· oznProduction is a-human-society-organization that MAINLY produces satisfiers for a-society.
· a-producer-ozn also consumes satisfiers.
* McsEngl.filMcsOznPdn.last.html!⇒oznProduction,
* McsEngl.dirStn/filMcsOznPdn.last.html!⇒oznProduction,
* McsEngl.Socozn.production!⇒oznProduction,
* McsEngl.economic-institution!⇒oznProduction,
* McsEngl.economic-organization!⇒oznProduction,
* McsEngl.economic-ozn!⇒oznProduction,
* McsEngl.Socecon'att008-production-ozn!⇒oznProduction,
* McsEngl.Socecon'production-ozn!⇒oznProduction,
* McsEngl.enterprise!⇒oznProduction,
* McsEngl.human-economic-organization!⇒oznProduction,
* McsEngl.oznConsumptionNo!⇒oznProduction,
* McsEngl.oznEcon!⇒oznProduction,
* McsEngl.oznPdcn!⇒oznProduction, {2020-11-07},
* McsEngl.oznPdn!⇒oznProduction,
* McsEngl.oznProduction, {2020-11-07},
* McsEngl.oznProduction//economy!⇒oznProduction,
* McsEngl.oznSatisfier!⇒oznProduction, {2020-09-02},
* McsEngl.oznSfr!⇒oznProduction,
* McsEngl.ozn.economic!⇒oznProduction,
* McsEngl.organization.human.economic!⇒oznProduction,
* McsEngl.oznHouseholdNo!⇒oznProduction, {2020-10-25},
* McsEngl.oznProduction'(organization.economic)!⇒oznProduction,
* McsEngl.producer-organization!⇒oznProduction,
* McsEngl.production-organization!⇒oznProduction,
* McsEngl.satisfier'05_organization!⇒oznProduction,
* McsEngl.satisfier'att012-organization!⇒oznProduction,
* McsEngl.satisfier'organization!⇒oznProduction,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.οργανισμός-παραγωγής!=oznProduction,
"An enterprise is the view of an institutional unit as a producer of goods and services.
The term enterprise may refer to a corporation, a quasi-corporation, an NPI or an unincorporated enterprise."
OpenCorporates has taken a pragmatic and (we think) sensible approach to this, as it changes from country to country and culture to culture: a company is something registered as a company by a company registry."
"A value added tax identification number or VAT identification number (VATIN[1]) is an identifier used in many countries, including the countries of the European Union, for value added tax purposes.
In the EU, a VAT identification number can be verified online at the EU's official VIES[2] website. It confirms that the number is currently allocated and can provide the name or other identifying details of the entity to whom the identifier has been allocated. However, many national governments will not give out VAT identification numbers due to data protection laws."
[{2021-01-22} http://localhost/dWstSgm/dirMiwMcs/filMcsWorld.last.html#idMwsstatCpt]
* McsEngl.VATID'(value-added-tax-identification-number),
* McsEngl.VAT-identification-number,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att031-Vatid,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'Vatid,
* McsEngl.value-added-tax-identification-number,
"The Data Universal Numbering System, abbreviated as DUNS or D-U-N-S, is a proprietary system developed and managed by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) that assigns a unique numeric identifier, referred to as a "DUNS number" to a single business entity. It was introduced in 1963 to support D&B's credit reporting practice. It is standard worldwide. DUNS users include the European Commission, the United Nations, the United States government, and Apple. More than 50 global industry and trade associations recognize, recommend, or require DUNS. The DUNS database contains over 300 million entries for businesses throughout the world.[1]"
* McsEngl.DUNS'(data-universal-numbering-system),
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att032-Duns,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'Duns,
· oznProduction'node is a-part of it which is a-system.
* McsEngl.node-of-oznProduction,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'01_node,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att025-node,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'node,
* ozn'node,
· the-satisfier the-oznProduction manages.
· no satisfier, no economic-organization.
* McsEngl.oznProduction'02_satisfier,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att003-satisfier,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'satisfier,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att033-tax,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'tax,
· the-humans members (that make-up) of the-oznProduction.
* McsEngl.oznProduction'03_hmnMember,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att001-humanHmn,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'hmnMember,
· any member who owns the-organization.
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att007-owner,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'owner,
· any member who works in this organization.
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att008-worker!⇒wkrOznProduction,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'worker!⇒wkrOznProduction,
* McsEngl.wkrOznProduction,
* manager,
* laborer,
*, Online retailer Amazon has added 427,300 new employees to its company this year, increasing its total workforce to 1.2 million.
* McsEngl.manager-of-oznProduction,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att009-manager,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'manager,
* McsEngl.wkrManagerOznSatisfier,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.διαχειριστής!oznProduction'manager,
* McsElln.διευθύνων!oznProduction'manager,
* McsElln.μάνατζερ!oznProduction'manager,
* McsEngl.laborer-of-oznProduction,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att010-laborer,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'laborer,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'managerNo,
* McsEngl.wkrManagerNoOznSatisfier,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.δουλευτής!=oznProduction'laborer,
· any human or ozn related to oznProduction.
* McsEngl.oznProduction'04_stakeholder,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att012-stakeholder,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'stakeholder,
* McsEngl.stakeholder-of-oznProduction,
* hmnMember-of-oznProduction,
* owner-of-oznProduction,
* consumer-of-oznProduction,
* supplier-of-oznProduction,
* government-of-oznProduction,
* trade-union-of-oznProduction,
* community-of-oznProduction,
· the-buyer of its sufisfiers.
* McsEngl.customer-of-oznProduction,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att028-customer,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'customer,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'stakeholder.customer,
· the-humans-subsystem of the-organization.
* McsEngl.oznProduction'05_node.humans,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att029-node.humans,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'node.humans,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'sociality,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att005-sociality,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'sociality,
· the-governance-node of a-satisfier-organization.
* McsEngl.governance-sys-of-oznProduction!⇒gvcOznSfr,
* McsEngl.gvcOznSfr,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'governance-sys!⇒gvcOznSfr,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att002-governance-sys!⇒gvcOznSfr,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'gvc!⇒gvcOznSfr,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'governance-sys!⇒gvcOznSfr,
* gvcOzn,
"26.85 Control is determined to exist if the direct investor owns more than 50 per cent of the voting power in the direct investment enterprise.
Such an enterprise is called a subsidiary.
A significant degree of influence is determined to exist if the direct investor owns from 10 to 50 percent of the voting power in the direct investment enterprise.
Such an enterprise is called an associate.
In order to achieve bilateral consistency and avoid subjective decisions about actual control or influence, these operational definitions should be used in all cases."
* McsEngl.control-of-oznProduction,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att018-control,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'control,
"Corporate law (also known as business law or enterprise law or sometimes company law) is the body of law governing the rights, relations, and conduct of persons, companies, organizations and businesses. The term refers to the legal practice of law relating to corporations, or to the theory of corporations. Corporate law often describes the law relating to matters which derive directly from the life-cycle of a corporation.[1] It thus encompasses the formation, funding, governance, and death of a corporation."
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att013-law,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'law,
· production-node is the-node that does the-production-function.
* McsEngl.producance-node--of-oznProduction, {2020-10-26},
* McsEngl.production-node--of-oznProduction,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'06-node.satisfier,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att026-production-node,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'node.production,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'production-node,
"1.40 The activity of production is fundamental.
In the SNA, production is understood to be a physical process, carried out under the responsibility, control and management of an institutional unit, in which labour and assets are used to transform inputs of goods and services into outputs of other goods and services.
All goods and services produced as outputs must be such that they can be sold on markets or at least be capable of being provided by one unit to another, with or without charge.
The SNA includes within the production boundary all production actually destined for the market, whether for sale or barter.
It also includes all goods or services provided free to individual households or collectively to the community by government units or NPISHs."
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att015-satisfier-producing,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'satisfier-producing,
* McsEngl.production-activity-of-oznProduction,
* McsEngl.production-of-satisfier,
* creating,
* transacting,
** exchanging
** transiting-satisfiers,
** advertising-satisfiers,
* McsEngl.oznProduction',
* McsEngl.oznProduction',
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att027-transacting-node,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'transacting-node,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'node.transacting,
** exchanging
** transiting-satisfiers,
** advertising-satisfiers,
"Finance Department is the part of an organization that is responsible for acquiring funds for the firm, managing funds within the organization and planning for the expenditure of funds on various assets. It is the part of an organization that ensures efficient financial management and financial control necessary to support all business activities.
The contributions of finance department to any company and how these contributions positively affect organisational performance will greatly depend on factors such as the extent to which the owner/ manager is involved in his company. The roles and responsibilities of a finance department include but are not limited to:
a. Bookkeeping
b. Management of company’s cash flow
c. Budgets and forecasting
d. Advising and sourcing longer-term financing
e. Management of Taxes
f. Management of Company’s Investments
g. Financial Reporting and analysis
h. Assist managers in making key strategic decisions"
* McsEngl.financing-sys-of-oznProduction,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att014-financing-sys,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'financing-sys,
"While some people may have a differing opinion, the essential roles and duties of virtually any accounting department should include the following:
* Money out – making payments and keeping the bills paid
* Money in – processing incoming payments
* Payroll – make sure everyone gets paid (including the government)
* Reporting – preparing financial reports, e.g. P&L, Balance sheets and budgets
* Financial Controls – to avoid errors, fraud and theft"
* McsEngl.accounting-department--of-oznProduction,
* McsEngl.accounting-node--of-oznProduction,
* McsEngl.bookeeping-node--of-oznProduction,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att024-accounting-node,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'accounting-node,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'node.accounting,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'07_health,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att006-health,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'health,
· the-place associated with the-organization.
* McsEngl.Pdnplace,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'08_place!⇒Pdnplace,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att011-place!⇒Pdnplace,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'location!⇒Pdnplace,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'place!⇒Pdnplace,
· the-place where it produces its satisfiers.
* McsEngl.Pdnplace.creating,
* McsEngl.creating-place-of-oznProduction,
· the-place where it transacts its satisfiers
* McsEngl.Pdnplace.transacting,
* McsEngl.transacting-place-of-oznProduction,
"26.36 The residence of each institutional unit is the economic territory with which it has the strongest connection, expressed as its centre of predominant economic interest.
An institutional unit is resident in an economic territory when there exists, within the economic territory, some location, dwelling, place of production, or other premises on which or from which the unit engages and intends to continue engaging, either indefinitely or over a finite but long period of time, in economic activities and transactions on a significant scale.
The location need not be fixed so long as it remains within the economic territory.
Actual or intended location for one year or more is used as an operational definition.
While the choice of one year as a specific period is somewhat arbitrary, it is adopted to avoid uncertainty and facilitate international consistency.
Most units have strong connections to only one economy but with globalization, a growing number have strong links to two or more economies."
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att023-residence,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'residence,
* McsEngl.residence-of-oznProduction,
· on misc attributes:
* quantity of workers,
* quantity of output,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'09_size,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att023-size,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'size,
"A company register is a register of legal entities in the jurisdiction they operate under, for the purpose of protection, accountability and control of legal entities"
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att017-register,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'register,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.μητρώο-επιχειρήσεων,
"25.20 Registration.
One interpretation of what is informal is whatever is not registered with some arm of government.
The problems with this criterion are obvious.
Different countries have different practices on registration.
Some may insist that all activities, however small and casual, should be registered; others may be more pragmatic and require activities to be registered only when their turnover exceeds a given amount or when the number of employees exceeds a given number.
Further, whatever the official requirements for registration, the degree of compliance with the requirements will vary according to the extent to which they are enforced in practice.
A definition of the informal sector based on registration is therefore not going to give international comparability or, possibly, comparability over time within a country if the requirements for registration or degree of compliance with the requirements vary"
* McsEngl.oznProduction'misc-attribute,
"Your DUNS number only reveals credit information gathered by one credit bureau—Dun & Bradstreet. Originally known as the Mercantile Agency, Dun & Bradstreet is one of America’s oldest companies. Its founder, Lewis Tappan, created it in 1841 for the purpose of helping merchants establish the creditworthiness of potential customers.
Today, Dun & Bradstreet keeps track of over 265 million businesses worldwide. Over 100 million of those businesses have been assigned a DUNS number. The federal government adopted the DUNS number as its principal business identifier in 1994.
In 1998, the DUNS number was incorporated as the federal government’s contractor identification code. This means that companies without a DUNS number cannot do business with the federal government. This makes a DUNS number invaluable for many small businesses, since government contracts are often stable, lucrative sources of income."
* McsEngl.DUNS-number-of-oznProduction,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'DUNS-number,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'Infrsc,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'doing,
* satisfier-producing,
* satisfier-producingNo,
** satisfier-consuming,
** satisfier-exchanging,
* goal,
* mission,
* governing,
* financing,
* accounting,
* hiring,
* evoluting,
** creating,
** operating,
** stopping-operating,
** dissoluting,
· the-existential-goal is satisfier management.
* McsEngl.oznProduction'10_goal,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att004-goal,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'goal,
· any other than producing doing on satisfiers.
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att016-satisfier-producingNo,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'satisfier-producingNo,
* consuming-satisfier,
* transacting-satisfier,
** exchanging,
** transfering,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'evoluting,
=== McsHitp-creation:
· creation of current concept.
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att019-creation-stage,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'creation-stage,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att020-operation-stage,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'operation-stage,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att021-closure-stage,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'closure-stage,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'att022-dissolution-stage,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'dissolution-stage,
* McsEngl.oznProduction'whole-part-tree,
* ... Sympan.
* McsEngl.oznProduction'generic-specific-tree,
* ozn,
* ... entity.
* McsEngl.oznProduction.specific,
* governance-organization,
* household-oznProduction,
* government-oznProduction,
* pure-oznProduction,
* satisfier-creating-(oznSfrCreating),
* satisfier-creatingNo-(oznSfrCreatingNo),
* McsEngl.oznProduction.specs-division.satisfier-creating,
· on owner:
* private-oznProduction,
* privateNo-oznProduction,
"The International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) is a United Nations industry classification system. Wide use has been made of ISIC in classifying data according to kind of economic activity in the fields of employment and health data.
It is maintained by the United Nations Statistics Division.[1]
ISIC classifies entities by activity. The most detailed categories are defined by combinations of activities described in statistical units, considering the relative importance of the activities included in these classes.
ISIC Rev.4 continues to use criteria such as input, output and use of the products produced, but places additional emphasis on production processes.
ISIC Revision 4 broad structure:
* 1. Agriculture, forestry and fishing,
* 2. Mining and quarrying,
* 3. Manufacturing,
* 4. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply,
* 5. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities,
* 6. Construction,
* 7. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles,
* 8. Transportation and storage,
* 9. Accommodation and food service activities,
* 10. Information and communication,
* 11. Financial and insurance activities,
* 12. Real estate activities,
* 13. Professional, scientific and technical activities,
* 14. Administrative and support service activities,
* 15. Public administration and defence; compulsory social security,
* 16. Education,
* 17. Human health and social work activities,
* 18. Arts, entertainment and recreation,
* 19. Other service activities,
* 20. Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use,
* 21. Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies",
* McsEngl.ISIC'(international-standard-industrial-classification),
* McsEngl.oznProduction.Isic-classification,
"in economic or social surveys collecting data on enterprises, the observation unit can be:
* an enterprise: a legally recognised organisational unit carrying out one or more activities at one or more locations; enterprises are classified into sectors (by NACE) according to their main activity;
* a local unit: an enterprise or part of an enterprise (factory, warehouse, office) situated in one geographically identified place; local units are classified into sectors (by NACE) according to their main activity;
* a kind-of-activity unit: abbreviated as KAU: an enterprise or part of an enterprise which in its entirety can be classified within one activity sector (by NACE);
* a Local kind-of-activity unit: a combination of the previous two: an enterprise or part of an enterprise situated in one geographically identified place which in its entirety can be classified within one activity sector (by NACE);
One enterprise can have a number of local units and/or kind-of-activity units. One local unit can comprise several local kind-of-activity units. It is possible that the main activity of a local unit is not the same as the one of the enterprise to which it belongs."
"The North American Industry Classification System or NAICS (pronounced "nakes"[1]) is a classification of business establishments by type of economic activity (process of production). It is used by government and business in Canada, Mexico, and the United States of America. It has largely replaced the older Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system, except in some government agencies, such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
An establishment is typically a single physical location, though administratively distinct operations at a single location may be treated as distinct establishments. Each establishment is classified to an industry according to the primary business activity taking place there. NAICS does not offer guidance on the classification of enterprises (companies) which are composed of multiple establishments."
* McsEngl.NAICS'(North-American-industry-classification-system),
* McsEngl.North-American-industry-classification-system,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.Naics-classification,
"The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) is a system for classifying industries by a four-digit code. Established in the United States in 1937, it is used by government agencies to classify industry areas. The SIC system is also used by agencies in other countries, e.g., by the United Kingdom's Companies House.[1]
In the United States, the SIC code has been replaced by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS code), which was released in 1997.[2] Some U.S. government departments and agencies, such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), continued to use SIC codes through at least 2019.[3]
The SIC code for an establishment, that is, a workplace with a U.S. address, was determined by the industry appropriate for the overall largest product lines of the company or organization of which the establishment was a part. The later NAICS classification system has a different concept, assigning establishments into categories based on each one's output.[4][5]"
* McsEngl.SIC'(standard-industrial-classification),
* McsEngl.oznProduction.Sic-classification,
* McsEngl.standard-industrial-classification,
"The Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) is an industry taxonomy developed in 1999 by MSCI and Standard & Poor's (S&P) for use by the global financial community. The GICS structure consists of 11 sectors, 24 industry groups, 69 industries and 158 sub-industries[1] into which S&P has categorized all major public companies. The system is similar to ICB (Industry Classification Benchmark), a classification structure maintained by FTSE Group.
GICS is used as a basis for S&P and MSCI financial market indexes in which each company is assigned to a sub-industry, and to an industry, industry group, and sector, by its principal business activity.
"GICS" is a registered trademark of McGraw Hill Financial and MSCI Inc.[2][3]"
* McsEngl.GICS'(global-industry-classification-system),
* McsEngl.oznProduction.Gics,
· economic-sector is a-set of related oznProductions on an-attribute.
* McsEngl.SocPdnSector!⇒sectorPdn,
* McsEngl.economic-sector!⇒sectorPdn,
* McsEngl.industry!⇒sectorPdn,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.004-sector!⇒sectorPdn,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.sector!⇒sectorPdn,
* McsEngl.sectorPdn,
* McsEngl.production-sector!⇒sectorPdn,
* McsEngl.sector!⇒sectorPdn,
* McsEngl.sector-of-oznProduction!⇒sectorPdn,
* McsEngl.sectorPdn!⇒sectorPdn,
* McsEngl.sectorProduction!⇒sectorPdn,
"2.39 Establishments that have the same principal activity are grouped into industries according to the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities Revision 4 (ISIC, Rev.4) (United Nations, 2008a)."
* public-sector,
* private-sector,
* voluntary-sector,
"Organizations that are not part of the public sector are either a part of the private sector or voluntary sector. The private sector is composed of the economic sectors that are intended to earn a profit for the owners of the enterprise. The voluntary, civic or social sector concerns a diverse array of non-profit organizations emphasizing civil society."
* McsEngl.governance-sector!⇒sectorGvc,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.019-sectorGvc!⇒sectorGvc,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.sectorGvc!⇒sectorGvc,
* McsEngl.sectorGvc,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.020-sectorGvcNo,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.sectorGvcNo,
* McsEngl.sectorGvcNo,
· sectorGvcOwned is THE-SET of oznGvcOwned.
· Socgvc is THE-SYSTEM of oznGvc.
"The public sector (also called the state sector) is the part of the economy composed of both public services and public enterprises.
Public sectors include public goods and governmental services such as the military, law enforcement, infrastructure (public roads, bridges, tunnels, water supply, sewers, electrical grids, telecommunications, etc.), public transit, public education, along with health care and those working for the government itself, such as elected officials. The public sector might provide services that a non-payer cannot be excluded from (such as street lighting), services which benefit all of society rather than just the individual who uses the service.[1] Public enterprises, or state-owned enterprises, are self-financing commercial enterprises that are under public ownership which provide various private goods and services for sale and usually operate on a commercial basis.
Organizations that are not part of the public sector are either a part of the private sector or voluntary sector. The private sector is composed of the economic sectors that are intended to earn a profit for the owners of the enterprise. The voluntary, civic or social sector concerns a diverse array of non-profit organizations emphasizing civil society."
* McsEngl.Socgvc'sector!⇒sectorGvcOwned,
* McsEngl.Socgvcsctr!⇒sectorGvcOwned,
* McsEngl.SocsectorGvcOwned!⇒sectorGvcOwned,
* McsEngl.oznGvc.aggregate!⇒sectorGvcOwned,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.009-sectorGvcOwned!⇒sectorGvcOwned,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.sectorGvcOwned!⇒sectorGvcOwned,
* McsEngl.public-sector!⇒sectorGvcOwned,
* McsEngl.sectorGvcOwned,
* McsEngl.state-sector!⇒sectorGvcOwned,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.δημόσιος-τομέας!=sectorGvcOwned,
"A military, also known collectively as armed forces, is a heavily armed, highly organized force primarily intended for warfare. It is typically officially authorized and maintained by a sovereign state, with its members identifiable by their distinct military uniform. It may consist of one or more military branches such as an army, navy, air force, space force, marines, or coast guard. The main task of the military is usually defined as defence of the state and its interests against external armed threats.
In broad usage, the terms "armed forces" and "military" are often treated as synonymous, although in technical usage a distinction is sometimes made in which a country's armed forces may include both its military and other paramilitary forces. There are various forms of irregular military forces, not belonging to a recognized state; though they share many attributes with regular military forces, they are less often referred to as simply "military"."
* McsEngl.armed-forces!⇒oznMili,
* McsEngl.military!⇒oznMili,
* McsEngl.sectorGvcOwned'armed-forces!⇒oznMili,
* McsEngl.oznMili,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.ένοπλες-δυνάμεις!=oznMili,
"The police are a constituted body of persons empowered by a state, with the aim to enforce the law, to ensure the safety, health and possessions of citizens, and to prevent crime and civil disorder.[1][2] Their lawful powers include arrest and the use of force legitimized by the state via the monopoly on violence. The term is most commonly associated with the police forces of a sovereign state that are authorized to exercise the police power of that state within a defined legal or territorial area of responsibility. Police forces are often defined as being separate from the military and other organizations involved in the defense of the state against foreign aggressors; however, gendarmerie are military units charged with civil policing.[3] Police forces are usually public sector services, funded through taxes."
* McsEngl.oznPoli,
* McsEngl.police!⇒oznPoli,
* McsEngl.police-forces!⇒oznPoli,
* McsEngl.sectorGvcOwned'police-forces!⇒oznPoli,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.αστυνομία!=oznPoli,
"A fire department (American English) or fire brigade (British English),[note 1] also known as a fire authority or fire service, is an organization that provides firefighting services. In some areas, they may also provide technical rescue, fire protection, fire investigation, and emergency medical services.
Fire departments are most commonly a public sector organization that operate within a municipality, county, state, nation, or special district. Private and specialist firefighting organizations also exist, such as those for aircraft rescue and firefighting.[1]
A fire department contains one or more fire stations within its boundaries, and may be staffed by firefighters, who may be professional, volunteers, conscripts, or on-call. Combination fire departments employ a mix of professional and volunteer firefighters.[2]"
* McsEngl.oznFireGvc,
* McsEngl.sectorGvcOwned'fire-forces!⇒oznFire,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.πυροσβεστική-υπηρεσία!=oznFire,
* McsEngl.oznHlthGvc,
* McsEngl.sectorGvcOwned'health-sys!⇒oznHlthGvc,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.δημόσιο-σύστημα-υγείας!oznHlthGvc,
* McsEngl.oznEduGvc,
* McsEngl.sectorGvcOwned'education-sys!⇒oznEduGvc,
* McsEngl.governance-owned-oznProduction!⇒oznGvcOwned,
* McsEngl.oznGvcOwned,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.governanceOwned!⇒oznGvcOwned,
· the NON governance-owned-sector.
* McsEngl.oznProduction.010-sectorGvcOwnedNo!⇒sectorGvcOwnedNo,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.sectorGvcOwnedNo!⇒sectorGvcOwnedNo,
* McsEngl.private-sector!⇒sectorGvcOwnedNo,
* McsEngl.sectorGvcOwnedNo,
* McsEngl.sectorPrivate!⇒sectorGvcOwnedNo,
· oznPrivate is an-oznProduction OWNED by state|regional|local governance-systems.
* McsEngl.oznGovernanceOwnedNo!⇒oznGvcOwnedNo,
* McsEngl.oznGvcOwnedNo,
* McsEngl.oznPrivate!⇒oznGvcOwnedNo,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.006-private!⇒oznGvcOwnedNo,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.private!⇒oznGvcOwnedNo,
* McsEngl.private-oznProduction!⇒oznGvcOwnedNo,
* McsEngl.publicNo-oznProduction!⇒oznGvcOwnedNo,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.ιδιωτικός-τομέας!=oznGvcOwnedNo,
· incorporated-oznProduction is an-oznProduction if it is a-legal-entity.
* McsEngl.incorporated-economic-organization!⇒oznSfrIncorporated,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.007-incorporated!⇒oznSfrIncorporated,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.incorporated!⇒oznSfrIncorporated,
* McsEngl.oznSfrIncorporated,
· unincorporated-oznProduction is an-oznProduction if it is-NOT a-legal-entity.
* McsEngl.non-legal-entity--economic-organization!⇒oznSfrIncorporatedNo,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.008-incorporatedNo!⇒oznSfrIncorporatedNo,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.incorporatedNo!⇒oznSfrIncorporatedNo,
* McsEngl.oznSfrIncorporatedNo,
* McsEngl.unincorporated-economic-organization!⇒oznSfrIncorporatedNo,
· local-oznProduction is an-oznProduction carrying out one or more activities at ONE creation-place.
"a local unit: an enterprise or part of an enterprise (factory, warehouse, office) situated in one geographically identified place; local units are classified into sectors (by NACE) according to their main activity;"
* McsEngl.local-oznProduction!⇒oznPdnLocal,
* McsEngl.local-unit!/EuNace!⇒oznPdnLocal,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.013-local!⇒oznPdnLocal,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.local!⇒oznPdnLocal,
· ONE creating-place, ONE production-activities.
"a Local kind-of-activity unit: a combination of the previous two: an enterprise or part of an enterprise situated in one geographically identified place which in its entirety can be classified within one activity sector (by NACE);"
* McsEngl.local-kind-of-activity-unit!/EuNace,
* McsEngl.oznPdnLocal.activityOne,
· one creating-place, many production-activities.
· localNo-oznProduction is an-oznProduction carrying out one or more activities at MORE THAN ONE creation-place.
* McsEngl.localNo-oznProduction!⇒oznPdnLocalNo,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.014-localNo!⇒oznPdnLocalNo,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.localNo!⇒oznPdnLocalNo,
· MANY creating-place, ONE production-activities.
· MANY creating-places, MANY production-activities.
· with one production-activities.
* McsEngl.oznPdnMonoact,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.015-activityOne!⇒oznPdnMonoact,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.activityOne!⇒oznPdnMonoact,
· with many production-activities.
* McsEngl.oznPdnPolyact,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.016-activityMany!⇒oznPdnPolyact,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.activityMany!⇒oznPdnPolyact,
* McsEngl.oznPdnPart,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.017-part!⇒oznPdnPart,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.part!⇒oznPdnPart,
"The kind-of-activity unit (KAU) is a part of an enterprise. The KAU groups together all the offices, production facilities etc. of an enterprise, which contribute to the performance of a specific economic activity defined at class level (four digits) of the European classification of economic activities (NACE Rev. 2.) For example, a kind-of-activity unit might be the combination of all parts of a metal producing enterprise that produce copper (class 24.44 in NACE Rev. 2); within the same enterprise there might be another KAU consisting of those parts that produce aluminium (class 24.42 in NACE Rev. 2). In order to statistically subdivide enterprises into KAUs the enterprise's information system must be capable of indicating or calculating for each KAU at least the value of production, intermediate consumption, manpower costs, the operating surplus, employment and gross fixed capital formation.
The purpose of the KAU is to improve the homogeneity of statistical surveys by economic activity. In the above example, without the use of KAUs, it would be necessary to classify the enterprise either as a copper manufacturer or as an aluminium manufacturer. In such a way rather diverse enterprises might be considered to engage in the same economic activity which would make statistical results less clear and comparable.
The local part of a kind of activity units is called local kind-of-activity unit (LKAU), the term establishment is common as well, e.g. in SNA or ISIC."
* McsEngl.KAU'(kind-of-activity-unit)!/EuNace,
* McsEngl.kind-of-activity-unit!/EuNace,
* McsEngl.oznPdnPart.activityMany,
"An enterprise is an organisational unit producing goods or services which has a certain degree of autonomy in decision-making. An enterprise can carry out more than one economic activity and it can be situated at more than one location. An enterprise may consist out of one or more legal units.
Legal units include legal persons whose existence is recognized by law independently of the individuals or institutions which may own them or are members of them, such as general partnerships, private limited partnerships, limited liability companies, incorporated companies etc. Legal units as well include natural persons who are engaged in an economic activity in their own right, such as the owner and operator of a shop or a garage, a lawyer or a self-employed handicrafts-man.
Most enterprises consist out of one legal unit. According to Eurostat estimations only a very small share of enterprises comprise more than one legal unit. However, in terms of employment or value added these enterprises cover a huge part of the economy. Many of the big companies quoted at the stock exchange are on top of a chain of control of a big number of legal units.
A legal unit may own a second legal unit and this second legal unit may carry out activities solely for this first legal unit. E.g. legal unit A, a limited liability, produces particular goods and legal unit B, a limited liability as well, solely sells these goods. Both units have the same management. In this case they are seen as one single enterprise. Another example may be that legal unit C employs the staff and legal unit D owns the means of production like machines and buildings. A third legal unit E may own and manage these two legal units. Only the units C, D and E together can produce something and hence are to be counted as one enterprise.
Reasons for splitting the organisational unit enterprise into more than one legal unit can be manifold: avoiding taxes or liabilities, different salaries according to the collective wage agreement or avoiding the publication of annual reports are among them. For example, an enterprise with a certain activity might be able to save expenses, if the wages in the collective wage agreement of this activity are higher than e.g. in logistics. In that case it could make sense to single out the transport capacities of this enterprise into a special limited liability. While in the practical organisation of the enterprise nothing has changed, it now legally consists out of two legal units.
In parallel globalisation has contributed further to more complex structures of enterprises. Being active on a market in a country very often requires an enterprise to have a legal unit in that country. The legal units of such an enterprise may be centrally managed from one country, the book-keeping may be carried out centrally from another country, R&D may be done in a country with high wages, parts of the production in countries with low wages. European business statistics serves European and national purposes, data collection in the European Statistical System is organised nationally. In this set-up only the national parts of a multi-national enterprise are registered in statistics and their European parts have to be aggregated to obtain European aggregates. Multi-national enterprises are often very big enterprises with a huge impact on statistics in terms of employment and value added . Thus, a good quality of multi-national enterprise data is crucial for a good quality of European business statistics and necessitates a stepping-up of the collaboration among the European Statistical System. This collaboration is organised in the form of European profiling, a process to delineate complex and large enterprises."
* McsEngl.enterprise!/EuNace!⇒oznPdnPartNo,
* McsEngl.oznPdnPartNo,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.018-partNo!⇒oznPdnPartNo,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.partNo!⇒oznPdnPartNo,
"Trust: A legal entity created to manage assets on behalf of beneficiaries. This can be a useful tool in preserving and managing commons outside the realm of government."
* McsEngl.oznProduction.001-trust!⇒oznTrust,
* McsEngl.oznTrust,
"A trust is a three-party fiduciary relationship in which the first party, the trustor or settlor, transfers ("settles") a property (often but not necessarily a sum of money) upon the second party (the trustee) for the benefit of the third party, the beneficiary.[1]
A testamentary trust is created by a will and arises after the death of the settlor. An inter vivos trust is created during the settlor's lifetime by a trust instrument. A trust may be revocable or irrevocable; in the United States, a trust is presumed to be irrevocable unless the instrument or will creating it states it is revocable, except in California, Oklahoma and Texas, in which trusts are presumed to be revocable until the instrument or will creating them states they are irrevocable. An irrevocable trust can be "broken" (revoked) only by a judicial proceeding.
The trustee is the legal owner of the property in trust, as fiduciary for the beneficiary or beneficiaries who is/are the equitable owner(s) of the trust property. Trustees thus have a fiduciary duty to manage the trust to the benefit of the equitable owners. They must provide a regular accounting of trust income and expenditures. Trustees may be compensated and be reimbursed their expenses. A court of competent jurisdiction can remove a trustee who breaches his/her fiduciary duty. Some breaches of fiduciary duty can be charged and tried as criminal offences in a court of law.
A trustee can be a natural person, a business entity or a public body. A trust in the United States may be subject to federal and state taxation.
A trust is created by a settlor, who transfers title to some or all of his or her property to a trustee, who then holds title to that property in trust for the benefit of the beneficiaries.[2] The trust is governed by the terms under which it was created. In most jurisdictions, this requires a contractual trust agreement or deed. It is possible for a single individual to assume the role of more than one of these parties, and for multiple individuals to share a single role.[citation needed] For example, in a living trust it is common for the grantor to be both a trustee and a lifetime beneficiary while naming other contingent beneficiaries.[citation needed]
Trusts have existed since Roman times and have become one of the most important innovations in property law.[3] Trust law has evolved through court rulings differently in different states, so statements in this article are generalizations; understanding the jurisdiction-specific case law involved is tricky. Some U.S. states are adapting the Uniform Trust Code to codify and harmonize their trust laws, but state-specific variations still remain.
An owner placing property into trust turns over part of his or her bundle of rights to the trustee, separating the property's legal ownership and control from its equitable ownership and benefits. This may be done for tax reasons or to control the property and its benefits if the settlor is absent, incapacitated, or deceased. Testamentary trusts may be created in wills, defining how money and property will be handled for children or other beneficiaries.
While the trustee is given legal title to the trust property, in accepting title the trustee owes a number of fiduciary duties to the beneficiaries. The primary duties owed include the duty of loyalty, the duty of prudence, and the duty of impartiality.[4] Trustees may be held to a very high standard of care in their dealings in order to enforce their behavior. To ensure beneficiaries receive their due, trustees are subject to a number of ancillary duties in support of the primary duties, including duties of openness and transparency, and duties of recordkeeping, accounting, and disclosure. In addition, a trustee has a duty to know, understand, and abide by the terms of the trust and relevant law. The trustee may be compensated and have expenses reimbursed, but otherwise must turn over all profits from the trust properties.
There are strong restrictions regarding a trustee with a conflict of interest. Courts can reverse a trustee's actions, order profits returned, and impose other sanctions if they find a trustee has failed in any of its duties. Such a failure is termed a breach of trust and can leave a neglectful or dishonest trustee with severe liabilities for its failures. It is highly advisable for both settlors and trustees to seek qualified legal counsel prior to entering into a trust agreement."
"In law a settlor is a person who settles property on trust law for the benefit of beneficiaries. In some legal systems, a settlor is also referred to as a trustor, or occasionally, a grantor or donor.[a] Where the trust is a testamentary trust, the settlor is usually referred to as the testator. The settlor may also be the trustee of the trust (where he declares that he holds his own property on trusts) or a third party may be the trustee (where he transfers the property to the trustee on trusts). In the common law of England and Wales, it has been held, controversially, that where a trustee declares an intention to transfer trust property to a trust of which he is one of several trustees, that is a valid settlement notwithstanding the property is not vested in the other trustees.[1]"
[{2020-09-06} ]
* McsEngl.oznTrust'01_trustor,
* McsEngl.oznTrust'att001-trustor,
* McsEngl.oznTrust'donor,
* McsEngl.oznTrust'grantor,
* McsEngl.oznTrust'trustor,
* McsEngl.oznTrust'settlor,
"The trustee is the legal owner of the property in trust, as fiduciary for the beneficiary or beneficiaries who is/are the equitable owner(s) of the trust property. Trustees thus have a fiduciary duty to manage the trust to the benefit of the equitable owners. They must provide a regular accounting of trust income and expenditures. Trustees may be compensated and be reimbursed their expenses. A court of competent jurisdiction can remove a trustee who breaches his/her fiduciary duty. Some breaches of fiduciary duty can be charged and tried as criminal offences in a court of law.
A trustee can be a natural person, a business entity or a public body. A trust in the United States may be subject to federal and state taxation."
* McsEngl.oznTrust'02_trustee,
* McsEngl.oznTrust'att002-trustee,
* McsEngl.oznTrust'trustee,
"Trust: A legal entity created to manage assets on behalf of beneficiaries."
* McsEngl.oznTrust'03_beneficiary,
* McsEngl.oznTrust'att003-beneficiary,
* McsEngl.oznTrust'beneficiary,
· the-satisfiers the-trustee manages.
* McsEngl.oznTrust'04_satisfier,
* McsEngl.oznTrust'asset,
* McsEngl.oznTrust'att004-satisfier,
* McsEngl.oznTrust'property,
* McsEngl.oznTrust'satisfier,
"A cooperative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise."
* McsEngl.cooperative!⇒oznCoop,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.002-coop!⇒oznCoop,
* McsEngl.oznCoop,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.συνεταιρισμός!=oznCoop,
· the-satisfier the-coop manages.
* McsEngl.oznCoop'att004-satisfier,
* McsEngl.oznCoop'satisfier,
* McsEngl.oznCoop'att001-member,
* McsEngl.oznCoop'member,
· the-owners of the-coop.
* McsEngl.cooperator,
* McsEngl.oznCoop'att002-cooperator,
* McsEngl.oznCoop'cooperator,
* McsEngl.oznCoop'owner,
* McsEngl.oznCoop'att003-worker,
* McsEngl.oznCoop'worker,
· any human or ozn related to a-coop.
* McsEngl.oznCoop'att005-stakeholder,
* McsEngl.oznCoop'stakeholder,
· any organization related to oznCoop.
* McsEngl.oznCoop'att006-organization,
* McsEngl.oznCoop'organization,
"The International Cooperative Alliance unites, represents and serves cooperatives worldwide.
Founded in 1895, it is one of the oldest non-governmental organisations and one of the largest ones measured by the number of people represented: 1,2 billion cooperative members on the planet.
It is the apex body representing cooperatives, which are estimated to be around 3 million worldwide, providing a global voice and forum for knowledge, expertise and co-ordinated action for and about cooperatives. Read more about our mission here
The International Cooperative Alliance works with global and regional governments and organisations to create the legislative environments that allow cooperatives to form and grow."
* McsEngl.ICA-International-Cooperative-Alliance,
* McsEngl.International-Cooperative-Alliance,
* McsEngl.oznCoop'International-Cooperative-Alliance,
* McsEngl.oznCoop'att007-governance-sys,
* McsEngl.oznCoop'governance-sys,
"In 1995, the ICA adopted the revised Statement on the Cooperative Identity which contains the definition of a cooperative, the values of cooperatives, and the seven cooperative principles as described below."
* McsEngl.oznCoop'statement-on-cooperative-identity,
* McsEngl.statement-on-cooperative-identity,
A cooperative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.
Cooperatives are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity.
In the tradition of their founders, cooperative members believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others.
The cooperative principles are guidelines by which cooperatives put their values into practice.
1. Voluntary and Open Membership
Cooperatives are voluntary organisations, open to all persons able to use their services and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership, without gender, social, racial, political or religious discrimination.
2. Democratic Member Control
Cooperatives are democratic organisations controlled by their members, who actively participate in setting their policies and making decisions. Men and women serving as elected representatives are accountable to the membership. In primary cooperatives members have equal voting rights (one member, one vote) and cooperatives at other levels are also organised in a democratic manner.
3. Member Economic Participation
Members contribute equitably to, and democratically control, the capital of their cooperative. At least part of that capital is usually the common property of the cooperative. Members usually receive limited compensation, if any, on capital subscribed as a condition of membership. Members allocate surpluses for any or all of the following purposes: developing their cooperative, possibly by setting up reserves, part of which at least would be indivisible; benefiting members in proportion to their transactions with the cooperative; and supporting other activities approved by the membership.
4. Autonomy and Independence
Cooperatives are autonomous, self-help organisations controlled by their members. If they enter into agreements with other organisations, including governments, or raise capital from external sources, they do so on terms that ensure democratic control by their members and maintain their cooperative autonomy.
5. Education, Training, and Information
Cooperatives provide education and training for their members, elected representatives, managers, and employees so they can contribute effectively to the development of their co-operatives. They inform the general public - particularly young people and opinion leaders - about the nature and benefits of co-operation.
6. Cooperation among Cooperatives
Cooperatives serve their members most effectively and strengthen the cooperative movement by working together through local, national, regional and international structures.
7. Concern for Community
Cooperatives work for the sustainable development of their communities through policies approved by their members.
* McsEngl.oznCoop'evoluting,
* McsEngl.{1895}-International-Cooperative-Alliance-creation,
"The International Cooperative Alliance was founded in London, England on 19 August 1895 during the 1st Cooperative Congress. In attendance were delegates from cooperatives from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, England, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, India, Italy, Switzerland, Serbia, and the USA.
Representatives established the International Cooperative Alliance's aims to provide information, define and defend the Cooperative Principles and develop international trade. It was one of the only international organisations to survive both World War I and World War II.
Overcoming all the political differences between its members was difficult, but the ICA survived by staying committed to peace, democracy, and by remaining politically neutral."
"Housing coops come in many forms. Some coops are townhouses and small buildings with just a handful of units. Others are large apartment-style buildings with hundreds of units. Coops are different from private rental housing because the residents decide how the coop is operated. Every member gets a vote in approving annual budgets, electing directors and setting policies on the coop’s overall direction."
* McsEngl.housing-cooperative!⇒oznCoopHouse,
* McsEngl.oznCoop.001-house!⇒oznCoopHouse,
* McsEngl.oznCoopHouse,
"consumer (user), producer (provider) and multistakeholders health co‐operatives which seek to provide high‐quality, cost‐effective community health care based on freedom of choice, integration of services, and ethical working conditions."
* McsEngl.oznCoop.002-helth!⇒oznCoopHelth,
* McsEngl.oznCoop.helth!⇒oznCoopHelth,
* McsEngl.oznCoopHelth,
* McsEngl.oznCoop.003-retail!⇒oznCoopRetail,
* McsEngl.oznCoop.retail!⇒oznCoopRetail,
* McsEngl.oznCoopRetail,
* McsEngl.oznCoop.004-agricultural!⇒oznCoopAgricultural,
* McsEngl.oznCoop.agricultural!⇒oznCoopAgricultural,
* McsEngl.oznCoopAgricultural,
* McsEngl.oznCoop.005-fisheries!⇒oznCoopFisheries,
* McsEngl.oznCoop.fisheries!⇒oznCoopFisheries,
* McsEngl.oznCoopFisheries,
* McsEngl.oznCoop.006-banking!⇒oznCoopBanking,
* McsEngl.oznCoop.banking!⇒oznCoopBanking,
* McsEngl.oznCoopBanking,
* McsEngl.oznCoop.007-insurance!⇒oznCoopInsurance,
* McsEngl.oznCoopInsurance,
"A worker cooperative is a cooperative that is owned and self-managed by its workers. This control may mean a firm where every worker-owner participates in decision-making in a democratic fashion, or it may refer to one in which management is elected by every worker-owner who each have one vote."
* McsEngl.oznCoop.008-worker!⇒oznCoopWorker,
* McsEngl.oznCoop.worker!⇒oznCoopWorker,
* McsEngl.oznCoopWorker,
* McsEngl.worker-cooperative!⇒oznCoopWorker,
* WORLD DECLARATION ON WORKER COOPERATIVES, Approved by the ICA General Assembly in Cartagena, Colombia, on 23 September 2005:,
* McsEngl.oznCoop.009-customer!⇒oznCoopCustomer,
* McsEngl.oznCoop.customer!⇒oznCoopCustomer,
* McsEngl.oznCoopCustomer,
· an-oznProduction related to techInfo.
* McsEngl.oznProduction.003-techInfo!⇒oznTechInfo,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.techInfo!⇒oznTechInfo,
* McsEngl.oznTechInfo,
* McsEngl.techInfo'att004-oznProduction!⇒oznTechInfo,
* McsEngl.techInfo'oznProduction!⇒oznTechInfo,
* McsEngl.oznTechInfo.sector!⇒sectorTechInfo,
* McsEngl.sectorTechInfo,
· social-production-organization is oznGvcNo that solves social-problems.
· an-oznGvc by definition solves social-problems.
· no transparency, no social-company.
* McsEngl.oznProduction.011-social!⇒oznSocial,
* McsEngl.oznSocial,
· plant and animal production oznProduction.
* McsEngl.oznProduction.012-aggricultural!⇒oznAgro,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.aggricultural!⇒oznAgro,
====== langoGreek:
* McsElln.αγροτικός-οργανισμός!=oznAgro,
* animal-oznAgro,
* plant-oznAgro,
* digital-oznAgro,
* McsEngl.oznPdnNew,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.021-new!⇒oznPdnNew,
* McsEngl.oznEdu,
* McsEngl.oznProduction.022-education!⇒oznEdu,
* McsEngl.oznEdu'satisfierEdu!⇒sfrEdu,
* McsEngl.sfrEdu,
* McsEngl.oznEdu'public-spending,
* McsEngl.public-spending-on-education,
* McsEngl.oznEdu'teacher!⇒wkrTeacher,
* McsEngl.teacher!⇒wkrTeacher,
* McsEngl.wkrTeacher,
* McsEngl.worker.teacher!⇒wkrTeacher,
* McsEngl.sectorPdnEdu,
* McsEngl.oznEdu.aggregate!⇒sectorPdnEdu,
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