JavaScript was originally developed in {1995} by Brendan-Eich, at Netscape-Communications-Corporation. []
JavaScript is not ONE language, there are differentiations such as 'client-side' or 'server-side'.
Here I present the-language which the-web-browsers know.
* cpt.JavaScript,
* cpt.js,
* cpt.langJs,
* cpt.lngJs,
* cpt.ljs,
All languages MAP (represent | translate) one entity (the-archetype) to another (the-model), for some reason.
Programing-languages map human-information in a-format that machines can process.
Ljs-archetype is the-information the-JavaScript maps.
Ljs-archetype is mainly Html and Css code with which webpages are-created as well numbers and human-text.
* cpt.ljsarchetype-information,
* cpt.ljsarcho,
* cpt.ljsarc,
The-archetype is-represented by the-language in a-form that machines can process.
This representation (model) is the-algorithm.
The-programer first is-thinking the-algorithm in his native-natural-language, but writes down it in a-form that machines understand, the-code.
Code is the human-friendly representation used by the-language for its algorithms which (representation) understands and the-machines.
* cpt.ljscode,
* cpt.ljscod,
The-API, like any conceptual-information, is-structured at the same time, into 2 different tree-structures:
1) A-whole-part-tree with 'window' (the-global-object) the-most-whole-object and
2) A-generic-specific-tree with 'Object.prototype' the-most-generic-object.
window is the-most-whole-object, the-global-object, that contains all the-constructs the-language uses.
'window' is an-objectof Window function.
It is the-most-whole object of the-browsers, the-global-object, it includes all other language constructs.
* cpt.ljswindow,
* cpt.ljsglobal_object,
* ljsglobal_object,
* ljswindow,
* Window.prototype (Window.prototype.isPrototypeOf(window) > true)
//Chrome 2016.05.09: Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.prototype).sort()
0: ljsAnalyserNode
1: ljsAnimationEvent
2: ljsAppBannerPromptResult
3: ljsApplicationCache
4: ljsApplicationCacheErrorEvent
5: ljsArray
6: ljsArrayBuffer
7: ljsAttr
8: ljsAudio
9: ljsAudioBuffer
10: ljsAudioBufferSourceNode
11: ljsAudioContext
12: ljsAudioDestinationNode
13: ljsAudioListener
14: ljsAudioNode
15: ljsAudioParam
16: ljsAudioProcessingEvent
17: ljsAutocompleteErrorEvent
18: ljsBarProp
19: ljsBatteryManager
20: ljsBeforeInstallPromptEvent
21: ljsBeforeUnloadEvent
22: ljsBiquadFilterNode
23: ljsBlob
24: ljsBlobEvent
25: ljsBoolean
26: ljsCDATASection
27: ljsCSS
28: ljsCSSFontFaceRule
29: ljsCSSGroupingRule
30: ljsCSSImportRule
31: ljsCSSKeyframeRule
32: ljsCSSKeyframesRule
33: ljsCSSMediaRule
34: ljsCSSNamespaceRule
35: ljsCSSPageRule
36: ljsCSSRule
37: ljsCSSRuleList
38: ljsCSSStyleDeclaration
39: ljsCSSStyleRule
40: ljsCSSStyleSheet
41: ljsCSSSupportsRule
42: ljsCSSViewportRule
43: ljsCache
44: ljsCacheStorage
45: ljsCanvasGradient
46: ljsCanvasPattern
47: ljsCanvasRenderingContext2D
48: ljsChannelMergerNode
49: ljsChannelSplitterNode
50: ljsCharacterData
51: ljsClientRect
52: ljsClientRectList
53: ljsClipboardEvent
54: ljsCloseEvent
55: ljsComment
56: ljsCompositionEvent
57: ljsConvolverNode
58: ljsCrypto
59: ljsCryptoKey
60: ljsCustomEvent
61: ljsDOMError
62: ljsDOMException
63: ljsDOMImplementation
64: ljsDOMParser
65: ljsDOMStringList
66: ljsDOMStringMap
67: ljsDOMTokenList
68: ljsDataTransfer
69: ljsDataTransferItem
70: ljsDataTransferItemList
71: ljsDataView
72: ljsDate
73: ljsDelayNode
74: ljsDeviceMotionEvent
75: ljsDeviceOrientationEvent
76: ljsDocument
77: ljsDocumentFragment
78: ljsDocumentType
79: ljsDragEvent
80: ljsDynamicsCompressorNode
81: ljsElement
82: ljsError
83: ljsErrorEvent
84: ljsEvalError
85: ljsEvent
86: ljsEventSource
87: ljsEventTarget
88: ljsFile
89: ljsFileError
90: ljsFileList
91: ljsFileReader
92: ljsFloat32Array
93: ljsFloat64Array
94: ljsFocusEvent
95: ljsFontFace
96: ljsFormData
97: ljsFunction
98: ljsGainNode
99: ljsGamepad
100: ljsGamepadButton
101: ljsGamepadEvent
102: ljsHTMLAllCollection
103: ljsHTMLAnchorElement
104: ljsHTMLAreaElement
105: ljsHTMLAudioElement
106: ljsHTMLBRElement
107: ljsHTMLBaseElement
108: ljsHTMLBodyElement
109: ljsHTMLButtonElement
110: ljsHTMLCanvasElement
111: ljsHTMLCollection
112: ljsHTMLContentElement
113: ljsHTMLDListElement
114: ljsHTMLDataListElement
115: ljsHTMLDetailsElement
116: ljsHTMLDialogElement
117: ljsHTMLDirectoryElement
118: ljsHTMLDivElement
119: ljsHTMLDocument
120: ljsHTMLElement
121: ljsHTMLEmbedElement
122: ljsHTMLFieldSetElement
123: ljsHTMLFontElement
124: ljsHTMLFormControlsCollection
125: ljsHTMLFormElement
126: ljsHTMLFrameElement
127: ljsHTMLFrameSetElement
128: ljsHTMLHRElement
129: ljsHTMLHeadElement
130: ljsHTMLHeadingElement
131: ljsHTMLHtmlElement
132: ljsHTMLIFrameElement
133: ljsHTMLImageElement
134: ljsHTMLInputElement
135: ljsHTMLKeygenElement
136: ljsHTMLLIElement
137: ljsHTMLLabelElement
138: ljsHTMLLegendElement
139: ljsHTMLLinkElement
140: ljsHTMLMapElement
141: ljsHTMLMarqueeElement
142: ljsHTMLMediaElement
143: ljsHTMLMenuElement
144: ljsHTMLMetaElement
145: ljsHTMLMeterElement
146: ljsHTMLModElement
147: ljsHTMLOListElement
148: ljsHTMLObjectElement
149: ljsHTMLOptGroupElement
150: ljsHTMLOptionElement
151: ljsHTMLOptionsCollection
152: ljsHTMLOutputElement
153: ljsHTMLParagraphElement
154: ljsHTMLParamElement
155: ljsHTMLPictureElement
156: ljsHTMLPreElement
157: ljsHTMLProgressElement
158: ljsHTMLQuoteElement
159: ljsHTMLScriptElement
160: ljsHTMLSelectElement
161: ljsHTMLShadowElement
162: ljsHTMLSourceElement
163: ljsHTMLSpanElement
164: ljsHTMLStyleElement
165: ljsHTMLTableCaptionElement
166: ljsHTMLTableCellElement
167: ljsHTMLTableColElement
168: ljsHTMLTableElement
169: ljsHTMLTableRowElement
170: ljsHTMLTableSectionElement
171: ljsHTMLTemplateElement
172: ljsHTMLTextAreaElement
173: ljsHTMLTitleElement
174: ljsHTMLTrackElement
175: ljsHTMLUListElement
176: ljsHTMLUnknownElement
177: ljsHTMLVideoElement
178: ljsHashChangeEvent
179: ljsHeaders
180: ljsHistory
181: ljsIDBCursor
182: ljsIDBCursorWithValue
183: ljsIDBDatabase
184: ljsIDBFactory
185: ljsIDBIndex
186: ljsIDBKeyRange
187: ljsIDBObjectStore
188: ljsIDBOpenDBRequest
189: ljsIDBRequest
190: ljsIDBTransaction
191: ljsIDBVersionChangeEvent
192: ljsIIRFilterNode
193: ljsIdleDeadline
194: ljsImage
195: ljsImageBitmap
196: ljsImageData
197: ljsInfinity
198: ljsInputDeviceCapabilities
199: ljsInt16Array
200: ljsInt32Array
201: ljsInt8Array
202: ljsIntl
203: ljsJSON
204: ljsKeyboardEvent
205: ljsLocation
206: ljsMIDIAccess
207: ljsMIDIConnectionEvent
208: ljsMIDIInput
209: ljsMIDIInputMap
210: ljsMIDIMessageEvent
211: ljsMIDIOutput
212: ljsMIDIOutputMap
213: ljsMIDIPort
214: ljsMap
215: ljsMath
216: ljsMediaDevices
217: ljsMediaElementAudioSourceNode
218: ljsMediaEncryptedEvent
219: ljsMediaError
220: ljsMediaKeyMessageEvent
221: ljsMediaKeySession
222: ljsMediaKeyStatusMap
223: ljsMediaKeySystemAccess
224: ljsMediaKeys
225: ljsMediaList
226: ljsMediaQueryList
227: ljsMediaQueryListEvent
228: ljsMediaRecorder
229: ljsMediaSource
230: ljsMediaStreamAudioDestinationNode
231: ljsMediaStreamAudioSourceNode
232: ljsMediaStreamEvent
233: ljsMediaStreamTrack
234: ljsMessageChannel
235: ljsMessageEvent
236: ljsMessagePort
237: ljsMimeType
238: ljsMimeTypeArray
239: ljsMouseEvent
240: ljsMutationEvent
241: ljsMutationObserver
242: ljsMutationRecord
243: ljsNaN
244: ljsNamedNodeMap
245: ljsNavigator
246: ljsNode
247: ljsNodeFilter
248: ljsNodeIterator
249: ljsNodeList
250: ljsNotification
251: ljsNumber
252: ljsObject
253: ljsOfflineAudioCompletionEvent
254: ljsOfflineAudioContext
255: ljsOption
256: ljsOscillatorNode
257: ljsPageTransitionEvent
258: ljsPath2D
259: ljsPerformance
260: ljsPerformanceEntry
261: ljsPerformanceMark
262: ljsPerformanceMeasure
263: ljsPerformanceNavigation
264: ljsPerformanceResourceTiming
265: ljsPerformanceTiming
266: ljsPeriodicWave
267: ljsPermissionStatus
268: ljsPermissions
269: ljsPlugin
270: ljsPluginArray
271: ljsPopStateEvent
272: ljsPresentation
273: ljsPresentationAvailability
274: ljsPresentationConnection
275: ljsPresentationConnectionAvailableEvent
276: ljsPresentationConnectionCloseEvent
277: ljsPresentationRequest
278: ljsProcessingInstruction
279: ljsProgressEvent
280: ljsPromise
281: ljsPromiseRejectionEvent
282: ljsProxy
283: ljsPushManager
284: ljsPushSubscription
285: ljsRTCCertificate
286: ljsRTCIceCandidate
287: ljsRTCSessionDescription
288: ljsRadioNodeList
289: ljsRange
290: ljsRangeError
291: ljsReadableByteStream
292: ljsReadableStream
293: ljsReferenceError
294: ljsReflect
295: ljsRegExp
296: ljsRequest
297: ljsResponse
298: ljsSVGAElement
299: ljsSVGAngle
300: ljsSVGAnimateElement
301: ljsSVGAnimateMotionElement
302: ljsSVGAnimateTransformElement
303: ljsSVGAnimatedAngle
304: ljsSVGAnimatedBoolean
305: ljsSVGAnimatedEnumeration
306: ljsSVGAnimatedInteger
307: ljsSVGAnimatedLength
308: ljsSVGAnimatedLengthList
309: ljsSVGAnimatedNumber
310: ljsSVGAnimatedNumberList
311: ljsSVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio
312: ljsSVGAnimatedRect
313: ljsSVGAnimatedString
314: ljsSVGAnimatedTransformList
315: ljsSVGAnimationElement
316: ljsSVGCircleElement
317: ljsSVGClipPathElement
318: ljsSVGComponentTransferFunctionElement
319: ljsSVGCursorElement
320: ljsSVGDefsElement
321: ljsSVGDescElement
322: ljsSVGDiscardElement
323: ljsSVGElement
324: ljsSVGEllipseElement
325: ljsSVGFEBlendElement
326: ljsSVGFEColorMatrixElement
327: ljsSVGFEComponentTransferElement
328: ljsSVGFECompositeElement
329: ljsSVGFEConvolveMatrixElement
330: ljsSVGFEDiffuseLightingElement
331: ljsSVGFEDisplacementMapElement
332: ljsSVGFEDistantLightElement
333: ljsSVGFEDropShadowElement
334: ljsSVGFEFloodElement
335: ljsSVGFEFuncAElement
336: ljsSVGFEFuncBElement
337: ljsSVGFEFuncGElement
338: ljsSVGFEFuncRElement
339: ljsSVGFEGaussianBlurElement
340: ljsSVGFEImageElement
341: ljsSVGFEMergeElement
342: ljsSVGFEMergeNodeElement
343: ljsSVGFEMorphologyElement
344: ljsSVGFEOffsetElement
345: ljsSVGFEPointLightElement
346: ljsSVGFESpecularLightingElement
347: ljsSVGFESpotLightElement
348: ljsSVGFETileElement
349: ljsSVGFETurbulenceElement
350: ljsSVGFilterElement
351: ljsSVGForeignObjectElement
352: ljsSVGGElement
353: ljsSVGGeometryElement
354: ljsSVGGradientElement
355: ljsSVGGraphicsElement
356: ljsSVGImageElement
357: ljsSVGLength
358: ljsSVGLengthList
359: ljsSVGLineElement
360: ljsSVGLinearGradientElement
361: ljsSVGMPathElement
362: ljsSVGMarkerElement
363: ljsSVGMaskElement
364: ljsSVGMatrix
365: ljsSVGMetadataElement
366: ljsSVGNumber
367: ljsSVGNumberList
368: ljsSVGPathElement
369: ljsSVGPatternElement
370: ljsSVGPoint
371: ljsSVGPointList
372: ljsSVGPolygonElement
373: ljsSVGPolylineElement
374: ljsSVGPreserveAspectRatio
375: ljsSVGRadialGradientElement
376: ljsSVGRect
377: ljsSVGRectElement
378: ljsSVGSVGElement
379: ljsSVGScriptElement
380: ljsSVGSetElement
381: ljsSVGStopElement
382: ljsSVGStringList
383: ljsSVGStyleElement
384: ljsSVGSwitchElement
385: ljsSVGSymbolElement
386: ljsSVGTSpanElement
387: ljsSVGTextContentElement
388: ljsSVGTextElement
389: ljsSVGTextPathElement
390: ljsSVGTextPositioningElement
391: ljsSVGTitleElement
392: ljsSVGTransform
393: ljsSVGTransformList
394: ljsSVGUnitTypes
395: ljsSVGUseElement
396: ljsSVGViewElement
397: ljsSVGViewSpec
398: ljsSVGZoomEvent
399: ljsScreen
400: ljsScreenOrientation
401: ljsScriptProcessorNode
402: ljsSecurityPolicyViolationEvent
403: ljsSelection
404: ljsServiceWorker
405: ljsServiceWorkerContainer
406: ljsServiceWorkerMessageEvent
407: ljsServiceWorkerRegistration
408: ljsSet
409: ljsShadowRoot
410: ljsSharedWorker
411: ljsSourceBuffer
412: ljsSourceBufferList
413: ljsSpeechSynthesisEvent
414: ljsSpeechSynthesisUtterance
415: ljsStorage
416: ljsStorageEvent
417: ljsString
418: ljsStyleSheet
419: ljsStyleSheetList
420: ljsSubtleCrypto
421: ljsSymbol
422: ljsSyncManager
423: ljsSyntaxError
424: ljsText
425: ljsTextDecoder
426: ljsTextEncoder
427: ljsTextEvent
428: ljsTextMetrics
429: ljsTextTrack
430: ljsTextTrackCue
431: ljsTextTrackCueList
432: ljsTextTrackList
433: ljsTimeRanges
434: ljsTouch
435: ljsTouchEvent
436: ljsTouchList
437: ljsTrackEvent
438: ljsTransitionEvent
439: ljsTreeWalker
440: ljsTypeError
441: ljsUIEvent
442: ljsURIError
443: ljsURL
444: ljsURLSearchParams
445: ljsUint16Array
446: ljsUint32Array
447: ljsUint8Array
448: ljsUint8ClampedArray
449: ljsVTTCue
450: ljsValidityState
451: ljsWaveShaperNode
452: ljsWeakMap
453: ljsWeakSet
454: ljsWebGLActiveInfo
455: ljsWebGLBuffer
456: ljsWebGLContextEvent
457: ljsWebGLFramebuffer
458: ljsWebGLProgram
459: ljsWebGLRenderbuffer
460: ljsWebGLRenderingContext
461: ljsWebGLShader
462: ljsWebGLShaderPrecisionFormat
463: ljsWebGLTexture
464: ljsWebGLUniformLocation
465: ljsWebKitAnimationEvent
466: ljsWebKitCSSMatrix
467: ljsWebKitMutationObserver
468: ljsWebKitTransitionEvent
469: ljsWebSocket
470: ljsWheelEvent
471: ljsWindow
472: ljsWorker
473: ljsXMLDocument
474: ljsXMLHttpRequest
475: ljsXMLHttpRequestEventTarget
476: ljsXMLHttpRequestUpload
477: ljsXMLSerializer
478: ljsXPathEvaluator
479: ljsXPathExpression
480: ljsXPathResult
481: ljsXSLTProcessor
482: ljsalert
483: ljsapplicationCache
484: ljsatob
485: ljsbackspaceDelete
486: ljsblur
487: ljsbtoa
488: ljscaches
489: ljscancelAnimationFrame
490: ljscancelIdleCallback
491: ljscaptureEvents
492: ljschrome
493: ljsclearInterval
494: ljsclearTimeout
495: ljsclientInformation
496: ljsclipboard
497: ljsclose
498: ljsclosed
499: ljsconfirm
500: ljsconsole
501: ljscreateImageBitmap
502: ljscrypto
503: ljsdecodeURI
504: ljsdecodeURIComponent
505: ljsdefaultStatus
506: ljsdefaultstatus
507: ljsdevicePixelRatio
508: ljsdocument
509: ljsencodeURI
510: ljsencodeURIComponent
511: ljsescape
512: ljseval
513: ljsevent
514: ljsexternal
515: ljsfSaveAs
516: ljsfetch
517: ljsfind
518: ljsfocus
519: ljsframeElement
520: ljsframes
521: ljsgetComputedStyle
522: ljsgetMatchedCSSRules
523: ljsgetSelection
524: ljshistory
525: ljsindexedDB
526: ljsinnerHeight
527: ljsinnerText
528: ljsinnerWidth
529: ljsisFinite
530: ljsisNaN
531: ljsisSecureContext
532: ljslength
533: ljslocalStorage
534: ljslocation
535: ljslocationbar
536: ljsmatchMedia
537: ljsmenubar
538: ljsmoveBy
539: ljsmoveTo
540: ljsname
541: ljsnavigator
542: ljsoPgmWpg
543: ljsoffscreenBuffering
544: ljsonabort
545: ljsonanimationend
546: ljsonanimationiteration
547: ljsonanimationstart
548: ljsonautocomplete
549: ljsonautocompleteerror
550: ljsonbeforeunload
551: ljsonblur
552: ljsoncancel
553: ljsoncanplay
554: ljsoncanplaythrough
555: ljsonchange
556: ljsonclick
557: ljsonclose
558: ljsoncontextmenu
559: ljsoncuechange
560: ljsondblclick
561: ljsondevicemotion
562: ljsondeviceorientation
563: ljsondeviceorientationabsolute
564: ljsondrag
565: ljsondragend
566: ljsondragenter
567: ljsondragleave
568: ljsondragover
569: ljsondragstart
570: ljsondrop
571: ljsondurationchange
572: ljsonemptied
573: ljsonended
574: ljsonerror
575: ljsonfocus
576: ljsonhashchange
577: ljsoninput
578: ljsoninvalid
579: ljsonkeydown
580: ljsonkeypress
581: ljsonkeyup
582: ljsonlanguagechange
583: ljsonload
584: ljsonloadeddata
585: ljsonloadedmetadata
586: ljsonloadstart
587: ljsonmessage
588: ljsonmousedown
589: ljsonmouseenter
590: ljsonmouseleave
591: ljsonmousemove
592: ljsonmouseout
593: ljsonmouseover
594: ljsonmouseup
595: ljsonmousewheel
596: ljsonoffline
597: ljsononline
598: ljsonpagehide
599: ljsonpageshow
600: ljsonpause
601: ljsonplay
602: ljsonplaying
603: ljsonpopstate
604: ljsonprogress
605: ljsonratechange
606: ljsonrejectionhandled
607: ljsonreset
608: ljsonresize
609: ljsonscroll
610: ljsonsearch
611: ljsonseeked
612: ljsonseeking
613: ljsonselect
614: ljsonshow
615: ljsonstalled
616: ljsonstorage
617: ljsonsubmit
618: ljsonsuspend
619: ljsontimeupdate
620: ljsontoggle
621: ljsontransitionend
622: ljsonunhandledrejection
623: ljsonunload
624: ljsonvolumechange
625: ljsonwaiting
626: ljsonwebkitanimationend
627: ljsonwebkitanimationiteration
628: ljsonwebkitanimationstart
629: ljsonwebkittransitionend
630: ljsonwheel
631: ljsopen
632: ljsopenDatabase
633: ljsopener
634: ljsouterHeight
635: ljsouterWidth
636: ljspageXOffset
637: ljspageYOffset
638: ljsparent
639: ljsparseFloat
640: ljsparseInt
641: ljsperformance
642: ljspersonalbar
643: ljspostMessage
644: ljsprint
645: ljsprompt
646: ljsreleaseEvents
647: ljsrequestAnimationFrame
648: ljsrequestIdleCallback
649: ljsresizeBy
650: ljsresizeTo
651: ljsscreen
652: ljsscreenLeft
653: ljsscreenTop
654: ljsscreenX
655: ljsscreenY
656: ljsscroll
657: ljsscrollBy
658: ljsscrollTo
659: ljsscrollX
660: ljsscrollY
661: ljsscrollbars
662: ljsself
663: ljssessionStorage
664: ljssetInterval
665: ljssetTimeout
666: ljsspeechSynthesis
667: ljsstatus
668: ljsstatusbar
669: ljsstop
670: ljsstyleMedia
671: ljstoolbar
672: ljstop
673: ljsundefined
674: ljsunescape
675: ljswebkitAudioContext
676: ljswebkitCancelAnimationFrame
677: ljswebkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame
678: ljswebkitIDBCursor
679: ljswebkitIDBDatabase
680: ljswebkitIDBFactory
681: ljswebkitIDBIndex
682: ljswebkitIDBKeyRange
683: ljswebkitIDBObjectStore
684: ljswebkitIDBRequest
685: ljswebkitIDBTransaction
686: ljswebkitIndexedDB
687: ljswebkitMediaStream
688: ljswebkitOfflineAudioContext
689: ljswebkitRTCPeerConnection
690: ljswebkitRequestAnimationFrame
691: ljswebkitRequestFileSystem
692: ljswebkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL
693: ljswebkitSpeechGrammar
694: ljswebkitSpeechGrammarList
695: ljswebkitSpeechRecognition
696: ljswebkitSpeechRecognitionError
697: ljswebkitSpeechRecognitionEvent
698: ljswebkitStorageInfo
699: ljswebkitURL
700: ljswindow
701: ljswordFilter
This is the inheritance tree of the-objects of the-language.
The-Object.prototype is the-most-generic-object.
All ljs-objects inherit the-members of this object.
* cpt.ljsObject.prototype,
* ljsObject.prototype,
//Chrome 2016.05.09: Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.prototype).sort()
["__defineGetter__", "__defineSetter__", "__lookupGetter__", "__lookupSetter__", "__proto__", "constructor", "hasOwnProperty", "isPrototypeOf", "propertyIsEnumerable", "toLocaleString", "toString", "valueOf"]
The-code is understood by machines indirectly.
Machines directly understand only binary-information.
Therefore, the-code is-translated (with programs) in a-binary-form (binary-code) inside the-machine in order to be-executed.
Its code is-created FROM only 9 semantic-units (variable-units):
01) a - Array,
02) b - Boolean,
03) f - Function,
04) l - nuLl,
05) n - Number,
06) o - Object,
08) r - Regexp,
07) s - String,
09) x - miXed,
JavaScript objects do not inherit members from other special constructs like 'classes' (like java), but just from other objects.
This simple and powerful characteristic, called 'prototype-based-inheritance' confused programers who knew 'class-based-inheritance'.
Another cause of this confusion is the incorrect use of 'instanceof' by the-language designers.
Also constructor-functions mimic classes, especially with the-new-operator.
I have-created a full desktop browser program, which does NOT use a-single custom-constructor!!!
'Instance' is a-specific-concept with no more specifics.
'My-car' is an-instance of 'car'.
Ljs-objects created from constructors ARE NOT INSTANCES of their constructor.
They are instances of Constructor.prototype object.
THEN the-instanceof operator is a design mistake of JavaScript.
The-confusion came from class-based-languages where the-objects are indeed instances of classes.
• version.1.last.minor: lngJs.html 1-5.2016-05-10
• version.1.created: lngJs.1.2016-05-10.html
This page was visited times since {2016.05.04}
Page-path: JavaScript (ljs) ∈ modelInfoWorld ∈ hitp ∈