Table-of-contents-crx is a Google Chrome-Extension which creates an expandable table-of-contents on ANY web-page with heading-elements.
If the page has many headings like scientific-papers, law, spec, help, etc files, this extension makes reading much more EASIER.
* cpt.Table-of-contents-crx,
* cpt.crxToc,
* Table-of-contents-crx-cpt,
* crxToc-cpt,
* old-name: TableOfContents,
URL of the extension:
* tableofcontents/eeknhipceeelbgdbcmchicoaoalfdnhi.
URL of the table-of-contents-crx git-repository at GitHub:
Table-of-contents-crx git-repository is any git-repository with content the source-files of the Table-of-contents-crx.
For NEW pages, I suggest my format which creates automatically the table-of-contents on ANY browser, like the page you are reading.
1) go to extension's Chrome-website, with chrome browser.
2) just press "ADD TO CHROME" button.
1) download the compressed files and uncompress them in a local directory.
2) go to: chrome://extentions
3) check "Developer mode"
4) press "Load unpacked extension..." and find the directory where you have uncopressed it.
The GNU General Public License v3.0.
{2013.06.21} Clicking on content:
Sometimes, because of infinite html code that exists out there,
clicking on TEXT does not work. I hope that clicking on a HEADING always works.
{2010.10.31} ToC-Style:
Some webpages destroy the appearance of toc-tree, because
their style prevails that of the extension.
Feature release:
Hovering a piece of text (instead of clicking) shows its position on ToC.
Feature and bug-fix release:
User interface colored.
Wikepedia's toc has no unneeded information.
Fixed error "web_accessible_resources".
some ids renamed to reflect crxToc, '#idCrxTocTree span' added on css.
Now works well with w3c-standards.
Now works affordably in Wikipedia.
version 6 never released.
- updated for manifest 2.
- new name: Table-of-contents-crx (abbr: crxToc).
- now you can click anywhere in the page and shows this position in toc-tree.
- split-bar has a button which closes the toc with one click.
- misc appearance changes.
The second publication of the project. Minor changes:
- at the end of toc, added note.
- the first children, always are expanded.
- the hide-class is not displayed in toc.
You can download the TableOfContents-repository in either zip or tar formats.
You can also clone the project with Git
by running:
$ git clone git://
You can also download the extension from this site:
• version.2014.1.10.16,
• version.2013.11.11.15,
• version.2013.11.4.14,
• version.2013.11.3.13,
• version.2013.11.3.12,
• version.2013.10.12.11,
• version.2013.9.6.10,
• version.2013.7.28.9,
• version.2013.7.20.8,
• version.2013.7.1.7,
• version.2013.6.21.5,
• version.2013.6.20.4,
• version.2010.12.6.3,
• version.2010.11.14.2,
• version.2010.10.23.1,
• version.2-16.2021-03-14.last.minor: index.html
• version.2-15.2016-10-28.last.minor:
• version.2.2013-06-16.last.minorNo: index.2.2013-06-16.html,
• version.1.2010-12-06.previous: (GitHub) 2010.12.06,
• version.created: 2010.10.28
• email:
• twitter: @synagonism
This page was visited times since {2013-06-20}
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