSociety,
* McsEngl.sfrProperty.owner.all.society!⇒sfrSociety,
* McsEngl.sfrProperty.society,
* McsEngl.sfrSociety,
* McsEngl.society-property,

· satisfier property of the-earth.
· global-property is property to all societies, with global-ownership.

* McsEngl.satisfier.013-world!⇒sfrGlobal,
* McsEngl.frGlobal,
* McsEngl.sfrWorld!⇒sfrGlobal,


· Sympan-property is property of Sympan (not just Earth). [{2024-02-03}]

* McsEngl.Sympan-property,
* McsEngl.satisfier.067-owner.all.Sympan,
* McsEngl.sfrProperty.owner.all.Sympan,


· propertyNo is a-satisfier WITHOUT an-ownership-relation.
"3.22 Sometimes government may claim legal ownership of an entity on behalf of the community at large.
No entity that does not have a legal owner, either on an individual or collective basis, is recognized in the SNA."
[{2008} SNA, 3.22]

* McsEngl.propertyNo!⇒sfrPropertyNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.006-propertyNo!⇒sfrPropertyNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.propertyNo!⇒sfrPropertyNo,
* McsEngl.sfrPropertyNo,


· on who consumes it:
* household-satisfier,
* householdNo-satisfier,

· on if consumption coincides with production:
* service-satisfier,
* serviceNo-satisfier,

· on if consumption can-be-restricted:
* excludable-satisfier,
* excludableNo-satisfier, (fresh air)
* excludableSemi-satisfier,

· on if consumption leaves less of it available for others:
* rival-satisfier, (bread)
* rivalNo-satisfier,

* McsEngl.satisfier.specs-div.consumption,


· household-satisfier is an-economic-satisfier CONSUMED by a-household.

* McsEngl.consumer-satisfier!⇒sfrHshd,
* McsEngl.household-satisfier!⇒sfrHshd,
* McsEngl.satisfier.069-household!⇒sfrHshd,
* McsEngl.satisfier.household!⇒sfrHshd,
* McsEngl.sfrEcon.household!⇒sfrHshd,
* McsEngl.sfrHshd!=household-satisfier,


· householdNo-satisfier is an-economic-satisfier NOT-CONSUMED by a-household.

* McsEngl.householdNo-satisfier!⇒sfrHshdNo,
* McsEngl.non-household-satisfier!⇒sfrHshdNo,
* McsEngl.producer-satisfier!⇒sfrHshdNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.070-householdNo!⇒sfrHshdNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.householdNo!⇒sfrHshdNo,
* McsEngl.sfrEcon.householdNo!⇒sfrHshdNo,
* McsEngl.sfrHshdNo!⇒non-household-satisfier,


"the means of production include anything that is used to produce goods and services but does not include the labor itself."
[{2024-02-11 retrieved}]

">means of production:
The "means of production" is a term used primarily in the context of Marxist and socialist theories. It refers to the physical, non-human inputs that are used for the production of economic value, such as facilities, machinery, tools, infrastructural capital, and natural resources. Essentially, the means of production include anything that is used to produce goods and services but does not include the labor itself.
In Marxist theory, the concept of the means of production is central to the analysis of social and economic relations, particularly in the distinction between different classes based on their relation to the means of production. Marx identified two main social classes: the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. The proletariat, or working class, does not own the means of production and must sell their labor power to survive, while the bourgeoisie, or capitalist class, owns the means of production and profits from the labor of the proletariat.
The control over and ownership of the means of production is a fundamental factor in the dynamics of capitalism and is seen as the root cause of class struggle, exploitation, and social inequality. Marxists argue that the transition from capitalism to socialism and eventually to communism involves the transfer of control over the means of production from private individuals to the community as a whole, thereby abolishing class distinctions and enabling a more equitable distribution of wealth and power."
[{2024-02-11 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.means-of-production--of-householdNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.071-sfrHshdNo.means-of-production,
* McsEngl.sfrHshdNo.means-of-production,



* McsEngl.dngEconwork-of-householdNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.072-sfrHshdNo.dngEconwork,
* McsEngl.sfrHshdNo.dngEconwork,


· service is a-satisfier which it is-consumed the same time with its production.

* McsEngl.satisfier.022-service!⇒sfrService,
* McsEngl.satisfier.service!⇒sfrService,
* McsEngl.service-satisfier!⇒sfrService,
* McsEngl.sfrService,


· serviceNo is a-satisfier which is not service.

* McsEngl.satisfier.023-serviceNo!⇒sfrServiceNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.serviceNo!⇒sfrServiceNo,
* McsEngl.serviceNo!⇒sfrServiceNo,
* McsEngl.sfrServiceNo,


"The easiest characteristic of an excludable good is that the producer, supplier or managing body of the good, service or resource have been able to restrict consumption to only paying consumers, and excluded non-paying consumers. If a good has a price attached to it, whether it's a one time payment like in the case of clothing or cars, or an ongoing payment like a subscription fee for a magazine or a per-use fee like in the case of public transport, it can be considers to be excludable to some extent.
A common example is a movie in a cinema. Paying customers are given a ticket that would entitle them to a single showing of the movie, and this is checked and ensured by ushers, security and other employees of the cinema. This means that a viewing of the movie is excludable and non-paying consumers are unable to experience the movie."

* McsEngl.excludable-satisfier!⇒sfrExcludable,
* McsEngl.satisfier.032-excludable!⇒sfrExcludable,
* McsEngl.satisfier.excludable!⇒sfrExcludable,
* McsEngl.sfrExcludable,


"A private good is defined in economics as "an item that yields positive benefits to people"[1] that is excludable, i.e. its owners can exercise private property rights, preventing those who have not paid for it from using the good or consuming its benefits;[2] and rivalrous, i.e. consumption by one necessarily prevents that of another. A private good, as an economic resource is scarce, which can cause competition for it.[3] The market demand curve for a private good is a horizontal summation of individual demand curves.[4]"

* McsEngl.private-good!⇒sfrPrivate,
* McsEngl.satisfier.037-excludable.rival!⇒sfrPrivate,
* McsEngl.satisfier.excludable.rival!⇒sfrPrivate,


"Club goods (also artificially scarce goods) are a type of good in economics,[1] sometimes classified as a subtype of public goods that are excludable but non-rivalrous, at least until reaching a point where congestion occurs. Often these goods exhibit high excludability, but at the same time low rivalry in consumption. Thus, club goods have essentially zero marginal costs and are generally provided by what is commonly known as natural monopolies.[2] Furthermore, Club goods have artificial scarcity. Club theory is the area of economics that studies these goods.[3] One of the most famous provisions was published by Buchanan in 1965 "An Economic Theory of Clubs," in which he addresses the question of how the size of the group influences the voluntary provision of a public good and more fundamentally provides a theoretical structure of communal or collective ownership-consumption arrangements.[4]"

* McsEngl.artificially-scarce-good!⇒sfrClub,
* McsEngl.satisfier.038-excludable.rivalNo!⇒sfrClub,
* McsEngl.satisfier.excludable.rivalNo!⇒sfrClub,
* McsEngl.sfrClub,


"A good, service or resource that is unable to prevent or exclude non-paying consumers from experiencing or using it can be considered non-excludable. An architecturally pleasing building, such as Tower Bridge, creates an aesthetic non-excludable good, which can be enjoyed by anyone who happens to look at it. It is difficult to prevent people from gaining this benefit. A lighthouse acts as a navigation aid to ships at sea in a manner that is non-excludable since any ship out at sea can benefit from it."

* McsEngl.excludableNo-satisfier!⇒sfrExcludableNo,
* McsEngl.non-excludable-satisfier!⇒sfrExcludableNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.033-excludableNo!⇒sfrExcludableNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.excludableNo!⇒sfrExcludableNo,
* McsEngl.sfrExcludableNo,


* Public grazing land: Though open to all for livestock grazing, the more animals graze, the less food available for each, creating rivalry. Excludability depends on regulations or fencing, which might not be fully enforced.

"In economics, a common-pool resource (CPR) is a type of good consisting of a natural or human-made resource system (e.g. an irrigation system or fishing grounds), whose size or characteristics makes it costly, but not impossible, to exclude potential beneficiaries from obtaining benefits from its use. Unlike pure public goods, common pool resources face problems of congestion or overuse, because they are subtractable. A common-pool resource typically consists of a core resource (e.g. water or fish), which defines the stock variable, while providing a limited quantity of extractable fringe units, which defines the flow variable. While the core resource is to be protected or nurtured in order to allow for its continuous exploitation, the fringe units can be harvested or consumed.[1]"

* McsEngl.CPR-common-pool-resource!⇒sfrCommon,
* McsEngl.common-pool-resource!⇒sfrCommon,
* McsEngl.satisfier.035-excludableNo.Rival!⇒sfrCommon,
* McsEngl.satisfier.excludableNo.Rival!⇒sfrCommon,
* McsEngl.sfrExcludableNo.Rival!⇒sfrCommon,


">public goods:
Public goods are commodities or services that are provided without profit to all members of a society, either by the government or a private individual or organization. They have two main characteristics:
1. **Non-excludability**: Once a public good is provided, no one can be excluded from its benefits. This means that once the good is available, it is available to everyone, whether they have contributed to its provision or not.
2. **Non-rivalry**: One person's use of the public good does not reduce its availability to others. In other words, public goods can be consumed by one person without preventing simultaneous consumption by others.
Examples of public goods include:
- National defense: Protecting the country benefits all residents and does not diminish in value with more people being protected.
- Public parks: Anyone can enjoy the park, and one person's enjoyment does not prevent others from enjoying it too.
- Street lighting: Illuminates areas for the benefit of all without limiting the light available to others.
- Knowledge and information: Once knowledge is shared or information is published, it can benefit many without being depleted.
The provision of public goods is often subject to the "free rider problem," where individuals may choose not to contribute to the good's production because they can benefit from it without paying for it. This can lead to underproduction of the good unless the government or another organization steps in to ensure its provision.
Public goods differ from private goods, which are both excludable and rivalrous. With private goods, consumers can be prevented from using the good, and one person's consumption of the good reduces the amount available for others."
[{2024-02-11 retrieved}]

* Knowledge: Once discovered or shared, knowledge becomes available to everyone without depleting it. Learning by one person doesn't prevent others from learning the same thing.

"In economics, a public good (also referred to as a social good or collective good) is a good that is both non-excludable and non-rivalrous. For such utilities, users cannot be barred from accessing and/or using them for failing to pay for them. Also, use by one person neither prevents access of other people nor does it reduce availability to others. Therefore, the good can be used simultaneously by more than one person.[1] This is in contrast to a common good such as wild fish stocks in the ocean, which is non-excludable but rivalrous to a certain degree. If too many fish were harvested, the stocks would deplete, limiting the access of fish for others.

* McsEngl.collective-good!⇒sfrPublic,
* McsEngl.excludableNo-rivalNo-satisfier!⇒sfrPublic,
* McsEngl.public-good!⇒sfrPublic,
* McsEngl.public-satisfier!⇒sfrPublic,
* McsEngl.rivalNo-excludableNo-satisfier!⇒sfrPublic,
* McsEngl.satisfier.036-excludableNo.rivalNo!⇒sfrPublic,
* McsEngl.satisfier.058-public!⇒sfrPublic,
* McsEngl.satisfier.excludableNo.rivalNo!⇒sfrPublic,
* McsEngl.satisfier.public!⇒sfrPublic,
* McsEngl.satisfier.rivalNo.excludableNo!⇒sfrPublic,
* McsEngl.sfrExcludableNo.rivalNo!⇒sfrPublic,
* McsEngl.sfrPublic!=public-satisfier,

"In economics, a public good (also referred to as a social good or collective good) is a good that is both non-excludable and non-rivalrous. For such utilities, users cannot be barred from accessing and/or using them for failing to pay for them. Also, use by one person neither prevents access of other people nor does it reduce availability to others. Therefore, the good can be used simultaneously by more than one person.[1] This is in contrast to a common good such as wild fish stocks in the ocean, which is non-excludable but rivalrous to a certain degree. If too many fish were harvested, the stocks would deplete, limiting the access of fish for others.
Public goods include knowledge, official statistics, national security, and common languages. Additionally, flood control systems, lighthouses, and street lighting also for part of the common social goods. Collective goods that are spread all over the face of the earth may be referred to as global public goods.[2] For instance knowledge is well shared globally. Information about men, women and youth health awareness, environmental issues, and maintaining biodiversity is common knowledge that every individual in the society can get without necessarily getting preventing others access. Also, sharing and interpreting contemporary history with a cultural lexicon, particularly about protected cultural heritage sites and monuments are other sources of knowledge that the people can freely access. Popular and entertaining tourist attractions, libraries and universities are some of other collective goods that are accessed.
Many public goods may at times be subject to excessive use resulting in negative externalities affecting all users; for example air pollution and traffic congestion. The closeness of the people while interacting with other people in the public utilities also has appeared to cause negative impact to people. The result of this is a faster and increased spread of infectious diseases such as SARS and COVID-19.[3] Public goods problems are often closely related to the "free-rider" problem, in which people not paying for the good may continue to access it. Thus, the good may be under-produced, overused or degraded.[4] Public goods may also become subject to restrictions on access and may then be considered to be club goods; exclusion mechanisms include toll roads, congestion pricing, and pay television with an encoded signal that can be decrypted only by paid subscribers.
There is a good deal of debate and literature on how to measure the significance of public goods problems in an economy, and to identify the best remedies."

info-resource of sfrPublic


* McsEngl.sfrPublic'Infrsc,


"Ranging between being fully excludable and non-excludable is a continuous scale of excludability that Ostrom developed.[3] Within this scale are goods that either attempt to be excludable but cannot effective or efficiently enforce this excludability. One example concerns many forms of information such as music, movies, e-books and computer software. All of these goods have some price or payment involved in their consumption, but are also susceptible to piracy and copy write infringements. This can result in many non-paying consumers being to experience and benefit from the goods from a single purchase or payment."

* McsEngl.excludableSemi-satisfier!⇒sfrExcludableSemi,
* McsEngl.satisfier.034-excludableSemi!⇒sfrExcludableSemi,
* McsEngl.semi-excludable-satisfier!⇒sfrExcludableSemi,
* McsEngl.satisfier.excludableSemi!⇒sfrExcludableSemi,
* McsEngl.sfrExcludableSemi,


A rival (subtractable) good is a good whose consumption by one consumer prevents simultaneous consumption by other consumers.

* McsEngl.rivalrous-satisfier!⇒sfrRivalrous,
* McsEngl.satisfier.060-rivalrous!⇒sfrRivalrous,
* McsEngl.satisfier.rivalrous!⇒sfrRivalrous,
* McsEngl.sfrRivalrous!=rivalrous-satisfier,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.αντίπαλος-ικανοποιητής!ο!=sfrRivalrous,


Non-Rivalrous: meaning one person's use of the good does not diminish the ability of others to use it. For example, one person's enjoyment of a fireworks display does not prevent others from enjoying it too.
[{2023-12-15 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.non-rivalrous-satisfier!⇒sfrRivalrousNo,
* McsEngl.rivalrousNo-satisfier!⇒sfrRivalrousNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.061-rivalrousNo!⇒sfrRivalrousNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.rivalrousNo!⇒sfrRivalrousNo,
* McsEngl.sfrRivalrousNo!=rivalrousNo-satisfier,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.μη-αντίπαλος-ικανοποιητής!ο!=sfrRivalrousNo,


· if they are-used in the-production of another or not:
* final-satisfier,
* finalNo-satisfier,

· if nature produced them:
* natural-satisfier,
* naturalNo-satisfier,

* McsEngl.satisfier.specs-div.production,

">can a final good be consumed by a company?
Yes, a final good can be consumed by a company. In economics, a final good (or end product) is a good that is consumed by the end user and does not require any further processing or manufacturing. Final goods are distinguished from intermediate goods, which are used as inputs in the production of other goods.
When a company consumes a final good, it means the good is used for its operations, administrative purposes, or for providing services and is not intended to be resold or transformed into another product. Examples of final goods consumed by companies include office furniture, computers, software, and vehicles for company use. These goods are considered final because they have reached the end of their production and distribution chain and are in their usable form.
The consumption of final goods by companies is a part of their operational expenses and is essential for supporting their business activities. It reflects on the economic principle that not only individuals and households consume final goods, but businesses do as well, for their direct use and benefit."
[{2024-02-09 retrieved}]

">final good|service:
The term "final good" or "final service" in economics refers to a product or service that is consumed by the end user and does not require any further processing. These goods or services are considered "final" because they are the end result of production and are what is ultimately consumed by individuals or businesses. Examples of final goods include a smartphone purchased by a consumer, a haircut service, a car bought for personal use, or a meal at a restaurant. In contrast, intermediate goods are those that are used in the production of final goods, like the steel used in a car's manufacturing. The distinction between final and intermediate goods is important for calculating a country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), as only final goods are included to avoid double counting."
[{2023-12-14 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.satisfier.054-final!⇒sfrFinal,
* McsEngl.sfrFinal!=final-satisfier,


">final good|service definition:
**Final goods** and **final services** are the end products that are consumed by individuals or businesses. They are the ultimate outcome of the production process and are not used in the creation of other goods or services.

**Final goods** are tangible items that are typically purchased for personal consumption. Some examples of final goods include:
* **Food:** groceries, meals from restaurants, and pre-packaged food
* **Clothing:** apparel, footwear, and accessories
* **Electronics:** televisions, smartphones, and computers
* **Furniture:** couches, chairs, tables, and beds
* **Automobiles:** cars, trucks, and motorcycles

**Final services** are intangible activities that are provided to consumers. Some examples of final services include:
* **Healthcare:** doctor's visits, hospital stays, and dental care
* **Education:** tuition, textbooks, and tutoring
* **Entertainment:** movies, concerts, and sporting events
* **Transportation:** airline tickets, bus fares, and taxi rides
* **Financial services:** banking, insurance, and investments

It is important to distinguish between final goods and services and **intermediate goods and services**. Intermediate goods are used to produce other goods or services, while final goods and services are used for consumption by individuals or businesses. For example, lumber is an intermediate good that is used to produce furniture, while a sofa is a final good that is consumed directly by a consumer."
[{2023-12-14 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.finalNo-satisfier,
* McsEngl.intermediate-satisfier,
* McsEngl.satisfier.055-finalNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.finalNo,


· a-satisfier created by nature.

* McsEngl.natural-resource!⇒sfrNatural,
* McsEngl.natural-satisfier!⇒sfrNatural,
* McsEngl.satisfier.040-natural!⇒sfrNatural,
* McsEngl.satisfier.natural!⇒sfrNatural,
* McsEngl.sfrNatural,
* McsEngl.sfrProductNo!⇒sfrNatural,

ownership of sfrNatural

"Decisions on the use of natural resources are made by private individuals, companies, or even nations on the basis of their immediate interests. The long-term global consequences of these decisions do not enter into their calculations. It seems that the ultimate solution must be not the nationalisation of land and natural resources, but their internationalisation. In the long term, industrial society will be able to survive only if ownership of these resources is vested in some global authority.
... Public ownership of resources in not itself a protection against this. In the USSR there was public ownership of land and natural resources; there is also widespread environmental damage."
[{2024-02-28 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.sfrNatural'ownership,


">types of natural resources:
Natural resources are materials or substances that occur in nature and can be used for economic gain. They are often categorized based on their characteristics and the way they are used. Here’s a brief overview of the main types of natural resources:
1. **Renewable Resources**: These are resources that can be replenished naturally at a rate comparable to their consumption. They include:
- **Solar Energy**: Power obtained by harnessing the energy of the sun's rays.
- **Wind Energy**: Energy derived from the movement of air, used to generate electricity.
- **Hydropower**: Power generated from the movement of water, typically by dams.
- **Biomass**: Organic materials used as fuel, such as wood, biofuel, and biogas.
- **Geothermal Energy**: Heat energy from the Earth's interior, used for heating or generating electricity.
2. **Non-Renewable Resources**: These resources exist in finite amounts and are depleted as they are used. Their regeneration rate is significantly slower than their consumption rate. They include:
- **Fossil Fuels**: Coal, oil, and natural gas which are used for energy but release carbon dioxide when burned.
- **Minerals and Metals**: Elements or compounds found in the Earth's crust that can be used for industrial purposes (e.g., iron, gold, silver, copper).
3. **Water Resources**: Water is a unique resource that spans both renewable and non-renewable categories, depending on its use and management. It includes:
- **Freshwater**: Used for drinking, agriculture, and sanitation.
- **Saltwater**: Oceans and seas that can be used for salt extraction, transportation, and potentially as a source of energy (through tidal forces).
4. **Land Resources**: These include both the agricultural land used for crop production and the natural land that provides ecosystem services:
- **Arable Land**: Land suitable for growing crops.
- **Forests**: Areas dense with trees, providing timber, habitat, and oxygen production.
5. **Air**: While not often thought of as a natural resource, clean air is essential for life, and its quality is vital for health and the environment.
6. **Biodiversity**: The variety of plant and animal life in the world or in a particular habitat, considered to be important for maintaining ecological balance and providing genetic materials for agriculture, medicine, etc.
Each of these resources plays a crucial role in supporting life on Earth and in human economies. The sustainable management of natural resources is critical to avoid depletion and ensure that future generations can also benefit from them."
[{2024-04-07 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.sfrNatural.specific,


· a-satisfier-(good-or-service) created by humans.

* McsEngl.naturalNo-satisfier!⇒sfrProduct,
* McsEngl.product!⇒sfrProduct,
* McsEngl.satisfier.041-naturalNo!⇒sfrProduct,
* McsEngl.satisfier.naturalNo!⇒sfrProduct,
* McsEngl.sfrProduct,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.προϊόν!το-(αγαθό-ή-υπηρεσία)!=sfrProduct,

* commodity-satisfier,
* commodityNo-satisfier,



· commodity is a-satisfier with exchange-value.

* McsEngl.commodity!⇒sfrCommodity,
* McsEngl.satisfier.001-exchangable!⇒sfrCommodity,
* McsEngl.satisfier.019-commodity!⇒sfrCommodity,
* McsEngl.satisfier.commodity!⇒sfrCommodity,
* McsEngl.satisfier.exchangable!⇒sfrCommodity,
* McsEngl.sfrCommodity,

"3.5 An asset is a store of value representing a benefit or series of benefits accruing to the economic owner by holding or using the entity over a period of time.
It is a means of carrying forward value from one accounting period to another.
Assets may be financial in nature or not.
For almost all financial assets, there is a corresponding [financial] liability.
A liability is established when one unit (the debtor) is obliged, under specific circumstances, to provide a payment or series of payments to another unit (the creditor)."

exchange-value (link) of sfrCommodity

price of sfrCommodity

· commodity'price is the-ratio of a-measure of satisfier to a-currency.

* McsEngl.comodity'price!⇒price,
* McsEngl.price,
* McsEngl.price-of-sfrCommodity!⇒price,
* McsEngl.sfrCommodity'price!⇒price,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.τιμή-εμπορεύματος!=price,


=== guì-贵:
· stxZhon: 北京 的 房子 比 上海 更 贵。 :: _stxSbj:[Běijīng de fángzi (bǐ) Shànghǎi] _stxSbjc:[gèng guì]. != The houses in Beijing are even more expensive than those in Shanghai.

* McsEngl.expensive,
* McsEngl.price.relative.big,
* McsEngl.priceBig,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.ángguìde-昂贵的!=priceBig,
* McsZhon.昂贵的-ángguìde!=priceBig,
* McsZhon.guì-贵!=priceBig,
* McsZhon.贵-guì!=priceBig,
====== langoGreek:
* McsEngl.adjeElln.ακριβός!-ός-ή-ό!=priceBig,
* McsElln.ακριβός!-ός-ή-ό!~adjeElln!=priceBig,



* McsEngl.price.relative.small,
* McsEngl.priceSmall,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.piányíde-便宜的!=priceSmall,
* McsZhon.便宜的-piányíde!=priceSmall,
====== langoGreek:
* McsEngl.adjeElln.φθηνός!-ός-ή-ό!=priceSmall,
* McsElln.φθηνός!-ός-ή-ό!~adjeElln!=priceSmall,


· commodityNo is a-satisfier without exchange-value.

* McsEngl.commodityNo!⇒sfrCommodityNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.002-exchangableNo!⇒sfrCommodityNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.020-commodityNo!⇒sfrCommodityNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.commodityNo!⇒sfrCommodityNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.exchangableNo!⇒sfrCommodityNo,
* McsEngl.sfrCommodityNo,


* good-satisfier,
* bad-satisfier,

* McsEngl.satisfier.specs-div.use-value,


· good-satisfier is a-satisfier with use-value, we want.

* McsEngl.good-satisfier!⇒sfrGood,
* McsEngl.satisfier.003-good!⇒sfrGood,
* McsEngl.satisfier.good!⇒sfrGood,
* McsEngl.sfrGood,
* McsEngl.wanting'satisfier!⇒sfrGood,


· bad-satisfier is a-satisfier without use-value, we do not want.
· "(n) rubbish, trash, scrap (worthless material that is to be disposed of)"
[{2023-08-08 retrieved}]

=== lājī-垃圾!=sfrBad:
· stxZhon: 我 正好 要 出去,垃圾 我 来 扔 吧。 :: Wǒ zhènghǎo yào chūqù, lājī wǒ lái rēng ba. != I'm just about to leave. I'll take out the trash.

* McsEngl.bad-satisfier!⇒sfrBad,
* McsEngl.rubbish!⇒sfrBad,
* McsEngl.satisfier.004-bad!⇒sfrBad,
* McsEngl.satisfier.bad!⇒sfrBad,
* McsEngl.scrap!⇒sfrBad,
* McsEngl.sfrBad,
* McsEngl.trash!⇒sfrBad,
* McsEngl.waste!⇒sfrBad,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.lājī-垃圾!=sfrBad,
* McsZhon.垃圾-lājī!=sfrBad,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.σκουπίδια!τα!=sfrBad,


* timeinterval-satisfier,
* timepoint-satisfier,

* McsEngl.satisfier.spec-div.time,



* McsEngl.movable-satisfier!⇒sfrMovable,
* McsEngl.sfrMovable,
* McsEngl.satisfier.014-movable!⇒sfrMovable,
* McsEngl.satisfier.movable!⇒sfrMovable,



* McsEngl.immovable-satisfier!⇒sfrMovableNo,
* McsEngl.movableNo-satisfier!⇒sfrMovableNo,
* McsEngl.sfrMovableNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.015-movableNo!⇒sfrMovableNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.movableNo!⇒sfrMovableNo,


· info satisfier.

* McsEngl.intellectual-satisfier!⇒sfrInfo,
* McsEngl.sfrInfo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.016-intellectual!⇒sfrInfo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.intellectual!⇒sfrInfo,



* McsEngl.intellectualNo-satisfier!⇒sfrInfoNo,
* McsEngl.sfrInfoNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.017-intellectualNo!⇒sfrInfoNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.intellectualNo!⇒sfrInfoNo,


· perceptible by touch.

* McsEngl.satisfier.024-tangible!⇒sfrTangible,
* McsEngl.satisfier.tangible!⇒sfrTangible,
* McsEngl.sfrTangible,
* McsEngl.tangible-satisfier!⇒sfrTangible,


· not perceptible by touch.

* McsEngl.satisfier.025-tangibleNo!⇒sfrTangibleNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.tangibleNo!⇒sfrTangibleNo,
* McsEngl.sfrTangibleNo,
* McsEngl.untangible-satisfier!⇒sfrTangibleNo, (link)


"Assets are economic resources that have some value or usefulness (usually convertible in cash) and that are owned by enterprises or individuals, for example a piece of machinery or a house. According to the International Accounting Standards Board, assets are a result of past events and are expected to provide future economic benefits.
According to ESA 2010 (paragraph 7.15), economic assets are defined as "a store of value representing the benefits accruing to the economic owner by holding or using the entity over a period of time. It is a means of carrying forward value from one accounting period to another."
Assets can be further divided into the following three main categories:
* produced non-financial assets (AN.1),
* non-produced non-financial assets (AN.2) and
* financial assets (AF.A)."
[{2021-12-30 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.satisfier.027-financialNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.financialNo,

"Art is a wide range of human activities (or the products thereof) that involve creative imagination and an aim to express technical proficiency, beauty, emotional power, or conceptual ideas.[1][2][3]
There is no generally agreed definition of what constitutes art,[4][5][6] and ideas have changed over time. The three classical branches of visual art are painting, sculpture, and architecture.[7] Theatre, dance, and other performing arts, as well as literature, music, film and other media such as interactive media, are included in a broader definition of the arts.[1][8] Until the 17th century, art referred to any skill or mastery and was not differentiated from crafts or sciences. In modern usage after the 17th century, where aesthetic considerations are paramount, the fine arts are separated and distinguished from acquired skills in general, such as the decorative or applied arts.
The nature of art and related concepts, such as creativity and interpretation, are explored in a branch of philosophy known as aesthetics.[9] The resulting artworks are studied in the professional fields of art criticism and the history of art."
[{2021-12-14 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.satisfier.051-art,
* McsEngl.sfrArt, (link)


"In economics, fungibility is the property of a good or a commodity whose individual units are essentially interchangeable, and each of its parts is indistinguishable from another part.[1][2]
For example, gold is fungible since a specified amount of pure gold is equivalent to that same amount of pure gold, whether in the form of coins, ingots, or in other states. Other fungible commodities include sweet crude oil, company shares, bonds, other precious metals, and currencies.
Fungibility refers only to the equivalence and indistinguishability of each unit of a commodity with other units of the same commodity, and not to the exchange of one commodity for another."

* McsEngl.fungible-satisfier,
* McsEngl.satisfier.045-fungible,
* McsEngl.satisfier.fungible,


· not interchangeable.

* McsEngl.fungibleNo-satisfier,
* McsEngl.satisfier.046-fungibleNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.fungibleNo,



* McsEngl.satisfier.042-transport!⇒sfrTransportation,
* McsEngl.satisfier.transport!⇒sfrTransportation,
* McsEngl.sfrTransport,



* McsEngl.satisfier.043-vehicle,
* McsEngl.satisfier.vehicle,



* McsEngl.satisfier.044-road-length,
* McsEngl.satisfier.road-length,

"large movable equipment, such as tables and chairs, used to make a house, office, or other space suitable for living or working.
synonyms: furnishings house fittings fittings fitments movables fixtures appointments appliances effects chattels amenities units equipment paraphernalia stuff things"
[{2021-12-11 retrieved} Google-dict]

* McsEngl.satisfier.047-furniture,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.jiājù-家具!=furniture,
* McsZhon.家具-jiājù!=furniture,
====== langoEsperanto:
* McsEspo.meblo!=furniture,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.έπιπλο!το!=furniture,


× McsHitp-creation: {2024-12-23},

"Okay, here's an overview of beds!
A bed is a piece of furniture primarily used for sleep or rest. Throughout history and across different cultures, beds have taken many forms, from simple piles of straw to elaborate canopied structures.
Here's a breakdown of some key aspects of beds:
**Basic Components:**
* **Mattress:** This is the soft, cushioned part where you lie down. Mattresses come in various materials like innerspring, memory foam, latex, and hybrid.
* **Bed Frame:** This provides support for the mattress and can be made of wood, metal, or other materials. It often includes a headboard, footboard, and side rails.
* **Foundation/Box Spring:** This is placed beneath the mattress to provide additional support and height. Some modern bed frames may use slats instead of a box spring.
**Common Types of Beds:**
* **Platform Bed:** Features a raised, level platform for the mattress, often with built-in storage drawers.
* **Four-Poster Bed:** Has four vertical posts, one at each corner, that can support a canopy or curtains.
* **Bunk Bed:** A space-saving design with two beds stacked one above the other.
* **Sofa Bed:** A sofa that can be converted into a bed.
* **Murphy Bed:** A bed that folds up into a wall or cabinet.
* **Trundle Bed:** A low bed stored beneath another bed that can be pulled out for extra sleeping space.
* **Waterbed:** A bed with a mattress filled with water.
**Beyond the Basics:**
* **Bedding:** This includes sheets, blankets, pillows, and comforters that enhance comfort and warmth.
* **Size:** Beds come in various sizes, from crib and twin to king and California king.
* **Style:** Bed styles range from traditional to modern, and can be chosen to match your personal taste and bedroom decor.
**Interesting Facts:**
* The word "bed" originates from the Old English word "bedd," meaning "a place dug out."
* In ancient civilizations, beds were often used for reclining while eating or socializing, not just for sleeping.
* The invention of coiled springs in the 1820s revolutionized mattress design and comfort.
Do you have any other questions about beds? Perhaps you'd like to know more about choosing the right mattress, different bed frame styles, or the history of beds in different cultures? I'm here to help!"
[{2024-12-23 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.bed,
* McsEngl.satisfier.073-bed,
* McsEngl.satisfier.bed,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.chuáng-床!=bed,
* McsZhon.床-chuáng!=bed,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.κρεβάτι!το!=bed,


"## Chair Overview
A chair is a piece of furniture designed for sitting. It typically has a seat, legs, and a back support, though some variations may have armrests, headrests, or other features. Chairs are essential in homes, offices, and public spaces, providing comfort and support for various activities.
### Key Components of a Chair:
* **Seat:** The flat or slightly angled surface on which a person sits.
* **Legs:** Vertical supports that hold up the seat and distribute weight.
* **Backrest:** A vertical support that provides back support and promotes good posture.
* **Armrests:** (Optional) Supports for the arms and elbows, providing additional comfort.
* **Headrest:** (Optional) Support for the head and neck, often found in recliners or office chairs.
### Types of Chairs:
Chairs come in a wide variety of styles, materials, and functionalities. Some common types include:
* **Dining chairs:** Used around dining tables for meals.
* **Office chairs:** Designed for prolonged sitting at a desk, often with adjustable features for ergonomics.
* **Lounge chairs:** Comfortable chairs for relaxing, such as armchairs and recliners.
* **Bar stools:** Tall chairs with footrests, designed for use at bars or high tables.
* **Folding chairs:** Portable chairs that can be easily stored and transported.
* **Rocking chairs:** Chairs with curved legs that allow for a rocking motion.
### Materials and Construction:
Chairs can be made from a variety of materials, including:
* **Wood:** A classic and durable material, often used for dining chairs and traditional styles.
* **Metal:** Lightweight and sturdy, commonly used for modern chairs and outdoor furniture.
* **Plastic:** Affordable and versatile, often used for casual chairs and children's furniture.
* **Upholstery:** Fabric or leather coverings that add comfort and style to chairs.
### Ergonomic Considerations:
Ergonomics plays a crucial role in chair design, especially for chairs used for extended periods. Ergonomic chairs promote good posture, reduce back pain, and improve comfort. Key features to consider include:
* **Lumbar support:** Provides support for the lower back, maintaining the natural curve of the spine.
* **Adjustable height:** Allows the chair to be adjusted to the user's height and desk height.
* **Armrest adjustability:** Ensures the arms are properly supported and reduces strain on the shoulders and neck.
### Historical Significance:
Chairs have a long and fascinating history, dating back to ancient civilizations. They have evolved from simple stools to elaborate thrones, reflecting changes in culture, technology, and design aesthetics. Today, chairs are ubiquitous in our lives, serving both functional and aesthetic purposes.
**Would you like to learn more about a specific type of chair, material, or historical period?**"
[{2024-12-23 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.chair,
* McsEngl.satisfier.048-chair,
* McsEngl.satisfier.chair,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.yǐzi-椅子!=chair,
* McsZhon.椅子-yǐzi!=chair,


× McsHitp-creation: {2024-12-23},

"**Table vs. Desk: Key Differences and Considerations**
Although the words “table” and “desk” are sometimes used interchangeably, there are some important distinctions between these two common pieces of furniture:
1. **Primary Purpose**
- **Table**: Generally designed as a flat surface on which you can place items, share meals, or perform tasks. Examples include dining tables, coffee tables, and conference tables.
- **Desk**: Specifically designed for work or study, often with features like drawers, shelves, or compartments to store office supplies, paperwork, or electronic equipment.
2. **Design and Features**
- **Table**: Tends to have a simple design—a flat top surface supported by legs. Tables can vary in shape (rectangular, square, round, etc.) and size.
- **Desk**: Typically offers built-in storage (drawers, cubbies, keyboard trays). Desks also often have ergonomic considerations such as adjustable heights, cable management systems, or specific layouts optimized for laptops and desktop computers.
3. **Common Uses**
- **Table**: Ideal for dining, playing board games, gathering for discussions, or displaying decorative items. A table’s open design accommodates multiple people around it.
- **Desk**: Used primarily for solitary tasks like writing, studying, computer work, or other focused tasks. The extra features (like drawers) help keep your workspace organized.
4. **Aesthetic and Placement**
- **Table**: Suited for communal settings (dining rooms, conference rooms, living rooms). Also common as decorative statement pieces (e.g., coffee tables, side tables).
- **Desk**: Common in offices, home offices, bedrooms, study rooms—areas where individual focus and organization are priorities.
5. **Which One to Choose?**
- **Choose a Table** if you need a multi-purpose surface for dining, hobbies, or group activities, and you don’t need dedicated drawers or storage.
- **Choose a Desk** if you need a workspace for writing, studying, or computer work, and value built-in storage or organizational features to keep tools and devices tidy.
In summary, a **table** is more of an open, multi-purpose surface for shared use, while a **desk** is a specialized workstation designed with productivity and organization in mind."
[{2024-12-23 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.table,
* McsEngl.satisfier.074-table,
* McsEngl.satisfier.table,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.zhuōzi-桌子!=table,
* McsZhon.桌子-zhuōzi!=table,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.κρεβάτι!το!=table,


"A piece of furniture with a flat or sloped surface and typically with drawers, at which one can read, write, or do other work."
[{2021-12-11 retrieved} Google-dict]

* McsEngl.desk,
* McsEngl.satisfier.049-desk,
* McsEngl.satisfier.desk,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.zhuōzi-桌子!=desk,
* McsZhon.桌子-zhuōzi!=desk,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.γραφείο!το!=desk,


* health,
* job,
* economic-satisfiers,
* social-connections|personal-relationships,
* emotional well-being,
* hobbies,
* freedom,
* safety,
* education,
* environment,

"Quality of life encompasses a broader and more subjective assessment of overall well-being, encompassing not only material aspects but also factors such as health, education, social relationships, environmental conditions, and personal satisfaction. It reflects a sense of fulfillment and happiness in one's life."
[{2023-12-15 retrieved}]

"Quality of Life: Quality of life is a broad and multi-dimensional concept encompassing physical, mental, and social well-being. It goes beyond mere materialistic and economic measurements and includes factors such as health, education, environment, emotional well-being, leisure time, social connections, freedom, safety, and satisfaction with life in general. Quality of life is subjective and can vary greatly from person to person, depending on individual preferences, values, and perceptions."
[{2023-12-15 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.quality-of-life,
* McsEngl.satisfier.063-quality-of-life,
* McsEngl.satisfier.quality-of-life,

satisfier.public (link)


* not public.,

* McsEngl.non-public-satisfier!⇒sfrPublicNo,
* McsEngl.publicNo-satisfier!⇒sfrPublicNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.059-publicNo!⇒sfrPublicNo,
* McsEngl.satisfier.publicNo!⇒sfrPublicNo,
* McsEngl.sfrPublicNo!=publicNo-satisfier,



· "(n) container (any object that can be used to hold things (especially a large metal boxlike object of standardized dimensions that can be loaded from one form of transport to another))"
[{2023-08-02 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.container!⇒sfrContainer,
* McsEngl.satisfier.030-container!⇒sfrContainer,
* McsEngl.sfrContainer,

emptyness of sfrContainer

· "(adj) empty (holding or containing nothing) "an empty glass"; "an empty room"; "full of empty seats"; "empty hours""
[{2023-08-02 retrieved}]

=== kōng-空!~adjeElln!=emptyness:
· stxZhon: 我们 有 三个 空 瓶子。 :: _stxSbj:[Wǒmen] _stxVrb:{yǒu} _stxSbjc:[sān gè kōng píngzi]。 != [we] {have} [3 empty bottles].

* McsEngl.adjeEngl.empty!=emptyness-of-sfrContainer,
* McsEngl.empty!~adjeEngl!=emptyness-of-sfrContainer,
* McsEngl.emptyness-of-sfrContainer,
* McsEngl.sfrContainer'emptyness,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.kōng-空!~adjeElln!=emptyness,
* McsZhon.空-kōng!~adjeElln!=emptyness,
====== langoGreek:
* McsEngl.adjeElln.άδειος!-ος-α-ο!=emptyness,
* McsElln.άδειος!-ος-α-ο!~adjeElln!=emptyness,

fullness of sfrContainer

· "(adj) full (containing as much or as many as is possible or normal) "a full glass"; "a sky full of stars"; "a full life"; "the auditorium was full to overflowing""
[{2023-08-02 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.adjeEngl.full!=fullness-of-sfrContainer,
* McsEngl.full!~adjeEngl!=fullness-of-sfrContainer,
* McsEngl.fullness-of-sfrContainer,
====== langoGreek:
* McsEngl.adjeElln.γεμάτος!-ος-η-ο!=fullness,
* McsElln.γεμάτος!-ος-η-ο!~adjeElln!=fullness,


"Paper is a thin sheet material produced by mechanically or chemically processing cellulose fibres derived from wood, rags, grasses or other vegetable sources in water, draining the water through fine mesh leaving the fibre evenly distributed on the surface, followed by pressing and drying. Although paper was originally made in single sheets by hand, almost all is now made on large machines—some making reels 10 metres wide, running at 2,000 metres per minute and up to 600,000 tonnes a year. It is a versatile material with many uses, including printing, packaging, decorating, writing, cleaning, filter paper, wallpaper, book endpaper, conservation paper, laminated worktops, toilet tissue, currency and security paper and a number of industrial and construction processes.
The papermaking process developed in east Asia, probably China, at least as early as 105 CE,[1] by the Han court eunuch Cai Lun, although the earliest archaeological fragments of paper derive from the 2nd century BCE in China.[2] The modern pulp and paper industry is global, with China leading its production and the United States following."
[{2021-12-11 retrieved}]

=== zhǐ-纸!=paper:
· stxZhon: 这些 纸 够 用 吗 ? :: Zhèxiē zhǐ gòu yòng ma? != Is this paper enough for us to use?

* McsEngl.paper!⇒sfrPaper,
* McsEngl.satisfier.050-paper!⇒sfrPaper,
* McsEngl.satisfier.paper!⇒sfrPaper,
* McsEngl.sfrPaper,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.zhǐ-纸!=sfrPaper,
* McsZhon.纸-zhǐ!=sfrPaper,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.χαρτί!το!=sfrPaper,


"(n) vessel (an object used as a container (especially for liquids))"
[{2022-01-11 retrieved}]

* McsEngl.satisfier.052-vessel!⇒sfrVessel,
* McsEngl.satisfier.vessel!⇒sfrVessel,
* McsEngl.sfrVessel,
* McsEngl.vessel!⇒sfrVessel,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.δοχείο!το!=vessel,


"(n) bottle (a glass or plastic vessel used for storing drinks or other liquids; typically cylindrical without handles and with a narrow neck that can be plugged or capped)"
[{2022-01-11 retrieved}]

=== píngzi-瓶子!=sfrBottle:
· stxZhon: 我们 有 三个 空 瓶子。 :: _stxSbj:[Wǒmen] _stxVrb:{yǒu} _stxSbjc:[sān gè kōng píngzi]。 != [we] {have} [3 empty bottles].

* McsEngl.bottle!⇒sfrBottle,
* McsEngl.satisfier.053-bottle!⇒sfrBottle,
* McsEngl.satisfier.bottle!⇒sfrBottle,
* McsEngl.sfrBottle,
====== langoChinese:
* McsZhon.píngzi-瓶子!=sfrBottle,
* McsZhon.瓶子-píngzi!=sfrBottle,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.μπουκάλι!το!=sfrBottle,


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